(1). Its main weapon was, and remains, state control of television, which repeats endlessly the risible claim that Venezuela is a victim of an economic war.
(2). Broadcasts by the president can last as long as a double-feature.
(3). Lacking Chavez’s charisma, Mr Maduro hopes to come across as cuddly in his up-close-and-personal videos (and a salsa show on radio).
没有了查韦斯那样的感召力,Maduro 先生希望通过他录制的近距离小视频可以给人们留下好印象。
(4). Venezuelans are not beguiled.
(5). The films show a falta de respeto (lack of respect), many say.
(6). “I think he actually enjoys laughing at us,” says Daniel Torres, an engineering student.
一个工程系的学生Daniel Torres说:“我觉得他以嘲笑我们为乐趣。”
(7). Venezuelans are especially annoyed by a video of the president, resplendent in a white tracksuit, playing catch with Diosdado Cabello, the thuggish former president of the national assembly.
委内瑞拉人民尤其很讨厌其中的一个视频,在视频中,总统身着高档白色运动服和Diosdado Cabello(残暴的前国民大会议长)玩棒球。
(8). “A democratic game, a constitutional game,” sniggers Mr Cabello.
Diosdado Cabello暗笑道,“棒球是大众的游戏,保健的游戏”。
(9). He helped plan many of the government’s assaults on democracy, including a botched attempt in March to transfer the powers of the legislature, now controlled by the opposition, to the supreme court, which takes orders from the government.
Diosdado Cabello帮助计划了许多次对政府民主制度的攻击,包括在三月试图转移立法机关权利的一次失败尝试,听命于政府的最高法院现在被反对党控制了。
(10). “We are working,” promises Mr Maduro, as he tosses the ball back to his partner in misrule.
(11). For Alberto Barrera Tyszka, an essayist, the video shows the “decadence” of chavismo.
评论家Alberto Barrera Tyszka认为这个视频表明了查尔斯主义的衰落。
(12). The images of frolicking well-fed politicians are an insult to the “poverty of Venezuelans”, most of whom have lost weight over the past two years, he has written.
(13). One of Mr Maduro’s clips shows him driving through a poor neighbourhood of Caracas to show off the apparent cheerfulness of the locals.
(14). A wall scrawled with the words, “Maduro, murderer of students”, is clearly visible as he drives past, but not to the oblivious president.
(15). Chavistas used to be good at propaganda.
(16). Now they cannot even get that right.