

    名词复数:inhibition 词频:高频常用词
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    Wine weakens a person`s inhibitions.
    n. 【医学】 【医学】
    n. 【农业】
    It was the very lack of gold-standard inhibition that permitted the buildup of titanic dollar balances overseas.
    Most of the enzymes that have been examined are subject to partial inhibition by a variety of compounds.
    n. 【法律专业】
    禁令 ,禁止,压制,抑制,禁止令 ,私人禁令,制止令
    Most of the enzymes that have been examined are subject to partial inhibition by a variety of compounds.

    形容词 变体/同根词

    (of a person) Reserved or repressed, prone to quiet, inexpressive behavior.
    “I felt I was very inhibited and shy and insecure in many ways.”
    同义词: inhibitive
    That inhibits || Of, or relating to an inhibitor.
    “The inhibitory compounds used for study are cytotoxic themselves, resulting in effects that are irreversible.”
    “Finally, let us examine a minimal genetic toggle based on two repressible promoters arranged in a mutually inhibitory network.”
    “Action potential generation in inhibitory interneurons is critical for cortical excitation-inhibition balance.”
    同义词: inhibitory
    that inhibits
    “This is a major inhibitive factor in letting them draw appropriate benefit from these new technologies.”
    “It is contended that the subconscious mind takes a more active role, and your naturally inhibitive conscious mind takes the back seat.”
    “Presence of small quantities of potash may be responsible for the inhibitive nature of this black pigment.”
    (sciences) Capable of being inhibited

    名词 变体/同根词

    “So put your inhibitions behind you and allow yourself to sample a taste of something new!”
    “The inhibitions disappear and the red face is a result of happy exertion rather than excruciating bashfulness.”
    “While in the US, however, people rarely needed me to repeat my name, calling out to me without inhibitions or jeering me.”
    The quality or degree of being inhibitable.
    “Excitability and inhibitability of motoneurons of different sizes.”
    One who or that which inhibits. || (chemistry) Any substance capable of stopping or slowing a specific chemical reaction. || (biology) Any substance capable of stopping or slowing a specific biological process
    “Cyclodextrin can act as an efficient inhibitor of the photosensitized dimerization of thymine by para-aminobenzoic acid in aqueous solution.”
    “It is also an effective antagonist or inhibitor of cortisol, a stress hormone that maintains the integrity of the circulatory system.”
    “A selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor is a type of antidepressant medication.”

    动词 变体/同根词

    (transitive) To hold in or hold back; to keep in check; restrain.
    “Buildings which inhibit the supply of light and air.”
    “Loop diuretics inhibit sodium and chloride reabsorption in the thick ascending loop of Henle.”
    “Activation of dopamine D 2 like receptors is known to inhibit the activity of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area of the brain.”