例句1. I was flummoxed until I remembered something’
||1: By 2009 the Shabab, with a core of 5,000-odd fighters, had mastered a good half of the country and made most of the rest virtually ungovernable. ||2: Stig Jarle Hansen, the Norwegian author of one of two important new books explaining the rise of the Shabab, reckons it controlled an area “equal to the size of Denmark, with perhaps 5m inhabitants”. ||3: The Shabab, Mr Hansen believes, was then the world’s only self-proclaimed al-Qaeda ally controlling large territories. ||4: Because of a far-flung Somali diaspora of nearly 2m in America , Britain, Kenya and Scandinavia, the Shabab’s capacity for wreaking terror at home and abroad has frightened and flummoxed Western and African governments.
||1:2009年,青年党以5000个奇特的战士控制了该国一半以上的地方,剩下的地方实际上大部分处于无政府状态。||2: 挪威作家Stig Jarle Hansen的新作解释了青年党的壮大,他认为青年党控制的地盘和丹麦一样大,里面可能有5百万居民。 ||3:Hansen先生相信青年党是世界上唯一的以基地盟友自居而且控制很多地盘的组织。||4:因为有将近二百万的索马里人流散在美国、英国、肯尼亚和斯堪的那维亚半岛,青年党在国内外制造恐怖的能力使西方政府和非洲政府感到恐惧困惑。
||1:Mr Lofven may go down as the shortest-lived elected prime minister in Swedish history, and his Social Democrats, already at an all-time low with the electorate, have lost more voter confidence.||2:The larger questions are how much more the Sweden Democrats will transform a traditionally compromise-oriented political landscape and what happens if the March ballot produces a similar hung parliament.||3:Mr Lofven seemed flummoxed by the far-right party’s support for the alternative budget and by the alliance’s unwillingness to negotiate, even though both had been well trailed.||4:As a former trade unionist without political experience, he is used to consensus, not crisis.
||1:He would replace Chuck Hagel, a decorated veteran with a profound aversion to the ill-considered use of force.||2:Mr Hagel, a Republican, was inarticulate, flummoxed by detail and floundered in the job, particularly when faced with the complex challenge of taking on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria.||3:Relentless micromanagement from the White House made things worse.
It is as if Brexiteers have spent so many years in opposition attacking the EU that they are flummoxed by the idea of coming up with a workable plan.
1.Bewildered or perplexed.
‘he became _flummoxed_ and speechless’
‘I go to universities, and there are incredibly smart people who are totally _flummoxed_ by the caption contest.’
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