
    grant the right to 查询结果如下:


    基本解释 双语句典 英文词典 英文句典 英文百科

    The representative of China also confirmed that for goods in Annex 2A of the Protocol subject to a TRQ, any enterprise granted the right to trade, pursuant to Section 5 of the Protocol, would be permitted to import such goods at the out-of-quota rate. The Working Party took note of these commitments. "

    中国代表还确认,对于议定书( 草案)附件 2A 中实行关税配额管理的货物,根据议定书( 草案)第 5 条被给予贸易权的任何企业均可被允许按照配额外税率进口此类货物。工作组注意到这些承诺。

    属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -中国加入工作组报告书

    (d)The representative of China also confirmed that within three years after accession, all enterprises in China would be granted the right to trade. "

    (d)中国代表还确认,在加入后 3 年内,所有在中国的企业将被给予贸易权。

    属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -中国加入工作组报告书

    (2)According to the relevant provisions of the State new and high technology enterprises with good results in export business may be granted the right to handle foreign trade transactions.


    属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -国家高新技术产业开发区若干政策的暂行规定

    For example, the right to print invoices is concentrated in tax authorities and tax authorities institute a new system wherein units and individuals who come from other provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities to the areas under the jurisdiction of the tax authorities to temporarily engage in business activities shall provide guarantors or guaranty money, tax authorities are granted the right to adopt anti-forged invoice measures and to conduct examination.


    属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -《发票管理办法》宣传提纲

    Eventually, the SEZs were granted the right to offer their unique set of regulations to foreign investors.


    属类:经济金融 -银行业 -中国金融

    (a)progressive abolishment of state trading in respect of silk measures, increasing and extending trading rights, granting the right to trade to all individuals no later than 1 January 2005

    ( a)关于逐步取消丝绸措施方面的国营贸易,增加和扩大贸易权,不迟于 2005 年 1 月 1 日 对所有个人给予贸易权的情况

    属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -中国在过渡性审议机制中提供的信息 2

    215.In this regard, the representative of China confirmed that China would progressively abolish the system of state trading in respect of silk by measures increasing and extending trading rights, with the result that China would remove completely the silk products set out in numbers 10 and 11 of Annex 2A 2 to the Draft Protocol (list of products subject to state trading on exports)and grant the right to trade in such products to all individuals and enterprises no later than 1 January 2005. "

    215 .在这方面,中国代表确认,中国将通过增加和扩大贸易权的措施,逐步取消丝绸的国营贸易制度,最终中国将完全取消议定书( 草案)附件 2A 2( 国营贸易出口产品清单)所列第 10 项和第 11 项丝制品的国营贸易,并不迟于 2005 年 1 月 1 日 给予所有个人和企业从事此类产品贸易的权利。

    属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -中国加入工作组报告书

    Under this agreement the Swiss are granted the right to decide how many inquiries may be made and whether they are appropriate or not.


    属类:英汉句库 -article.yeeyan.org





