1.having all living connections severed before removal to another site
a free graft
research…in free flap transfers— B. R. Alford
2.having the legal and political rights of a citizen
3.enjoying civil and political liberty
a free people
4.enjoying political independence or freedom from outside domination
these united colonies are, and of right ought to be free and independent States— Declaration of Independence
5.not subject to the control or domination of another
6.made or done as a matter of choice and right : not compelled or restricted
no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof— U.S. Constitution amend. I a free and voluntary confession
7.relieved from or lacking a burden (as a lien or other encumbrance on title)
a buyer in ordinary course of business…takes free of a security interest created by the buyer’s seller— Uniform Commercial Code
8.not bound, confined, or detained by force
free on bail
9.having no trade restrictions
10.not subject to government regulation
11.not permanently attached but able to move about
a free electron in a metal
12.not chemically combined
free calcium
13.not united with, attached to, combined with, or mixed with something else
a free surface of a bodily part
14.not bound or confined by force
upon opening the skull a considerable amount of free blood is noted— H. G. Armstrong
15.relieved from or lacking something and especially something unpleasant or burdensome
free from pain
16.not combined
free oxygen
17.not used or occupied
a free seat
18.not required to be doing something
See me when you’re free.
19.not blocked
The road was free of traffic.
20.not held back by fear or uncertainty
Feel free to ask questions.
21.not having or suffering from something unpleasant, unwanted, or painful
free from worry
22.not physically held by something
… his utmost efforts could lift the gate free.— Dick King-Smith, Pigs Might Fly
23.not controlled by a harsh ruler or laws
a free country
24.having liberty : not being a slave or prisoner
free citizens
25.given without charge
a free ticket
26.【of foreign exchange】not subject to restriction or official control
27.not costing or charging anything
1.with the wind more than six points from dead ahead
sailing free
2.without charge
Buy two, get one free.
3.in a free manner
4.in a free manner : freely
They let their dog run free.
|transitive verb|
1.to relieve or rid of what constrains, confines, restricts, or burdens
2.disentangle, clear
3.to relieve or rid of what restrains, confines, restricts, or embarrasses
free a person from debt
4.to cause to be free
5.to let go or set free
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