greater part 查询结果如下:
He has sunk the greater part of his property in speculation.
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She lived in New York with her husband for the greater part of her life.
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Only the wise posse ideas;the greater part of mankind is possessed by them.
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I lay down with the greater part of my clothes on and slept well for a few hours.
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
The greater part of physics makes predictions of such a form.
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
When we summarize the historical experience of our Party, we should not count him out, because to negate the contributions of Mao Zedong would be to negate the importance of the greater part of Chinese revolutionary history.
属类:时事政治 -邓小平选集 -总结历史
Television news presented some production problems: the announcer at the microphone reading from a script was not satisfactory, and it was not long before the greater part of television news was appropriately accompanied by relevant pictures.
属类:行业术语 -传媒 -电子媒体
It was rather barren of interest, to say the truth; and the greater part of it may be summed up in one word-dollars
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The greater part of whitewashing is done with ink.
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After the Second World War the greater part of the colonial world got rid of political dependence
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By far the greater part of the hydrosphere, of course, is the ocean basins
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She brought an unusual number of passengers, some of whom remained on deck to scan the picturesque panorama of the town, while the greater part disembarked in the boats, and landed on the quay
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and of the children of Benjamin, the brothers of Saul, three thousand; for up to that time the greater part of them had been true to Saul.
属类:经籍句库 -1Ch -12.29
acutely conscious though we all are of the misery and desolation in which the greater part of the world is plunged, let us turn aside for a moment to that ideal Ireland that we would have
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The trade of a butcher is a brutal and an odious business; but it is in most places more profitable than the greater part of common trades
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All the greater part of his brain was lulled and stupefied with the long monotony of the affair
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No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable.--Adam Smith , British economist
属类:习语名句 -名人名言 -幸福篇
She lived there for the greater part of her life.
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
It’s pathetic that human beings should be condemned to spend the greater part of their lives amid such surroundings.
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
Oil should be changed more frequently during cold weather, particularly when short-trip operation predominates. With short-trip operation, the engine operates cold a greater part of the time, and this increases the chances for water sludge to form.
属类:工程技术 -汽车
Into this festal season of the year-as it already was, and continued to be during the greater part of two centuries-the Puritans compressed whatever mirth and public joy they deemed allowable to human infirmity;
属类:文学表达 -英语名著
The State shall, in accordance with the industrial policies, guide the orientation of foreign investment and encourage the establishment of enterprises with foreign investment which adopt advanced technology and equipment and export all or greater part of their products.
属类:法学专业 -外资企业所得税法
Since the sea covers the greater part of the earth’s surface it is quite reasonable to regard the sea floor as the basic form of the crust of the earth, with superimposed upon it the continents, together with the islands and other features of the oceans.
属类:学习英语 -新概念英语
On motor-ways you can, at least, travel fairly safely at high speeds, but more often than not, the greater part of the journey is spent on narrow, bumpy roads which are crowded with traffic.
属类:学习英语 -新概念英语 -第三册
Before Muhammad died, at the age of sixty-three, the greater part of the Arabian Peninsula had become Muslim, and within a century of his death, Islam had spread to Spain in the West and as far East as China.
属类:人文学科 -宗教 -古兰经解说
Article 6. The competent authorities of the PRC shall have the right to conserve and manage straddling species, highly migratory species, marine mammals, anadromous stocks that originate in the rivers of the PRC , and catadromous species that spend the greater part of their life cycle in the waters of the PRC .
第六条 中华人民共和国主管机关有权对专属经济区的跨界种群、高度洄游鱼种、海洋哺乳动物、源自中华人民共和国河流的溯河产卵种群、在中华人民共和国水域内度过大部分生命周期的降河产卵鱼种,进行养护和管理。
属类:法学专业 -中国法律 -专属经济区和大陆架法
With Shell Rimula, Shell Spirax and Shell Retinax LX, we supply the greater part of factory-fill oil for Mercedes-Benz heavy duty trucks in Europe.
属类:单位简介 -壳牌公司网站 -商业客户服务
for the greater part
大部分; 在很大程度上
属类:综合句库 -英汉综合
The city of Salisbury has two important kinds of produce and trade ,which employ the poor of a great part of the country round –namely ,making cloth and sheets ,called Salisbury Whites.
属类:学习英语 -教材英语 -高二上
But it was not afraid, nor discouraged, for it said to itself: “This is necessary. The path to glory is always rugged. Now I am on my way to play a great part in the world.
属类:文学表达 -外国散文 -人与自然
The great part of the members attended the meeting, he himself was among the rest.
属类:学习英语 -
A great part of the chain store’s business comes from children
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The breaking of her mainmast, she had great damage on board, and that a great part of her cargo was spoiled
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and by various means of expropriation it concentrates the greatest part of the nation’s wealth in the hands of the bureaucrat-capitalists headed by the four big families of Chiang, Soong, Kung and Chen
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A great part of the netherlands has now been impoldered
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A great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.--Adas Franklin. American humorist
属类:习语名句 -名人名言 -知识篇
In 1915 Rolland was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, in great part for Jean-Christophe.
属类:文学表达 -外国名著 -Jean-Christophe
They seem insensible, that to luxury we owe not only the greatest part of our knowledge, but even of our virtue.
属类:文学表达 -英语散文 -处世之道
As for my self it was no great harm, for I was near the shore; but as to my cargo, it was great part of it lost, especially the iron, which I expected would have been of great use to me.
属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记
Thirdly, the ordering, curing, preserving, and cooking what I had kill’d or catch’d for my supply; these took up great part of the day
属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记
This work was not so little as to take me up less than three months, because great part of that time was of the wet season, when I could not go abroad.
属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记
When you spend the greater part of your working life amongst squalor and foul language,you tend to become hard-boiled.
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A greater part of most of Europe’s ancient cities lay in ruins, and from their rubble, as the weather warmed, there was the stench of the countless unburied dead
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As to the details, the greater part will be furnished afterwards by the state in which we find the affairs of the testator, and by yourself, who, having had the management of them, can doubtless give full information on the subject
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The greater part of the passengers from Brindisi were bound for India-some for Bombay, others for Calcutta by way of Bombay, the nearest route thither, now that a railway crosses the Indian peninsula
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Among civilized and thriving nations, on the contrary, though a great number of people do not labour at all, many of whom consume the produce of ten times, frequently of a hundred times more labour than the greater part of those who work
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(7)Recover the greater part of the economic losses to the state and the people through the payment of evaded taxes, restitution, fines and confiscation
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The Romans civilized a great part of the world
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A large part of the test effort, if not the greatest part, now is directed toward calibration of bias torques
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A festival, called Veneralia, was held in her honour every year, a great part of the ceremony consisting of nocturnal dances and passion ate enjoyment in gardens and among blooming arbouts
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独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。