even out 查询结果如下:

House prices keep rising and falling but they will eventually even out .


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

The manager tried to even out the distribution of work among his employees.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

These reservoirs even out the flow of the river by controlling floods in winter and releasing water in dry periods


属类:综合句库 -

even out the soil with a spade


属类:英汉句库 -

You have made clear your strength even out of the mouths of babies at the breast, because of those who are against you; so that you may put to shame the cruel and violent man.


属类:经籍句库 -Psm -8.20

Buffer stocks: Stocks of a commodity held in an attempt to even out price fluctuations in primary commodities.


属类:经济金融 -世界银行术语

The path ran steeply up the hill and then evened out.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

Payments can be evened out on a monthly basis over the year.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

He evened out the soil with a spade


属类:综合句库 -

Let`s have an evening out at the theatre.


属类:英汉句库 -

Fifteen years later the man I would eventually marry came back to town for Christmas and stopped by my parents ’house to pick up my brother for an evening out. When he saw me in the next room, he whispered, “Who’ s that?”


属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文

Let’s go out this evening/have an evening out,eg go to the cinema,a restaurant,the theatre, a disco,etc.


属类:综合句库 -典型例句

The road roller evens out the ground


属类:综合句库 -

The only way you know the book is there is through your mental experiences ; you may see it ; you may even smell or taste it ; you may hear someone else tell you that it is there .


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For U.S. President George W. Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Tuesday’s conference at Annapolis, Maryland, on Palestinian statehood amounts to a collective gamble.Short of the declared goal of laying the foundations for a Palestinian state, here is what the leaders hope to achieve:BUSH: The initiative comes at least in part in response to pressure from Arab allies to make a last-ditch effort to address the Israeli-Palestinian conflict before Bush ...


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WASHINGTON, Dec. 4 — President Bush warned today that Iran remained a threat despite an intelligence assessment that it had halted a covert program to develop nuclear weapons four years ago, as the administration struggled to salvage a diplomatic process now in disarray.Once again facing criticism over the handling — and meaning — of intelligence reports, Mr. Bush said the new assessment underscored the need to intensify international efforts to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon. He s...

再次面临着对他情报态度和理解的批评, 布什称新报告正好强调了加强国际合作防止伊朗获取核武器的必要性.
“看吧, 伊朗过去危险,现在危险,将来同样危险,如果他们拥有制造核武器的必备知识,” 布什在一场专门作问《国家情报评估》报告的记者招待会上如是说,有时听着像在做防御性宣言,“谁敢保证他们不会实施另一个发展核武器的秘密计划.

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51. BAROSSA VALLEY, AUSTRALIAThe world’s love affair with shiraz is bringing wine spectators to Australia’s Barossa Valley. The hilly region is home to some of the world’s oldest shiraz vines, some dating back to the 1840s. And if the more than 60 wineries aren’t enough, Barossa also offers an artisanal cheese trail, and nearby Adelaide is a foodie destination in its own right.52. TOKAJ, HUNGARYBackpacking wine tours? The Hungarian wine region of Tokaj is regaining its reputation for quality whi...

52. 匈牙利,驼凯
想要体验美酒背包旅游吗?匈牙利的产酒区驼凯因为质量上乘又赢回了昔日酒王美誉,尤其是福尔明葡萄制成的小麦色的甜酒。这个地区的制酒产业随着共产政权的瓦解而又兴起。在古城堡的GROF DEGENFELD,有豪华宾馆提供2日游,从191欧元或者283美元起。美元对欧元汇率1.5:1。
焦点再聚百老汇 。 要不是一些大力宣传的节目计划在五月七日前上演, 既2007-2008东尼奖颁发日 ,罢工事件也不会如此迅速的解决。其中三个最受瞩目的剧目为:40周年纪念剧《回乡》,Harold Pinter的舞...

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BEIJING, Nov. 27 — Chinese officials overseeing the Three Gorges Dam defended the project’s environmental record on Tuesday and asserted that pressure from rising waters in the dam’s reservoir was not to blame for any major geological problems or disasters in the region.Wang Xiaofeng, director of the government’s Three Gorges Project Construction Committee, said the government had spent more than $1.6 billion in recent years on shoring up fragile areas in the region that are prone to landslides ...

“中国政府一直都密切关注并加强修复工程建设,我认为我们会尽可能地避免损失” ,汪说道。

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In addition, in a heterogeneous data set it is possible that the mean coefficient could take statistically significant values of either sign, or even be insignificantly different from zero, without reflecting much of the underlying economics.


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By the late 1970s, cities were beginning to have difficulties with their modern treatment systems. Sludge incinerators began to be recognized as major polluters, and many were shut down. Ocan dumping of sewage sludge, used by major cities such as New York, began to backfire. The sludge, unbroken by the sea, had deadened large areas of the bays and harbors and fouled the fishing banks. Under pressure from the environmental movement and fishing interests, Congress passed the Ocean Dumping Act, whi...


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HELSINKI (Reuters) - Worldwide mobile telephone subscriptions reached 3.3 billion -- equivalent to half the global population -- on Thursday, 26 years after the first cellular network was launched, research firm Informa said.Since the first Nordic Mobile Telephony (NMT) networks were switched on in 1981 in Saudi Arabia, Sweden and Norway, mobile phones have become the consumer electronics sector with the largest volume of sales in the world.“The mobile industry has constantly outperformed even t...

赫尔辛基(路透社)-- 周四,Informa研究机构声称,在全球蜂窝网络首次投入使用20年后的今天,:全球手机使用的普及率已达到33亿,其数字相当于全球人口的一半。
“移动工业持续增长并超过了最初预言的最为乐观的普及率。”Informa研究机构主席马克. 纽曼如是说,他还说“对现今孩子们来说,拥有一部手机已不是问题,关键是何时能拥有。”
亚洲无线通讯市场的迅速成长推动了韩国三星电子,LG电子 及中国中兴的发展,使其进入全球移动电话商家的前六名之列。

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Letters in reply to the complaints or claims should always bi xourteous.Even if the complaint is unfounded,the sellers should not say so until they have good and reliable grounds to repudiate the complaint.


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EUS interpretation even by experts is subject to a high degree of interobserver variability.


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Conclusion and Discussion
This paper examines the relationship between economic growth and forest resources in Sichuan province, one of the largest, most forested provinces in China. And we found a statistically significant U-shaped relationship between the two. We used descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis and spatial econometric method to identify this relationship. The estimated regression results provide a weak evidence of the existence of EKC for forest resources in Sichuan, and the...


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So far the Award has recognised over 1000 local Entrepreneurs who have worked against all odds to rise above their peers, overcome obstacles and for some, even gender boundaries.


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Yet, even when you buy all your hardware, software infrastructure, and applications from individual vendors, you may still find an SOA to be a cost-effective architecture if offering software functionality as Services to external parties is a part of your business.


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Burns and blisters
In our research we have found that while burns and scalds are some of the most common injuries affecting babies, they are also the ones that receive incorrect first-aid treatment most frequently. Babies learn by exploring, which involves climbing, touching, tasting and pulling things. One of the most common causes of scalds in the home is a baby that pulls a hot drink onto himself. Even if the drink contains milk and does not feel hot to an adult if can still cause significant...


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HistoryThe land where Tianjin lies today was created in historical times by sedimentation of various rivers entering the sea at Bohai Bay, including the Yellow River, which entered the sea in this area at one point.The opening of the Grand Canal of China during the Sui Dynasty prompted the development of Tianjin. It has been a major transportation and trading centre since the Yuan dynasty in the 13th century. Until 1404 Tianjin was called “Zhigu” or “Straight Port”. In that year, the Emperor Yon...

以前天津被称为直沽,直到1404年才由永乐皇帝改名为“天津”, 意为“天子渡河的地方”。这是因为从侄子手中夺取皇帝宝座的时候,永乐皇帝确实从天津渡河。后来,永乐皇帝在天津建城驻垒,设立“天津卫”,意为“保卫天津”。

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Usually, the more open you are to nonverbal messages, the better you will communicate in your own and other cultures, even through we usually believe that actions speak louder than words, in intercultural business communication; the best advice is probably to keep gestures to a minimum to avoid confusion or misunderstanding.


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CultureLanguageThe vernacular language is Shanghainese, a dialect of Wu Chinese; while the official language is Standard Mandarin. The local dialect is mutually unintelligible with Mandarin, and is an inseparable part of the Shanghainese identity. The Shanghainese dialect today is a mixture of standard Wu Chinese as spoken in Suzhou, with the dialects of Ningbo and other nearby regions whose peoples have migrated to Shanghai in large numbers since the 20th Century.Nearly all Shanghainese under t...

在清朝乃至整个20世纪,海派一直是一个非常重要的中国传统艺术派别。 ...

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Phrases in our language like becoming emotionally involved,taking it personally,and losing your obejectivity all exalt the kind of detachment or even disinterest associated with scientific neutrality and unprejudiced judgment.


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BEIJING (Reuters) - China’s space program will maintain steady long-term growth to serve strategic national interests, but it is peaceful in nature and costs just a fraction of NASA’s spending, a senior official said on Tuesday.China launched its first lunar probe in October, the latest feat in an ambitious space program seeking scientific and military benefits as well as domestic political gains from its boost to patriotism.But some critics have questioned the ruling Communist Party’s eagerness...


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Only a handful of China’s conservative, state-run publications have permanent bureaus and correspondents in foreign countries. Even publications that use freelance journalists overseas, or that occasionally send out reporters of their own, rely heavily on what foreign publications publish, and carefully avoid delicate subjects. The short list of Chinese media that maintain foreign bureaus includes Xinhua; the China News Agency; the official newspaper, People’s Daily; the state television broadca...


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Chongqing, with an area of 31,700 sq mi (82,000 sq km), is the largest of the People’s Republic of China’s four provincial-level municipalities, and the only one in the less densely populated western half of China. The municipal abbreviation Yu was approved by the State Council on 18 April 1997. Its abbreviated name is derived from the old name of a part of the Jialing River that runs through Chongqing and feeds the Yangtze River (Changjiang River).Geography and climate Located on the edge of th...

重庆市,面积31700平方英里( 82000平方公里),辖区面积居中国四大直辖市之首,是地多人稀的中国西部唯一的直辖市。
重庆市属于亚热带气候,并伴随典型的南亚两季季风变化。夏季炎热,最高温度可达43摄氏度(109华氏度),因此,重庆与武汉、南京并称中国“三大火炉”。 冬季温暖湿润,少有雨雪,雾天较多。
重庆市的工业生产和发电都要消耗大量的煤炭,可是这些工厂又没有污染处理设备。这就使得重庆如同中国大多数城市一样,也常常遭受严重的空气污染。再加上重庆市被群山环绕, 缺少空气流通使污染问题更加严重。

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The return on capital increased by 31% and the Division, even after capital expenditure of over $2 million, generated in excess of $3 million in cash for the group.

注:return on capital: 资本回报率(ROC)。其中,对资本回报率的主语是谁,我个人判断应该是该集团的ROC增长了31%,但考虑到没能看到整个文件的内容,所以我也不敢妄加判断。

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Tissue samples and some blood samples are kept frozen and may be stored for longer periods of time, even several years, in case there is a need to re-analyze the sample.


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1. To gain or regain balance, stability, or uniformity. I know you’re jealous of your brother’s later curfew, but don’t worry, things will even out when you’re older.
The two curtains will even out once I straighten the curtain rod.
2. To make something more balanced, stable, or uniform. A noun or pronoun can be used between “even” and “out.” If you’re prone to redness, you really need a moisturizer that will even out your skin tone. I know you’re jealous of your brother’s later curfew, but don’t worry, your father and I will even things out when you’re older.
Even out the table cloth so that it doesn’t hang so low on that side, will you?

独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。