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    ||1:How did she manage all this Mr Moore shows that it took more than ideological certainty and personal stubbornness.||2:Mrs Thatcher had a gift for seeing when the time was ripe and when it was not.||3:She had a natural bond with what Richard Nixon called the silent majority.||4:She had an actor’s gift for putting on a good show.||5:Mrs Thatcher’s opponents repeatedly played into her hands: Heath, the titular leader of the Tory ditherers , known as the “wets”, was a repulsive figure who grew more repulsive with age and Michael Foot, the Labour leader, had an unfortunate habit of dressing like a scarecrow.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政治 一本记录撒切尔夫人传奇人生的传记 -

    ||1:Margaret Thatcher grows with the turning of the pages.||2:She summons up extraordinary personal resources not just to break with the old order but to put a new one in its place.||3:None of this was easy.||4:The entire Thatcherite project was frequently in danger of faltering, as unemployment soared, cities burned and the ditherers conspired.||5:The situation became so dire in 1981 that Mrs Thatcher’s advisers sent her a memo castigating her management style and warning that she would soon be joining Edward Heath on the backbenches.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政治 一本记录撒切尔夫人传奇人生的传记 -

    But the divide between ditherers and hotheads still matters.


