||1: OF THE five dirt-poor farmers who set out from Chhoeu Slab village in November in search of rosewood, only four returned. ||2: The fifth is recuperating in a Thai hospital, having been shot by a Thai border patrol. ||3: The boom in trade of the rich-hued hardwood has already claimed 15 lives in 2011, and dozens more have been wounded by Thai soldiers. An unknown number have simply vanished. ||4: The shootings could yet become a source of tension between the Thai and Cambodian governments, whose relations have improved immeasurably since Yingluck Shinawatra became Thai prime minister in August.
||1: 11月,五个一贫如洗的农民从Chhoeu Slab村出发踏上了寻找紫檀树的征程,最终返回的只有四个。 ||2:其中一人被泰国边境巡逻兵射伤后在泰国一家医院里接受复原治疗。||3:2011年已有15人死于这种红色硬质木材交易,数以十计的人被泰国士兵射伤,还有不知道多少人就直接消失了。||4:自泰国新总理英拉.西那瓦八月上台以来,泰柬关系已经大大改善,但枪击事件可能又会成为双边关系走向紧张的导火索。
‘rainbow- _hued_ ’
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