||1:Identifying survivors was just the first challenge.||2:Robam boran dancers start training when they are six years old, and have to learn thousands of different positions to achieve the required balance of technical perfection and spiritual poise.||3:One of the festival’s highlights—to be shown at the Brooklyn Academy of Music—is “The Legend of Apsara Mera”, which includes a dance that Princess Buppha Devi made famous.||4:Among the performers are two young stars of the genre, Chap Chamroeun Mina and Chey Sophea.
||1:第一项挑战就是确认幸存者。||2:Robam boran 舞蹈家在6岁的时候就开始接受训练,并且得学习数千种不同的姿势以达到技术上的完美和心灵上的镇静所需的平衡。||3:这次艺术节的一个亮点—将在布鲁克林音乐学院上演—是“仙女梅拉的传奇”,当中包括因布法提毗而成名的一种舞蹈。||4:在表演者中有两位风俗画的新星,章姜米娜和谢伊索菲亚。
||1: Mr Hamidi’s enemies, most of them businessmen offended by his cleaning-up exercises, called him a puppet of the Karzais, their dog on a leash. That infuriated him. ||2: Yes, he had sold 10,000 acres of land to Mahmoud Karzai, another brother, to build the exclusive Aino Mina estate, but that was the best such project in Afghanistan, beautiful houses that would be the city’s best source of income for a decade. ||3: Some powerbrokers he needed to befriend. ||4: He dared to walk the streets openly,grinning and kissing children and yelling at men who were relieving themselves in the road, because he also had the protection of Abdul Razak, the police chief; but Colonel Razak watched the flow of narcotics across the nearby Pakistan border, and his force was not above suspicion.
Hatch is attending attend classes with his PTSD service dog, Mina . She has already become popular with other students, he says. His biggest worries are that he is too old and might not make friends. He is also worried that he might not be able to do the work.
Socio-linguist Komlan Essizewa says that today many young urban Togolese switch among several languages, these include the Mina language spoken in cities.
社会语言学家Komlan Essizewa表示,如今许多多哥的城市年轻人转向了若干种语言,其中包括城里说的Mina语。
1.(A) A unit of weight formerly used in the Middle East, especially in Mesopotamia and Palestine, and in Egypt. (b) A unit of weight formerly used in ancient Greece, equal to 1/60th of a talent and 100 drachmas.
2.A monetary unit formerly used in Greece and the Middle East, equivalent to the weight of one mina in silver. (Rendered ‘pound’ in some English translations of the N.T.).
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