||1:Both out of national pride, and because Germany does not want Spain to ask for more money, the Spanish government has hesitated about taking the ECB’s outstretched hand.||2:Behind European officials’ public praise for the deficit-cutting measures taken by Mariano Rajoy, the Spanish prime minister, there is dismay over his ineptness in handling the crisis, not least the ever-changing estimates of the money needed to recapitalise Spain’s banks.
||1:这些都出自于民族自豪感,因为德国不希望西班牙借贷更多资金, 西班牙政府对于欧洲央行提供的资金帮助犹豫不定。||2:在欧洲各国对于西班牙首相马里亚诺·拉霍伊(Mariano Rajoy)的赤字削减政策一片赞扬声的背后,这位西班牙首相在处理这些危机时总是让人们对他的无能感到失望,特别是在西班牙银行重组所耗费的资金的数目上,这个数字总是一而再再而三地发生改变。
‘The Government was frightened that once there was decent scrutiny of the legislation, the weakness and ineptness of it would be plain for all to see.’
‘There is a gulf between the perceived ineptness of many backbenchers and the acknowledged competence - sometimes seen as arrogance - of frontline ministers.’
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