(1). The leader of a coup in Mali appointed Bah Ndaw, a former defence minister, as transitional president. The EU and America have suspended military aid to the country, which is fighting jihadists.
(2). America announced new sanctions on people and entities linked to Iran’s nuclear programme. America also said it was unilaterally reimposing a UN arms embargo on Iran, a move the un Security Council has refused to recognise.
(3). Protesters in Thailand marched to the royal palace to demand reforms to the monarchy. Many wore crop tops and temporary tattoos to mock King Vajiralongkorn, who did not respond. He was in Germany, where he spends most of his time.
(4). Anwar Ibrahim, the leader of Malaysia’s opposition, announced that he had the support of enough mps to bring the coalition that ran the country until seven months ago back to power. But the king, to whom he must present his claim to power, is in hospital.
马来西亚反对党领袖安瓦尔·易卜拉欣(Anwar Ibrahim)宣布,他已获得足够多的议员的支持,足以让7个月前执政的联合政府重新掌权。但国王正在住院,他必须向国王请示权力。
(5). 1:The area of the Arctic covered by sea ice shrank to 3.74m sq km in mid-September, the second-lowest figure in 40 years of record-keeping.
2:The decline was most rapid in early September, caused in part by a heatwave in Siberia.
3:Falling temperatures are helping the ice to return, but the 14 lowest extents of the ice have all been recorded over the past 14 years.
(6). The WHO said that the global number of new infections had reached a weekly high of 2m. In the Netherlands the number of new cases hit a weekly record of nearly 13,500, up by 60% from the previous week.
(7). The number of daily coronavirus infections reached a new high in Israel. Officials say hospitals are approaching their capacity. The government tightened a nationwide lockdown. Iran reported its most cases in a day. Its official cumulative total is now 433,000, though the true figure is much higher.
(8). UEFA, Europe’s football governing body, was criticised for allowing 20,000 fans to attend a match in Budapest between Bayern Munich and Sevilla.
欧洲足球管理机构欧足联(UEFA)因允许2万名球迷观看在布达佩斯举行的拜仁慕尼黑(Bayern Munich)与塞维利亚(Sevilla)的比赛而受到批评。
(9). America’s Centres for Disease Control issued advice for Halloween. Trick-or-treating, costume masks and parties are discouraged; carving pumpkins with your family is okay.