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    deal blows to tax evaders and dodgers



    Tax evaders are most often sympathetic individuals with very common occupations and problems, much like those experienced by the general public.



    ||1:Some countries are likely to set up special arrangements, with reduced penalties, to encourage non-compliant taxpayers to bring money home now rather than wait to be caught once the new system kicks in, probably in 2017.||2:The deal also increases pressure on banks to identify the ultimate owners of shell companies and trusts, behind which tax evaders often hide.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-避税 数据革命 -

    ||1:Greece has still not convicted any prominent tax evaders , despite promising international creditors that the worst offenders would go to jail.||2:The government is about to name a special secretary for tax affairs, in line with a request from officials from the European Commission, the IMF and the European Central Bank who are supervising economic reforms.||3:The new tax supremo will have his work cut out.

    ||1:尽 管希腊曾向国际债权人承诺,将会惩罚那些情节严重者甚至将其送至监狱,但该国依然没有给任何一个逃税大户定罪。||2:根据监督希腊经济改革的机构,即欧盟委员会(European Commission)、国际货币基金组织(IMF)和欧洲中央银行(European Central Bank)官员的要求,希腊政府正筹划任命负责税收事务的特别官员。||3:新任税务长官的工作将与其他政府工作分而治之。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-拉加德名单问世 瑞士不再是贪官的金融避风港 -

    ||1:Those most embarrassed by the revelations are two former socialist finance ministers, George Papaconstantinou, and his successor, Evangelos Venizelos, now leader of Pasok (the PanHellenic Socialist Movement).||2:In 2010 Mr Papaconstantinou requested the list, put together by a former HSBC employee, from Christine Lagarde, then his counterpart in France.||3:He asked Ioannis Kapeleris, the head of SDOE, the Greek financial police, to check out ten names.||4:Although they turned out to be suspected tax evaders , Mr Papaconstantinou never pursued the matter.||5:The CDs containing the names and a copy made on a USB stick were “mislaid”, Mr Papaconstantinou told parliament.||6:The next head of SDOE, Ioannis Diotis, a former public prosecutor, told Mr Venizelos an investigation into the stolen list could face legal problems.||7:The matter was quietly dropped.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-严惩逃漏税者 希腊富豪们的好日子即将终结 -

    Still, the pace of change has been remarkable. Global information exchange, unthinkable a decade ago, is within reach. Tax evaders can be ingenious, but their options are narrowing fast.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-避税 数据革命 -

    ||Yannis Stournaras, the current finance minister, a technocrat, has asked Paris to send another copy of the list, which dates from 2007. Yet it may still be hard to catch up with tax evaders .|| According to Mr Kapeleris, delays in digitising tax records have meant that many documents going back more than five years are shredded.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-严惩逃漏税者 希腊富豪们的好日子即将终结 -

    But perhaps the most valuable short-term effect of gunning for tax evaders is to persuade those who do pay up to keep doing so.



    Tax evaders will get a chance to come clean and pay a reduced penalty under a long-awaited amnesty unveiled yesterday.



    He recently described tax evaders as "leeches" .



    Agents are not permitted to friend suspected tax evaders using false information; however, public information is perfectly acceptable.



    The Tube station didn’t have any human guards after dark, just a CCTV to record the fare evaders .



    The UK’s new-found determination to get tough on tax evaders reflects self-interest as much as principle.



    Since Mr Papandreou became prime minister, his government has been trying to crack down on habitual tax evaders .


