in theory 查询结果如下:
In theory and in practice, human beings can be cloned.
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Your plan sounds fine in theory, but I don’t know if it’ll work in practice.
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It is so in theory.
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This method, however good in theory, does not work in practice.
属类:学习英语 -成语例句
Modern religious studies in China have already displayed a renewed prosperity with diversity in theories and research methods
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By contrast, human cloning could, in theory, be used to obtain tissues needed to treat disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and diabetes
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Every citizen has been granted the desired freedom and material goods in such quantity and of such quality as to guarantee in theory the achievement of happiness, in the debased sense of the word which has come into being during those same decades
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In theory, political parties could provide the cohesive force to balance the centrifugal influences of a fragmented committee system
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In theory, that should eliminate the possibility of disease transmission, whether of madcow disease from bovine hemoglobin or a suspected new strain of hepatitis from human products
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We led the commonwealth in practice as well as in theory
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The new car model comes with abs anti-lock brakes, too, far removed in theory and practice from the dodgy drum brakes that, when applied, often caused the old beetle to lurch sideways
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In theory, I should be ecstatic about all the choices available; I no longer have to put up with bad service or shoddy goods
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In theory, the public’s best chance of coming out ahead is in the salerooms
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In theory, illegal plundering of money and corruptions are never tolerated in a Catholic country and are punishable by death. However, the related officials indicated Estrada might be pardoned from any death sentence
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In theory, the nominations are to be decided at conventions by delegates elected in last week’s primaries. But in practice, political leaders hand-pick many of the delegates and are expected to have a strong if not absolute say over the nominees.
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In theory or imagination;theoretically.
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It is so in theory,but not in practice.
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It sounds fine in theory, but will it work?
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In theory, the size of the creel (and therefore the number of packages it may hold)is unlimited.
属类:行业术语 -纺织服装
In theory,three things could happen.
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
It sounds fine in theory,but will it work?
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
When judged from written or printed evidence; in theory
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
This new method should work in theory, even though it doesn’t work in reality.
属类:学习英语 -成语例句
Theoretically speaking; in theory
属类:学习英语 -成语例句
All this urgently requires our Party to sum up new experience from practice, draw on the achievements of modern human civilization, Broaden its fields of vision in theory and come up with new theses with the courage of the theory of Marxism.
属类:时事政治 -政府文告 -16大报告
It seems good in theory, but it doesn’t work in practice.
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patents themselves also tend to keep prices high, in theory to reward inventors for the introduction of a useful new product
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Little-league sports, by contrast, are fundamentally egalitarian institutions, inclusive, unselective and welcoming (at least in theory)of different levels of ability
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Reynolds number (Re)for example describes the flow of a fluid in a pipe. For a particular design Re should always, in theory, be the same, whatever the scale, if designed correctly.
属类:化学及生命科学 -化工 -化工原理与技术
The chemical equation that describes the electron transfer can be written as two separate half reactions that can in theory be carried out in separate compartments of an electrolytic cell (see electrolysis), with electrons flowing through a wire connecting the two. Strong oxidizing agents include fluorine, ozone, and oxygen itself; strong reducing agents include alkali metals such as sodium and lithium.
属类:化学及生命科学 -化学
This structure plays an important role in theories of chemical structure and colour, since quinones occur as pigments in bacteria, fungi, and certain higher plants; animals containing quinones obtain them from plants they eat.
属类:化学及生命科学 -化学
In order to ascertained the value of the benefits of providing information, in theory, we should evaluate the consequences of taking each decision with given amount of information
属类:经济金融 -会计学
In theory, the first method of allocating over or under-applied overhead is best because it corrects the estimated overhead rate and brings the accounts into agreement with the costs actually incurred.
属类:经济金融 -会计学
Feudalism here refers to the unique Chinese social system in the Zhou Dynasty, from the 11th century to 221 B.C. In theory it was a unified country.
属类:人文学科 -历史 -文明史
In theory, any two plants that are closely related botanically and that have a continuous cambium can be grafted.
属类:行业术语 -农林
For while the process of developing cash flow from an asset column in theory is easy, it is the mental fortitude of directing money that is hard.
属类:社会文化 -热点文章 -富爸爸穷爸爸
That ’s all right in theory , but in practice it may not work .
属类:口语表达 -未分类
If so, the recipe for cloning people should be quite simple, at least in theory.
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
In the application of the cycle of fifths, 12 fifths are equal to 7 octaves in theory, but in actuality are not. The discrepancy, which is about a quarter of a semitone and is known as the Pythagorean comma,
属类:行业术语 -音乐 -音乐知识
the vitalrequirements for us to push Party building in an all-round way in the new century, constantly bring forth new ideas in theories, institutions and science and technology, win fresh victories in building socialism with Chinese characteristics
属类:时事政治 -政府文告 -党建讲话
All this urgently requires our Party to sum up new experience from practice, draw on the achievements of modern human civilization, broaden its fields of vision in theory and come up with new theses with the courage of the theory of Marxism.
属类:时事政治 -政府文告 -党建讲话
Teaching Capability’s Cultivation in Theory Teaching to Students Majoring in Track and Field in PE Institute
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Meet Problem in Theory of Relativity
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Explore in Theory the Building of Geobordery
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
The Improvements on Some Formulas in Theory of Probability
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
(In theory, a person is “called” to office by the electorate; hence he may be “recalled” as well, i.e. summoned to step down.)When enough people sign the recall petition, the special election is scheduled
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Einstein was the fast to show in theory how the energy of the atom might be released.
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In theory, three things could happen.
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Research on Basic Principles of Indian Constitution in Theory
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Study on Some Characteristics of Planar Holographic Sinusoidal Gratings and Blazed Gratings Used in UV Region in Theory
属类:行业术语 -中文论文标题
Andrew McCabe: fired for lying to the FBI, caught by the Inspector General for unauthorized media leaks, and—worst of all—one of the ring-leaders in spreading the debunked and disastrous “Russian collusion” conspiracy theory.His reward? A paid CNN contract.Comical.
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
Trump likes to say China will pay for the costs of the trade war. That neat theory breaks down in the real world, writes @davidfickling
特朗普喜欢说中国将为贸易战买单。 @davidfickling写道,这个纯粹的理论在现实世界中却会破裂
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
Anomalies, Crisis, and Revolution
Normal science prospers under a paradigm. It is the routine science of the day until it encounters difficulties, which Kuhn calls anomalies. The concept of an anomaly (to a paradigm) is rather vague. In its weakest and vaguest sense, it means some sort of difficulty. However, it is often taken as an empirical phenomenon that shows that the paradgigm theory is incorrect, even though no theories are, strictly speaking, falsifiable according to the Duhen-Qunie...
26.4 异象,危机和革命
在1774年,普里斯特利(1733-1804) 用以下化学反应做过实验:
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
This course covers the theory and principles of sound,including properties of sound with a particular emphasis on noise criteria and noise control in buildings.
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
Despite extensive and thoughtful effort devoted to marketing ethics scholarship over the past several decades, the incidence of ethical violations in marketing practice remains high. The effectiveness of current approaches to marketing scholarship may be limited by the prevailing approach to marketing ethics, which tends to separate ethical analysis from marketing by overlaying such analysis on top of existing marketing theory, rather than integrating it. Such an approach, in the c...
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
if the scientific theory of the arts is ever to be acquired, it is unquestionably first in order of time.
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
Natural Law theory seeks to explain law as a phenomenon which is based on and which ought to approximate to some higher law contained in certain principle of morality. !
属类:翻译句库 -在线翻译实例选登 -【查看在线翻译页面】
1.Hypothetically; as a possibility. As opposed to in reality or in practice. These magnets are supposed to regulate the body’s natural energy, in theory anyway.
In theory , we could drive to the mountains for a quick ski session before our flight tomorrow evening, but I think it would be cutting it too close.
2.used to say that a particular statement is supposed to be true but may in fact be wrong
In theory , these machines should last for ten years or more.
That sounds fine in theory , but have you really thought it through?
‘Aren’t you supposed to be retired?’ ‘Yes, in theory .’
美国城市词典(Urban Dictionary)是一个解释英语俚语词汇的在线词典,这些词汇定义由志愿者通过注册该网站后编辑提交,网站访问者可以对这些定义做出评定。 城市字典上面有许多正常词典里面查不到的词条,即使是正常词典里面有的在这里也会有新的精辟的解释。但由于是普通年轻人随性编撰,可能用语比较粗俗。
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。