(1). 1:The schoolhouse fell into disrepair and was overrun with mice and roaches, which fell from the ceiling as he ate. 2:Mould grew on his clothes. 3:He broke his kneecap, but had to work on. 4:Two men ran away, and one of them was found frozen dead in a ditch; for a time the building was padlocked. 5:Eleven men had already been retired and returned to Texas, but he was not sent, so he stayed and went on with the work. 6:It was a long way back home, and possibly no one would know him any more.
(2). 1:When he walked into town he still smiled, as uncomplaining as ever. 2:No one could tell the horrors from his face. 3:But some had had suspicions for a while. 4:In 1979 a reporter from the Des Moines Register had made inquiries. 5:Nothing changed. 6:The federal Labour Department noted in 1998 that Henry’s was underpaying its workers, but did not impose a fine. 7:The Iowa Department of Human Services was alerted, but concluded that the men were Texans and therefore not theirs.