The cat`s claws lacerated the child`s flesh.
lacerate sb`s feeling
Sharp words lacerate the soul.
例句1. jagged edges that lacerated their arms’
||1: Yet Lawrence and Nancy were complicated characters, and the marriage had its problems. ||2: Lawrence could be cruel and obsessively jealous, and would use words “to lacerate and destroy”. ||3: The strains were evident when they met Henry Miller in Paris in 1937. ||4: Superficially, the visit was a success. But Lawrence, who was inclined to build “a wall of ice” to separate intimates from other people, was determined to keep Nancy on the sidelines—“decorative but insignificant”—and Nancy retreated into silence. ||5: Back in Corfu there were times of “rare and precious content”, but the onset of war changed things for ever. ||6: They moved to mainland Greece and in 1941 fled to Egypt. ||7: With Cairo under threat, Nancy travelled with their one-year-old child to Jerusalem; Lawrence was unable to persuade her to return to him. ||8: He would marry three more times. Nancy eventually had over 30 years of “loving closeness” with Teddy Hodgkin.
||1:然而两人都不是省油的灯,他们的婚姻自有问题。||2:有时,劳伦斯为人冷酷,醋劲十足,还会用言辞“伤害并摧毁(别人的心)”。||3: 1937年,他们在巴黎与亨利·米勒(Henry Miller)会面,紧张局势就十分明显。 ||4:这场会面看起来一切和谐;实际上劳伦斯常常筑起一道“冰墙”把爱侣和外人隔开,这次便决定只让南希当个陪衬:“无关紧要的装饰品”,于是南希只好黯然陷入沉默。||5:回到科孚岛后,“珍稀的满足”余韵尚存;但随后战争爆发,永远改变了一切。||6:他们搬到希腊本土,又在1941年逃往埃及。||7:后来德军兵临开罗城下,南希带着1岁的孩子去了耶路撒冷。从此,劳伦斯再也没能唤回她。||8: 时光荏苒,他又成婚3次,她则与泰迪·霍奇金(Teddy Hodgkin)相依相守30年。
||1: But then there had always been people who had refused to believe in his Godhead—from His father, who in the beginning beat Him with a stick and made a village healer lacerate His scalp and rub it with garlic and lime juice to cure His madness, to the rationalist who sued Him in 1986 under the Gold Control Act for bringing so many gold articles out of the air. ||2: The case was dismissed. They ignored the obvious signs of His divinity, such as the cobra that had cradled Him at birth, or His ability as a schoolboy to bring forth peppermints out of an empty bag. ||3: He mostly hid His Godhead in those years, but found it frustrating, and was glad at 14 to be able to reveal (after a scorpion sting had put Him into a trance) that His previous body had been that of a 19th-century saint called Shirdi Sai Baba, whose statue, in marble, He placed beside His own in His Temples, and whose fresh photograph, in several copies, He would often produce out of the sands of the Chitravathi river.
1.Criticize forcefully or severely.
‘her true venom seems reserved for the media itself as she _lacerates_ our obsession with celebrity’
‘They _lacerated_ him for saying he wanted the Democratic Party to reach out to working-class Southerners who drive pickups bearing Confederate-flag decals.’
2.Tear or make deep cuts in (flesh or skin)
‘the point had _lacerated_ his neck’
‘She suffered serious head injuries and a badly _lacerated_ leg and never regained consciousness.’
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