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(1). God supported His last Prophet Muhammad with many miracles and much evidence which proved that he is a true Prophet sent by God.
(2). Also, God supported His last revealed book, the Holy Quran, with many miracles that prove that this Quran is the literal word of God, revealed by Him, and that it was not authored by any human being. This chapter discusses some of this evidence.
(3). The Scientific Miracles in the Holy Quran
(4). The Quran is the literal word of God, which He revealed to His Prophet Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel.
(5). It was memorized by Muhammad , who then dictated it to his Companions. They, in turn, memorized it, wrote it down, and reviewed it with the Prophet Muhammad .
(6). Moreover, the Prophet Muhammad reviewed the Quran with the Angel Gabriel once each year and twice in the last year of his life.
(7). From the time the Quran was revealed until this day, there has always been a huge number of Muslims who have memorized all of the Quran, letter by letter. Some of them have even been able to memorize all of the Quran by the age of ten.
(8). The Quran, which was revealed fourteen centuries ago, mentioned facts only recently discovered or proven by scientists.
(9). This proves without doubt that the Quran must be the literal word of God, revealed by Him to the Prophet Muhammad, and that the Quran was not authored by Muhammad or by any other human being.
(10). This also proves that Muhammad is truly a prophet sent by God. It is beyond reason that anyone fourteen hundred years ago would have known these facts discovered or proven only recently with advanced equipment and sophisticated scientific methods.
(11). The Quran on Human Embryonic Development: In the Holy Quran, God speaks about the stages of man’s embryonic development
(12). We created man from an extract of clay. Then We made him as a drop in a place of settlement, firmly fixed. Then We made the drop into an alaqah (leech, suspended thing, and blood clot), then We made the alaqah into a mudghah(chewed substance)...
(13). Literally, the Arabic word alaqah has three meanings: (1)leech, (2)suspended thing, and (3)blood clot.
(14). In comparing a leech to an embryo in the alaqah stage, we find similarity between the two2 as we can see in Fig. 1. Also, the embryo at this stage obtains nourishment from the blood of the mother, similar to the leech, which feeds on the blood of others
(15). Figure 1: Drawings illustrating the similarities in appearance between a leech and a human embryo at the alaqah stage.
(16). The second meaning of the word alaqah is “suspended thing.” This is what we can see in figures 2 and 3, the suspension of the embryo, during the alaqah stage, in the womb of the mother.
(17). Figure 2: We can see in this diagram the suspension of an embryo during the alaqah stage in the womb (uterus)of the mother. (Click on the image to enlarge it.)
(18). Figure 3: In this photomicrograph, we can see the suspension of an embryo (marked B)during the alaqah stage (about 15 days old)in the womb of the mother. The actual size of the embryo is about 0.6 mm.
(19). The third meaning of the word alaqah is “blood clot.” We find that the external appearance of the embryo and its sacs during the alaqah stage is similar to that of a blood clot. This is due to the presence of relatively large amounts of blood
(20). Also during this stage, the blood in the embryo does not circulate until the end of the third week. Thus, the embryo at this stage is like a clot of blood.
(21). Diagram of the primitive cardiovascular system in an embryo during the alaqah stage.
(22). So the three meanings of the word alaqah correspond accurately to the descriptions of the embryo at the alaqah stage.
(23). The next stage mentioned in the verse is the mudghah stage. The Arabic word mudghah means “chewed substance.”
(24). If one were to take a piece of gum and chew it in his or her mouth and then compare it with an embryo at the mudghah stage, we would conclude that the embryo at the mudghah stage acquires the appearance of a chewed substance.
(25). This is because of the somites at the back of the embryo that “somewhat resemble teethmarks in a chewed substance.”
(26). Photograph of an embryo at the mudghah stage (28 days old). The embryo at this stage acquires the appearance of a chewed substance, because the somites at the back of the embryo somewhat resemble teeth marks in a chewed substance.
(27). Figure 6: When comparing the appearance of an embryo at the mudghah stage with a piece of gum that has been chewed, we find similarity between the two.
(28). A)Drawing of an embryo at the mudghah stage. We can see here the somites at the back of the embryo that look like teeth marks.
(29). Photograph of a piece of gum that has been chewed.
(30). How could Muhammad have possibly known all this 1400 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered this using advanced equipment and powerful microscopes which did not exist at that time?
(31). Hamm and Leeuwenhoek were the first scientists to observe human sperm cells (spermatozoa)using an improved microscope in 1677 (more than 1000 years after Muhammad).
(32). They mistakenly thought that the sperm cell contained a miniature preformed human being that grew when it was deposited in the female genital tract.
(33). Professor Emeritus Keith L. Moore8 is one of the world’s most prominent scientists in the fields of anatomy and embryology and is the author of the book entitled The Developing Human, which has been translated into eight languages.
(34). This book is a scientific reference work and was chosen by a special committee in the United States as the best book authored by one person.
(35). Dr. Keith Moore is Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. There, he was Associate Dean of Basic Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and for 8 years was the Chairman of the Department of Anatomy.
莫尔教授是从加拿大多伦多的多伦多大学解剖学与细胞生物学系荣誉退休的教授。他曾任该校医学院基础科学副院长,并在解剖学系任职系主任长达8年。....(please sign in for more)
(36). In 1984, he received the most distinguished award presented in the field of anatomy in Canada, the J.C.B. Grant Award from the Canadian Association of Anatomists.
在1984年,他获得由加拿大解剖学者协会颁发的加拿大解剖学领域的最高奖项J.C.B.。....(please sign in for more)
(37). He has directed many international associations, such as the Canadian and American Association of Anatomists and the Council of the Union of Biological Sciences.
他曾经指导过许多国际性的协会,如加拿大和美国解剖学者协会以及生物科学联合会理事会....(please sign in for more)
(38). In 1981, during the Seventh Medical Conference in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, Professor Moore said: “It has been a great pleasure for me to help clarify statements in the Quran about human development.
1981年,在沙特阿拉伯达曼(Dammam)举行的第7届医药大会上,莫尔教授说:“能为阐明古兰经关于人类发育的论述而尽绵薄之力,我深感荣幸。....(please sign in for more)
(39). It is clear to me that these statements must have come to Muhammad from God, because almost all of this knowledge was not discovered until many centuries later. This proves to me that Muhammad must have been a messenger of God.”
我明确地认为,这些论述一定是真主告诉穆罕默德的,因为几乎所有这些知识都是好几个世纪以后才为人类所发现。这证明,穆罕默德一定是真主的使者。”....(please sign in for more)
(40). Consequently, Professor Moore was asked the following question: “Does this mean that you believe that the Quran is the word of God?” He replied: “I find no difficulty in accepting this.”
然后,听众向莫尔教授提出以下问题:“您相信古兰经是真主的言论吗?”他回答:“我认为这一点是无庸置疑的。”10....(please sign in for more)
(41). Because the staging of human embryos is complex, owing to the continuous process of change during development, it is proposed that a new system of classification could be developed using the terms mentioned in the Quran and Sunnah (what Muhammad said, did
人类胚胎经历一连串的发育变化过程,其阶段划分十分复杂,因此有人建议,可利用古兰经和圣行(穆罕默德所说、所行..之事)中提到的一些用语来发展新的分类系统。....(please sign in for more)
(42). The proposed system is simple, comprehensive, and conforms with present embryological knowledge.
所建议的这一系统既简单又全面,并且符合现在胚胎学知识。....(please sign in for more)
(43). The intensive studies of the Quran and hadeeth (reliably transmitted reports by the Prophet Muhammad’s companions of what he said, did, or approved of)in the last four years have revealed a system for classifying human embryos
过去四年中对古兰经和圣训(由先知穆罕默德的追随者忠实地将穆罕默德的所说、所行或所默许之事纪录而成)的深入研究揭示了一种人类胚胎的分类系统....(please sign in for more)
(44). Although Aristotle, the founder of the science of embryology, realized that chick embryos developed in stages from his studies of hen’s eggs in the fourth century B.C., he did not give any details about these stages.
虽然胚胎学之父亚里斯多德(Aristotle)在公元前4世纪在对母鸡下蛋的研究中就提出小鸡胚胎有好几个发育阶段,但并未列举出有关这些阶段的细节。....(please sign in for more)
(45). As far as it is known from the history of embryology, little was known about the staging and classification of human embryos until the twentieth century.
就胚胎学的历史而言,在20世纪之前,人们对人类胚胎的发育阶段和分类都知知甚少。....(please sign in for more)
(46). For this reason, the descriptions of the human embryo in the Quran cannot be based on scientific knowledge in the seventh century. The only reasonable conclusion is: these descriptions were revealed to Muhammad from God.
因此,古兰经中关于人类胚胎的阶段划分并非奠基于7世纪的科学知识。唯一合理的结论是:这些描述都是真主告诉穆罕默德的。....(please sign in for more)
(47). He could not have known such details because he was an illiterate man with absolutely no scientific training.”
他不可能早就知道这些细节,因为他是个完全没受过教育的文盲。”....(please sign in for more)
(48). A book entitled Earth is a basic reference textbook in many universities around the world.
有一本名为Earth[地球]的书是全球多所大学的基本参考教科书。....(please sign in for more)
(49). One of its two authors is Professor Emeritus Frank Press. He was the Science Advisor to former US President Jimmy Carter, and for 12 years was the President of the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
普雷斯教授是此书的两位作者之一。他曾是美国前总统卡特的科学顾问,并任职华盛顿特区国家科学院主席长达12年。....(please sign in for more)
(50). These roots are deeply embedded in the ground, thus, mountains have a shape like a peg (see figures 7, 8, and 9).
这些根深植于土地,因此山看起来像是木桩....(please sign in for more)
(51). Schematic section. The mountains, like pegs, have deep roots embedded in the ground.
截面示意图。状似木桩的山有植入土地深根。....(please sign in for more)
(52). Modern earth sciences have proven that mountains have deep roots under the surface of the ground (see figure 9)and that these roots can reach several times their elevations above the surface of the ground.
现代地球科学已证明山在地表下有深根(参阅图9),而且这些根可在地表上形成多处隆起。....(please sign in for more)
(53). So the most suitable word to describe mountains on the basis of this information is the word ‘peg,’ since most of a properly set peg is hidden under the surface of the ground.
因此,根据此信息来描述山的最合适的词语就是“木桩”,因为布设木桩最适当的方法莫过于将它们埋藏在地表之下。....(please sign in for more)
(54). The history of science tells us that the theory of mountains having deep roots was introduced only in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
科学发展的进程显示:“山拥有深根”的理论是在十九世纪末才提出的。....(please sign in for more)
(55). Mountains also play an important role in stabilizing the crust of the earth.4 They hinder the shaking of the earth.
同时,山也起着稳定地球外壳的重要作用。4它们阻止地球晃动。....(please sign in for more)
(56). God has said in the Quran: And He has set firm mountains in the earth so that it would not shake with you...
真主在古兰经中说道:他在大地上安置许多山岳,以免大地动荡,而你们不得安居.......(please sign in for more)
(57). Likewise, the modern theory of plate tectonics holds that mountains work as stabilizers for the earth.
同样,现代板块构造理论也支持山可以起到稳定地球的作用。....(please sign in for more)
(58). This knowledge about the role of mountains as stabilizers for the earth has just begun to be understood in the framework of plate tectonics since the late 1960’s.
自60年代末,关于山可以起到地球稳定装置的作用这一认识才因板块构造结构而为人们所了解。....(please sign in for more)
(59). Could anyone during the time of the Prophet Muhammad have known of the true shape of mountains? Could anyone imagine that the solid massive mountain which he sees before him actually extends deep into the earth and has a root, as scientists assert?
有任何与先知穆罕默德同时代的人知道山的真正形状吗?在科学家得出论断之前,有任何人能想象平日所见坚实且巨大的山竟然深植于地球并拥有根?....(please sign in for more)
(60). A large number of books of geology, when discussing mountains, only describe that part which is above the surface of the earth. This is because these books were not written by specialists in geology.
大量的地质学书籍对山的探讨都限于描述它们在地表上的部份。这是因为这些书籍并非地质学专家著述。....(please sign in for more)
(61). Islam provides many benefits for the individual and the society. This chapter mentions some of the benefits gained through Islam for the individual.
伊斯兰教为个人及社会带来很多益处。本章讨论伊斯兰教为个人带来的部分益处。....(please sign in for more)
(62). God has also said: Race one with another for forgiveness from your Lord and for Paradise, whose width is as the width of the heavens and the earth, which has been prepared for those who believe in God and His messengers....
真主也说过:你们应当争取从你们的主发出的赦宥,和与天地一样广阔的乐园--为信仰真主和众使者的人们而准备的乐园........(please sign in for more)
(63). The Prophet Muhammad told us that the lowest in rank among the dwellers of Paradise will have ten times the like of this world,and he or she will have whatever he or she desires and ten times like it.
先知穆罕默德告诉我们,最下层的天堂居民将拥有比现在世界好上十倍的生活,1且他或她将拥有所要的任何东西,并好上十倍。....(please sign in for more)
(64). Also, the Prophet Muhammad said: A space in Paradise equivalent to the size of a foot would be better than the world and what is in it. He also said: In Paradise there are things which no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no human mind has thought of
此外,先知穆罕默德说:{天堂中的一寸之地犹胜于世界及其中的一切事物。他还说:{天堂中拥有人类未曾目睹、未曾耳闻且无法想象的事物。....(please sign in for more)
(65). He also said: The most miserable man in the world of those meant for Paradise will be dipped once in Paradise.
他还说:{世界上最不幸的人一旦进入天堂也将浸淫于天堂之乐。....(please sign in for more)
(66). Then he will be asked, “Son of Adam, did you ever face any misery? Did you ever experience any hardship?” So he will say, “No, by God, O Lord! I never faced any misery, and I never experienced any hardship.”
然后他将被问道:“亚当之子,你曾经面对任何不幸吗?你曾经遇到任何苦难吗?”接着他将回答:“没有,我的真主,我的主!我不曾面对任何不幸,并不曾经遇到任何苦难。”....(please sign in for more)
(67). If you enter Paradise, you will live a very happy life without sickness, pain, sadness, or death; God will be pleased with you; and you will live there forever.
如果你进入天堂,你会过着极为快乐的生活,没有病痛、痛苦、哀伤或死亡;真主将带给你欢乐,且你将永远生活在天堂中。....(please sign in for more)
(68). God has said in the Quran: but those who believe and do good deeds, We will admit them to gardens (Paradise)in which rivers flow, lasting in them forever....
真主在古兰经中说:信道而且行善者,我将使他们入下临诸河的乐园(天堂),而永居其中........(please sign in for more)
(69). So, this life is our only chance to win Paradise and to escape from Hellfire, because if someone dies in disbelief, he will not have another chance to come back to this world to believe.
因此,我们的一生是唯一可到达天堂并免受地狱火之苦的机会,因为如果某人去世时仍不信教,他就没有机会重返这个世界来信教。....(please sign in for more)
(70). But no one will have this second opportunity.
但无人可第二次拥有此机会。....(please sign in for more)
(71). God has said in the Quran:Those who have disbelieved and died in disbelief, the earth full of gold would not be accepted from any of them if one offered it as a ransom. They will have a painful punishment, and they will have no helpers.
真主在古兰经中说道:在世时没有信道,临死时仍不信道的人,即使以满地的黄金赎罪,也不被接受。这等人将受痛苦的刑罚,他们绝没有任何援助者。....(please sign in for more)
(72). The Prophet Muhammad said: The happiest man in the world of those doomed to the Fire (Hell)on the Day of Judgment will be dipped in the Fire once. Then he will be asked, “Son of Adam, did you ever see any good? Did you ever experience any blessing?”
先知穆罕默德说道:{即使是这个世界最快乐的人,一旦在审判日被定罪,也将身陷烈火的煎熬。然后他将被问道:“亚当之子,你曾经目睹任何美妙事物吗?你曾经得到任何祝褔吗?”....(please sign in for more)
(73). On the other hand, the one who turns away from the Quran will have a life of hardship in this world.
另一方面,背叛古兰经的人将在这个世界中过着困顿的生活。....(please sign in for more)
(74). This may explain why some people commit suicide while they enjoy the material comfort money can buy.
这可以解释为某些人在享有金钱并可以买到舒适的生活时,为什么仍会选择自杀。....(please sign in for more)
(75). For example, look at Cat Stevens (now Yusuf Islam), formerly a famous pop singer who used to earn sometimes more than $150,000 a night. After he converted to Islam, he found true happiness and peace, which he had not found in material success.2
例如,让我们看看以前的著名流行歌手史帝文斯(CatStevens)(现在他的名字是“尤瑟夫伊斯兰(YusufIslam)”),他有时一晚能赚到15万美元以上。在他改信伊斯兰教之后,他找到真正的快乐与平....(please sign in for more)
(76). When someone converts to Islam, God forgives all of his previous sins and evil deeds. A man called Amr came to the Prophet Muhammad and said, “Give me your right hand so that I may give you my pledge of loyalty.”
当人们转信伊斯兰教,真主会宽恕他之前的所有罪行及恶行。一名叫做阿玛(Amr)的人碰到先知穆罕默德并说道:“给我你的右手,让我对你立下忠诚誓约。”....(please sign in for more)
(77). The Prophet asked: (What condition do you intend to put forward?) Amr said, “That God forgive my sins.” The Prophet said: (Didn’t you know that converting to Islam erases all previous sins?)1
先知问:{你要提出什么条件?}阿玛说:“真主宽恕我的罪行。”先知说:{你不知道改信伊斯兰教可免除先前所有罪行吗?....(please sign in for more)
(78). After converting to Islam, the person will be rewarded for his or her good and bad deeds according to the following saying of the Prophet Muhammad : (Your Lord, Who is blessed and exalted, is most merciful.
根据先知穆罕默德的以下言论,改信伊斯兰教后,不论该人的善行或恶行,均可得到回报:{你神圣及崇高的真主是最仁慈的。....(please sign in for more)
(79). If someone intends to do a good deed but does not do it, a good deed will be recorded for him. And if he does do it, (a reward of)ten to seven hundred or many more times (the reward of the good deed), will be recorded for him.
如果某人想要行善却做不到,仍会为其记上善行。而如果做到了,将为其记录(奖赏)十到七百或更多次(善行奖赏)。....(please sign in for more)
(80). And if someone intends to do a bad deed but does not do it, a good deed will be recorded for him. And if he does do it, a bad deed will be recorded against him or God will wipe it out.}2
如果某人想行恶却没有这么做,则会为其记下善行。如果他做了,将为其记下恶行,或者真主将拭去它。}2....(please sign in for more)
(81). Belief in God: Muslims believe in one, unique, incomparable God, Who has no son nor partner, and that none has the right to be worshipped but Him alone.
信仰真主:穆斯林信仰一位、唯一且无与伦比的真主,他既无儿子也无伙伴,且除了他本身,没有值得崇敬之主。....(please sign in for more)
(82). He is the true God, and every other deity is false. He has the most magnificent names and sublime perfect attributes. No one shares His divinity, nor His attributes.
他是真正的真主,其它的主都是假的。他拥有最显赫的名声及高尚的完美特性。没有主可与其共享他的主格,及其特性。在古兰经中,真主自述....(please sign in for more)
(83). No one has the right to be invoked, supplicated, prayed to, or shown any act of worship, but God alone.
除了真主本身,没有人有权利被召唤、祈祷、祷告,或显示任何崇拜。....(please sign in for more)
(84). God alone is the Almighty, the Creator, the Sovereign, and the Sustainer of everything in the whole universe. He manages all affairs. He stands in need of none of His creatures, and all His creatures depend on Him for all that they need.
唯有真主是全能、造物者、主宰及宇宙万物的支持者。他主宰万物。他独占高峰,且万物倚赖其提供所需。....(please sign in for more)
(85). He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing, and the All-Knowing. In a perfect manner, His knowledge encompasses all things, the open and the secret, and the public and the private.
他耳听一切、望穿万物且无所不知。他的知识完美地涵盖万物,无论已知及未知,以及公众且私人。....(please sign in for more)
(86). He knows what has happened, what will happen, and how it will happen. No affair occurs in the whole world except by His will. Whatever He wills is, and whatever He does not will is not and will never be.
他知道已发生之事、将发生之事及其发生原因。世界发生之事物皆为其授意。随其意志而行,非出于其意志者不会也绝不可行。....(please sign in for more)
(87). His will is above the will of all the creatures. He has power over all things, and He is able to do everything.
其意志凌驾万物意志之上。其权力超乎万物,且为所欲为。....(please sign in for more)
(88). Examples of the Prophet Muhammad’s Sayings
先知穆罕默德的言论范例....(please sign in for more)
(89). The believers, in their love, mercy, and kindness to one another are like a body: if any part of it is ill, the whole body shares its sleeplessness and fever.}
信教者之间的爱、怜悯与仁慈犹如一个躯体:如果任何部分生病,整个躯体即会发烧并难以成眠。....(please sign in for more)
(90). (The most perfect of the believers in faith are the best of them in morals. And the best among them are those who are best to their wives.
最虔诚的信教者将拥有最高的道德。而其中的佼佼者是对妻室最好的人。....(please sign in for more)
(91). {None of you believes (completely)until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.
直到你钟爱自已的弟兄如同钟爱自己一般,你才算(完全)信教。....(please sign in for more)
(92). He is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and the Most Beneficent. In one of the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad , we are told that God is more merciful to His creatures than a mother to her child.1 God is far removed from injustice and tyranny.
他极为亲切、仁慈及慈善。先知穆罕默德的一则言论提到,我们被告知真主对万物之仁慈,犹胜母亲之于子女。1真主致力去除不正义及专制。....(please sign in for more)
(93). He is All-Wise in all of His actions and decrees. If someone wants something from God, he or she can ask God directly without asking anyone else to intercede with God for him or her.
他的行为与教令是全智的。若某人想自真主取得所需,他(她)可直接要求真主,而不需要求任何人代为转达。....(please sign in for more)
(94). God is not Jesus, and Jesus is not God.2 Even Jesus himself rejected this.
真主不是耶稣,耶稣亦非真主。2即使耶稣本身也如此认为。....(please sign in for more)
(95). God has said in the Quran: Indeed, they have disbelieved who have said, “God is the Messiah (Jesus), son of Mary.”
真主已在古兰经中说道:妄言真主就是玛丽亚之子麦西哈的人,确已不信道了。....(please sign in for more)
(96). The Messiah said, “Children of Israel, worship God, my Lord and your Lord. Whoever associates partners in worship with God, then God has forbidden Paradise for him, and his home is the Fire (Hell). For the wrongdoers,3 there will be no helpers.”
麦西哈曾说:“以色列的后裔啊!你们当崇拜真主--我的主,和你们的主。谁以物配主,真主必禁止谁入乐园,他的归宿是火狱。不义的人,3绝没有任何援助者....(please sign in for more)
(97). God is not a trinity. God has said in the Quran:Indeed, they disbelieve who say, “God is the third of three (in a trinity),” when there is no god but one God.
真主不是三位一体。真主已在古兰经中说道:妄言真主确是三位中的一位的人,确已不信道了。除独一的主宰外,绝无应受崇拜的。....(please sign in for more)
(98). If they desist not from what they say, truly, a painful punishment will befall the disbelievers among them. Would they not rather repent to God and ask His forgiveness? For God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
如果他们不停止妄言,那末,他们中不信道的人,必遭痛苦的刑罚。难道他们还不向真主悔罪,求得宽恕吗?真主是至赦的,是至慈的。....(please sign in for more)
(99). Islam rejects that God rested on the seventh day of the creation, that He wrestled with one of His angels, that He is an envious plotter against mankind, or that He is incarnate in any human being.
伊斯兰教不主张真主在出生后第七天休息、他与其一位天使搏斗、他是对抗人类的忌妒阴谋者,或他是任何人类的化身。....(please sign in for more)
(100). Islam also rejects the attribution of any human form to God. All of these are considered blasphemous. God is the Exalted. He is far removed from every imperfection. He never becomes weary. He does not become drowsy nor does he sleep.
伊斯兰教也不主张任何人类化身为真主。这些主张都是亵渎真主的。真主是神圣的。他已远离各种不完美。他从不消沉。他不会困倦亦不需睡眠。....(please sign in for more)