||1:A bigger problem is that Labour’s central economic message, that the recovery is failing to lift living standards, is running out of road.||2:Real wages are beginning to emerge from their long slump, making people feel, if not richer, at least not poorer.||3:And Labour lacks a fall-back argument: the party has done little over the past years to dispel the reputation for spendthrift ineptitude that it acquired during the financial crisis.||4:The Tories’ lead over the opposition on economic competence has grown from two to 14 points in the past year.
||1:Historians may be a fraction kinder to Mrs May than today’s commentators.||2:But the prime minister’s ineptitude has rendered the fiendishly hard Brexit project almost impossible.||3:Faced with the many painful trade-offs that Brexit entails, Mrs May refused to accept that compromise was necessary until too late—after others’ positions had hardened and compromise was defined as losing.||4:Many Leavers now believe that a perfect, costless version of Brexit exists, which they are being denied only through some mix of incompetence and conspiracy.||5:At the same time many Remainers, seeing the government constantly in retreat, believe that Brexit could yet be cancelled altogether.
By meddling in elections and mounting coups, it has weakened the political classes, whose consequent ineptitude and corruption gives it cause to meddle again.
1.Lack of skill or ability.
‘the officials displayed remarkable _ineptitude_ ’
‘the sheer _ineptitude_ of their economic plan’
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