||1: Mr Purcell’s business model, common among Texas rural banks, was to keep loans on its books, internalising both their returns and their risks. ||2: In practice, this meant making small loans (under $60,000) at relatively high rates (7%, because small loans suffer from diseconomies of scale) with short terms (five years, to protect the bank against interest-rate risk) and final “balloon” payments that are usually rolled over. ||3: This approach differs radically from that of the major banks, which syndicated mortgages through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. ||4: The bank has not repossessed a home in seven years, or cost taxpayers a penny, but balloon payments and high rates are targeted under Dodd-Frank, which grants regulators wide discretion to decide what is “abusive”. ||5: Mr Purcell has stopped issuing mortgages and, because of other Dodd-Frank rules, processing international remittances.
||1:珀塞尔先生的商业模式在德州的农村银行里运用得很普遍,就是增加贷款金额,从而收获贷款利息和风险。||2:实际上,这意味着银行在短期内(为了保护银行免于利率浮动的风险,最长贷款时间为5年),靠小额贷款(低于6万美金)获取较高贷款利息(利率为7%,因为小额贷款规模太小)。还有一项,是气球型贷款,利息往往是翻番的。||3:这一经营方法迥异于大型银行,而且是从房利美和房贷美获得聚合的抵押资产。||4: Big Spring在七年的时间里,从未占有一间房屋,或者花纳税人一分钱,但是ballon和高利率在Dodd-Frank政策下就遭到质疑,这要求改革者必须极其谨慎,判断什么被“滥用”。 ||5:由于多德弗兰克法案关于国际汇款业务的其他规则,珀塞尔先生已经停止征收抵押资产。
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