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经济学人:法律与穷人 The law and the poor


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(1). Finance and Economics;Free exchange;The law and the poor;
(2). Courts in emerging markets are better for the poor than many assume;
(3). 1:In December India’s cabinet approved a “right to food” bill that would give two-thirds of the population a right—supposedly enforceable in law—to cheap food.
2:Parliament must still give its approval, but the idea is part of a trend.
3:Indian law already promises the right to education, health and paid work.
4:And India is one of many countries that incorporate social and economic rights into their constitutions, and use the courts to enforce those rights.
5:Indonesia’s Constitutional Court issued rulings in 2004-06 requiring the government to boost education spending.
6:South Africa’s highest court obliged a reluctant president, Thabo Mbeki, to launch various anti-HIV/AIDS programmes.
(4). 1: Using the law as an instrument of social policy might seem perverse.
2: Until now the balance of academic opinion has been that the courts do little to help the poor.
3: In theory, the law is not supposed to discriminate in anyone’s favour.
4: In practice, the rich tend to do well in the courts because the poor cannot afford to go to law themselves (they rely on cases brought by others); because the law is said to favour property owners; and because, as Anatole France, a French novelist, sardonically put it, “The majestic equality of the laws prohibits the rich and the poor alike from sleeping under bridges, begging in the streets and stealing bread.”
4: 但实际上,富人通常能在法庭上获得更有利的结果。究其原因,首先是穷人常常因为无力承担相关诉讼费用而不能主动地利用法律;其次,法律也被认为更有利于财产拥有者。法国小说家Anatole France不无讽刺地说道:“崇高的法律公平地禁止富人和穷人在桥下留宿、上街乞讨和偷窃面包。”
(5). But a new study, by Daniel Brinks of the University of Texas at Austin and Varun Gauri of the World Bank, takes issue with this view. The law’s record, they argue, is mixed: pro-poor in some countries, regressive in others. But on balance it is much better for the poor than conventional wisdom suggests.
但是,最近发表的一份研究报告提出了与主流看法不同的意见。报告的作者分别是来自德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的Daniel Brinks和世界银行的Varun Gauri。他们认为,穷人的法律境况因国而异,某些国家的法律更有利于穷人,另一些则不然。但就整体而言,穷人的法律境遇要比传统观点认为的好许多。
(6). 1: The authors argue there are three kinds of legal case. Some involve regulation, some obligation, some provision.
2: Regulation cases force a government to change the rules to improve access to a basic right.
3: Obligation cases change the behaviour of those obliged to give a rights-based service (for example, by spelling out what rights patients have to information about medical treatment).
4: Provision cases demand some new good or service (for example, does the law require the state to give AIDS drugs to HIV-positive prisoners?).
5: Regulation cases offer most hope for the poor, the authors reckon, because the benefits are universal.
6: Obligation cases are least likely to help, because rulings usually affect only those who already receive a service.
7: With provision cases, it depends on how broad a ruling’s application may be.
1: Daniel Brinks和Varun Gauri将现实中的案件分为三种类型,分别涉及法规regulation、义务obligation和条款provision。
(7). 1:The authors then look at five countries, all emerging markets but with different levels of income, different legal traditions (some common law, some civil code) and different histories of using the law for social policy.
2:They calculate what proportion of the benefits resulting from legal judgments under rights-based laws go to the poorest 40% of the population in each country.
1:Daniel Brinks和Varun Gauri研究时将目光集中在五个有着不同收入水平和法律体系(习惯法和民法)的新兴市场国家,这些国家利用法律为社会政策服务的历史也各有千秋。
(8). 1: India, they find, has been most successful by this measure.
2: Its courts are the most likely to take up regulation cases which raise broad policy issues.
3: The authors reckon Indian rulings have pushed up first-grade enrolment of girls by 10% a year, bringing 7m children into school-feeding programmes.
4: Despite serious problems with enforcement, 84% of the benefits of relevant rulings, they think, have gone to the poorest two–fifths.
5: South Africa also uses regulation cases extensively. Here, the poor received three-quarters of the benefits of legal rulings on health and 100% of the gains from education rulings.
3: Daniel Brinks和Varun Gauri认为,印度通过制订法规将700万儿童纳入学校午餐计划,将该国女孩的基础教育入学率在一年内提高了10%。
(9). 1:Compared with India, Brazil and South Africa, Indonesia has had few court cases on broad social matters.
2:Among those few are the rulings which pushed education spending up dramatically.
3:But since state education in Indonesia tends to help the middle class most, the effect was still mildly regressive: 36% of the benefits went to the two poorest quintiles.
4:Even that was better than in Nigeria where, the authors reckon, three-quarters of the benefits were captured by the rich.
5:This was partly because many Nigerian cases concerned universities (one suit, for example, looked at whether people had a right to establish private ones).
2:但是,由于中产阶级在该国教育体系中受益最大,因此印度尼西亚的法律环....(please sign in for more)
(10). Majestic results
崇高的结论....(please sign in for more)
(11). 1: So the empirical evidence is mixed. But it does not support the view that the law is an elite game, fixed to serve the interests of the rich and educated.
2: When the authors aggregate their national studies, they conclude that 55% of the benefits that flow from the various legal decisions accrue to the poorest 40%.
3: Such calculations are, inevitably, rough and ready. Ideally, one should compare the costs and benefits of going to law with those of pursuing the same policy objectives in parliament—which is hard to measure.
4: It is also an open question whether a “right to food”—ie, an obligation for someone else to provide it—is the best way to help the poor.
5: A targeted cash-transfer programme, which makes welfare payments conditional on recipients’ actions, may work better.
6: More broadly, it is far from clear that society as whole benefits when unelected judges mandate potentially costly social spending.
7: That said, the study is still a revelation: courts are more majestic than decades of received wisdom have suggested.
2: Daniel Brinks和Varun Gauri将各国的研究结果....(please sign in for more)