dead still 查询结果如下:
The legacy of that disastrous decision, which contributed to a famine that left tens of millions dead, still weighs heavily on rural China.
#Coronavirus latest:-Cases top 784,000; 37,600 dead, 165,000 recovered: Johns Hopkins-New York City deaths jump by 16% in six hours-White House and congressional Democrats prepare for a fourth round of stimulus-China reports 48 new cases, all imported
#冠状病毒最新消息: - 病例数超过784,000; 37,600人死亡,165000康复:约翰霍普金斯大学, - 纽约市的死亡数6个小时跳升16%,白宫和国会民主党人准备第四轮刺激政策,-China报告48例新病例,全部境外输入。
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Barr is absolutely right about the Mueller testimony being a public spectacle... that’s all it ever was.Democrats’ Mueller messaging isn’t breaking through because no one cares—they want focus on their lives, not on the political collusion fantasy that was dead long ago.
巴尔认为穆勒的证词就是公开的猜测,绝对正确......这就是它的全部。民主党的穆勒消息并没有突破性进展,因为没有人关心 - 人们希望专注于他们的生活,而不是关注很久以前就已经寿终正寝的政治勾结幻想。
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Danube River tour boat sinking:-7 people dead, 21 missing-Tour boat carried 33 South Korean passengers and two Hungarian crew members-Vessel collided with another boat and sank
多瑙河游船沉没:-7人死亡,21人失踪- 这艘船载有33名韩国乘客和两名匈牙利船员-该船与另一艘船相撞并沉没
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A college student got into a car she thought was her Uber, police say. She was found dead in a field.“Thoughts and prayers, candlelight vigils, don’t solve problems like this“: Security awareness expert RobertSiciliano has some tips on how to stay safe
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The U.S. government wanted him in jail. A Colombian cartel wanted him dead. A man who duped drug lords and the DEA tells his story.
美国政府希望他入狱。一个哥伦比亚的卡特尔想让他死。一个骗过毒枭和毒品管制局(Drug Enforcement Agency
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A Dutch national held captive in the Philippines by the Islamic State-inspired Abu Sayyaf group was shot dead on Friday as he attempted to flee
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President Trump’s approval rating is the second-worst of any president on record and he is dead last in disapproval rating.After good news on his most visible scandal, that’s a bad sign
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Wow, @FoxNews did great in the ratings. CNN is dead as a door nail(no credibility), and MSNBC is dying fast. @foxandfriends and @MariaBartiromo are doing great!
哇,@ FoxNews在收视率方面做得很好。 CNN已经被钉上棺材钉了(没有信誉),MSNBC正在快速走向死亡。 @foxandfriends和@MariaBartiromo做得很棒!
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The Philippines wants backyard pig farmers to be more vigilant in monitoring for African swine fever after dozens of the animals were found dead in cities in Manila
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dead as a door nail
1. Definitively dead.确定无疑已经死了,没有一丝希望了 (Doornails were hammered in a such a way that they could not be reused.)I poked that squirrel with a stick and, yeah, it’s as dead as a doornail.2. Totally defunct.(完全无用了)That idea from last week’s meeting is dead as a doornail now that the CEO has vetoed it.
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Excerpts from Dead and Gone
Dead and Gone 是一本新书的名字,大意是说“节选自dead and gone”
翻译成> 怎么样? 我的看法,请高手点评.
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General Thomas gave up the sword for the plough in 1987.It is regrettable that our appeal remains a dead letter.Many voices have been raised demanding the setting up of an Arab common market.
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I understand your concern but I also want you to try to cut down on the telephone expenses because it bothers me.You must also remember that I’m not dead but just distance that exists between us.Please you have to stop acting as if you have lose me.
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The legacy of that disastrous decision, which contributed to a famine that left tens of millions dead, still weighs heavily on rural China.
#Coronavirus latest:-Cases top 784,000; 37,600 dead, 165,000 recovered: Johns Hopkins-New York City deaths jump by 16% in six hours-White House and congressional Democrats prepare for a fourth round of stimulus-China reports 48 new cases, all imported
#冠状病毒最新消息: - 病例数超过784,000; 37,600人死亡,165000康复:约翰霍普金斯大学, - 纽约市的死亡数6个小时跳升16%,白宫和国会民主党人准备第四轮刺激政策,-China报告48例新病例,全部境外输入。
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Barr is absolutely right about the Mueller testimony being a public spectacle... that’s all it ever was.Democrats’ Mueller messaging isn’t breaking through because no one cares—they want focus on their lives, not on the political collusion fantasy that was dead long ago.
巴尔认为穆勒的证词就是公开的猜测,绝对正确......这就是它的全部。民主党的穆勒消息并没有突破性进展,因为没有人关心 - 人们希望专注于他们的生活,而不是关注很久以前就已经寿终正寝的政治勾结幻想。
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Danube River tour boat sinking:-7 people dead, 21 missing-Tour boat carried 33 South Korean passengers and two Hungarian crew members-Vessel collided with another boat and sank
多瑙河游船沉没:-7人死亡,21人失踪- 这艘船载有33名韩国乘客和两名匈牙利船员-该船与另一艘船相撞并沉没
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
A college student got into a car she thought was her Uber, police say. She was found dead in a field.“Thoughts and prayers, candlelight vigils, don’t solve problems like this“: Security awareness expert RobertSiciliano has some tips on how to stay safe
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The U.S. government wanted him in jail. A Colombian cartel wanted him dead. A man who duped drug lords and the DEA tells his story.
美国政府希望他入狱。一个哥伦比亚的卡特尔想让他死。一个骗过毒枭和毒品管制局(Drug Enforcement Agency
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A Dutch national held captive in the Philippines by the Islamic State-inspired Abu Sayyaf group was shot dead on Friday as he attempted to flee
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President Trump’s approval rating is the second-worst of any president on record and he is dead last in disapproval rating.After good news on his most visible scandal, that’s a bad sign
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Wow, @FoxNews did great in the ratings. CNN is dead as a door nail(no credibility), and MSNBC is dying fast. @foxandfriends and @MariaBartiromo are doing great!
哇,@ FoxNews在收视率方面做得很好。 CNN已经被钉上棺材钉了(没有信誉),MSNBC正在快速走向死亡。 @foxandfriends和@MariaBartiromo做得很棒!
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
The Philippines wants backyard pig farmers to be more vigilant in monitoring for African swine fever after dozens of the animals were found dead in cities in Manila
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dead as a door nail
1. Definitively dead.确定无疑已经死了,没有一丝希望了 (Doornails were hammered in a such a way that they could not be reused.)I poked that squirrel with a stick and, yeah, it’s as dead as a doornail.2. Totally defunct.(完全无用了)That idea from last week’s meeting is dead as a doornail now that the CEO has vetoed it.
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Excerpts from Dead and Gone
Dead and Gone 是一本新书的名字,大意是说“节选自dead and gone”
翻译成> 怎么样? 我的看法,请高手点评.
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General Thomas gave up the sword for the plough in 1987.It is regrettable that our appeal remains a dead letter.Many voices have been raised demanding the setting up of an Arab common market.
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I understand your concern but I also want you to try to cut down on the telephone expenses because it bothers me.You must also remember that I’m not dead but just distance that exists between us.Please you have to stop acting as if you have lose me.
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独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。