Let us take another bean and plant it in a pot of earth, and leave it to grow there. If we keep the earth moist and warm, the bean will soon grow into a plant, and will put forth green leaves.,
[p1]可是, 大豆在生长的时候, 两片肥厚的子叶就会渐渐凋谢, 变得干枯。
[p1]But as the plant grows, the two fat seed-leaves wither away and become thin and dry.
At first the good stuff in them serves as food for the young bean; but when its new leaves and its roots have grown big and strong, they themselves take food for the plant from the earth and from the air. The leaves take in air through many tiny holes which are on their under - sides. The roots suck in water and other things from the ground.,
Would you like to see a plant grow up quickly from a seed? Then spread some mustard-seed on a piece of flannel, and keep the flannel moist with water in a saucer. It will only be a day or two before the young plants spring up. They will grow best if you keep the saucer in a dark place.,
Or, would you like to see an acorn grow into a little oak? Take the acorn out of its cup, and hang it, with the point downwards, from a piece of wood lying across the top of a glass or of a bottle with a wide neck.,
Now pour water into the bottle until the water just touches the tip of the acorn. Keep the bottle in a dark place for a few days, and the young shoots will soon appear. A little white root will grow down into the water, and a small stem with a few green leaves on it will rise up into the air.,
小朋友也可以这么种栗子, 过上大概一个月, 小小的栗子树就会从种子里长出来了。,
You may do the same thing with a chestnut, and in that case also a pretty little tree will grow in a month or so from the seed.,
要是杯子(瓶子)里的水少了, 就要再往里倒水, 让水面碰到橡子或者栗子的尖儿。
More water should be poured into the glass as it is needed, so as to keep the water just touching the point of the acorn or the chestnut.,