例句1. the company is hoping to establish an office in Moscow
形容词 变体/同根词
动词 变体/同根词
(c)to a service supplier that is a juridical person, if it establishes that it is not a service supplier of another Member, or that it is a service supplier of a Member to which the denying Member does not apply the WTO Agreement
3)The trustor establishes a trust by using illegal properties or properties that are prohibited by this Law from being used to establish a trust;
The S-A node is often called the pacemaker of the heart because it establishes the basic rhythm at which the heart beats.
Under section 105(a)of CERCLA, a section of the NCP known as the national hazardous substance response plan establishes procedures and standards for responding to releases of hazardous substances
And to ensure that the People’s Court establishes the truth based on facts, distinguishes right from wrong, applies laws correctly, handles civil cases promptly
This International Standard establishes audit procedures that provide for the planning and conduct of an audit of an EMS to determine conformance with EMS audit criteria。
This national standard establishes general principles for
This national standard establishes a system for ……
This paper establishes convergence properties of a new algorithm.
The Standards Commission establishes standards for methods of diagnosing diseases of animals and for testing biological products, such as vaccines, used for control purposes.
Article 203. Whoever establishes organs for securities registration and account settlement, or organs that provide securities trading services, without a securities regulatory body’s authorization, shall be ordered by the body to mend its ways. Its illegitimate income shall be confiscated, and it shall be fined for a sum that is between one and five times that of its illegitimate income. If the case is serious, it shall be ordered to close.
第二百零三条 未经证券监督管理机构批准,擅自设立证券登记结算机构或者证券交易服务机构的,由证券监督管理机构予以取缔,没收违法所得,并处以违法所得一倍以上五倍以下的罚款。情节严重的,责令关闭。
Article 28. The following provisional anti-dumping measures may be applied if the preliminary determination establishes the existence of dumping and the injury caused by dumping to a domestic industry:
Article 29 If a person, in violation of the provisions of this Law, enters or leaves China illegally, establishes illegal residence or makes an illegal stopover in China, travels to places closed to aliens without a valid travel document, forges or alters an entry or exit certificate, uses another person’s certificate as his own or transfers his certificate, he may be penalized by a public security organ at or above the county level with a warning, a fine or detention for not more than ten days.
第二十九条 对违反本法规定,非法入境、出境的,在中国境内非法居留或者停留的,未持有效旅行证件前往不对外国人开放的地区旅行的,伪造、涂改、冒用、转让入境、出境证件的,县级以上公安机关可以处以警告、罚款或者十日以下拘留处罚;
Article 29 The State establishes the land statistical system.
Article 25 A unit that establishes permanent surveying markers shall set up distinct signs for such markers.
第二十五条 建设永久性测量标志的单位应当对永久性测量标志设立明显标记。
Article 25 The State formulates plans for the development of education and establishes and runs schools and other institutions of education.
第二十五条 国家制定教育发展规划,并举办学校及其他教育机构。
Article 60 The state establishes the system of financial allocation as the main source to be supplemented by raising funds for higher education through various other channels to make the development of the cause of higher education to be commensurate with the level of economic and social development.
第六十条 国家建立以财政拨款为主、其他多种渠道筹措高等教育经费为辅的体制,使高等教育事业的发展同经济、社会发展的水平相适应。
Article 6 The state formulates higher education development planning, establishes institutions of higher learning and adopts various forms to actively develop the cause of higher education in accordance with the requirements of economic construction and social development.
第六条 国家根据经济建设和社会发展的需要,制定高等教育发展规划,举办高等学校,并采取多种形式积极发展高等教育事业。
Article 75 If anyone, in violation of the relevant regulations of the State, establishes schools or other institutions of education, such schools or institutions shall be dissolved by the administrative department of education; the unlawful gains, if any, shall be confiscated; the leading persons directly in charge and other persons directly responsible for it shall be given administrative sanctions according to law.
第七十五条 违反国家有关规定,举办学校或者其他教育机构的,由教育行政部门予以撤销;有违法所得的,没收违法所得;对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,依法给予行政处分。
Article 71 Where an administrative organ establishes an administrative license in violation of Article 17 of the Law, it shall be ordered to get right by the relevant organ, or the administrative license shall be annulled in accordance with the law
第七十一条 违反本法第十七条规定设定的行政许可,有关机关应当责令设定该行政许可的机关改正,或者依法予以撤销。
Article 32 The State encourages and supports the development of advanced technology for energy conservation, determines the priority and direction for the endeavor, establishes and keeps improving the service system for such technology, and fosters and standardizes the market for it.
第三十二条 国家鼓励、支持开发先进节能技术,确定开发先进节能技术的重点和方向,建立和完善节能技术服务体系,培育和规范节能技术市场。
Article 39 The State Council establishes the state flood control headquarters responsible for leading and organizing the flood control and flood fighting work nationwide, with its agency in the water conservancy administrative department under the State Council.
Article 37. If a final determination establishes the existence of dumping and injury caused by dumping to a domestic industry, an anti-dumping duty may be imposed. Collection of anti-dumping duty shall conform to the public interests.
[Article 3] The State Council establishes the Customs General Administration to govern uniformly all Customs in the country.
第三条 国务院设立海关总署,统一管理全国海关。
Article 3 The State establishes strict control over guns.
Article 12 If the trust a trustor establishes has harmed the interests of the creditor, the creditor shall have the right to apply to the people’s court for canceling the trust.
第十二条 委托人设立信托损害其债权人利益的,债权人有权申请人民法院撤销该信托。
Article 10 The Arbitration Commission establishes a Panel of Arbitrators. The arbitrators are selected and appointed by the Arbitration Commission from among Chinese and foreign persons with professional knowledge and practical experience in the fields of law, economics and trade, science and technology, etc.
第十条 仲裁委员会设立仲裁员名册 , 仲裁员由仲裁委员会从对法律、经济贸易、科学技术等方面具有专门知识和实际经验的中外人士中聘任。
属类:法学专业-中国法律-中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则( 2000 )
Article 11 To meet the needs of developing a socialist market economy and promoting social progress, the State carries forward educational reform, fosters a coordinated development of education at various levels and of various types, and establishes and improves a system of life-long education.
第十一条 国家适应社会主义市场经济发展和社会进步的需要,推进教育改革,促进各级各类教育协调发展,建立和完善终身教育体系。
Article 48 The State promotes physical culture and sports education, establishes various types of colleges, schools, departments and specialties of physical culture and sports to nurture professional personnel in such fields as sports, training and coaching, Physical Education teaching, scientific research, management and mass sports.
第四十八条 国家发展体育专业教育,建立各类体育专业院校、系、科,培养运动、训练、教学、科学研究、管理以及从事群众体育等方面的专业人员。
Article 42 An institution of higher learning establishes an academic committee for the review of such relevant academic matters as setting up of disciplines and specialties, proposals of teaching plan and scientific research plan, and evaluate achievements in teaching and scientific research.
第四十二条 高等学校设立学术委员会,审议学科、专业的设置,教学、科学研究计划方案,评定教学、科学研究成果等有关学术事项。
1.Achieve permanent acceptance or recognition for.
‘the principle of the supremacy of national parliaments needs to be firmly _established_ ’
‘he had _established_ himself as a film star’
2.Ensure that one’s remaining cards in (a suit) will be winners (if not trumped) by playing off the high cards in that suit.
‘the right plan would be to _establish_ dummy’s diamonds’
‘You now leave him with his trump winner, and _establish_ clubs.’
3.Initiate or bring about (contact or communication)
‘the two countries _established_ diplomatic relations in 1992’
‘Subsequently, I visited each community to _establish_ personal contact with the deaf people and their families.’
4.Introduce (a character, set, or location) into a film or play and allow its identification.
‘ _establish_ the location with a wide shot’
‘The film wastes little time _establishing_ the main characters and their inter-relationships.’
5.Set up on a firm or permanent basis.
‘the scheme was _established_ in 1975’
‘It will be the first licensed international brokerage firm to be _established_ in Abu Dhabi.’
6.Show (something) to be true or certain by determining the facts.
‘the police _established_ that the two passports were forgeries’
‘The source of these huge amounts of iron has not yet been _established_ with certainty.’
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。