little ones 查询结果如下:
How are the little ones ?
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To return to the White House privately with my little ones while they are young enough to rediscover their childhood.....
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Adults will usually indulge in fragrant mooncakes of many varieties with a good cup of piping hot Chinese tea, while the little ones run around with their brightly-lit lanterns.
属类:社会文化 -风俗 -中秋佳节
As she rocked her little ones , the mother hummed in a discordant voice a romance then celebrated:--
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We shall show you the photographs of their starved bodies thrown into manure wagons, of the helpless little ones on the threshold of the extermination chambers
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Ten years ago, books I read mostly advised me to pause and ponder for at least one year before deciding to quit if I felt unhappy on my job
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It is legitimate to envisage a more or less one-to-one correspondence between cloud nucleus concentration and the concentration of cloud droplets
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(a)at least one year has elapsed since the date of introduction of a safeguard measure on the import of that product
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About 10% of the U.S. population-and a much larger percentage of men, who make up 80% of sufferers-will have at least one kidney stone sometime in their lives, and it can be excruciatingly painful
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Of people who are dating or married, 59 percent of women and 54 percent of men would like to change at least one feature on their partner’s face, according to an American Academy of facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery survey released on Monday
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kitchen and tableware,in sets of assrted articles, containing at least one article plated with precious metal
属类:物品名称 -五金用品
At least one path has arrived.
属类:IT行业 -windows出错代码 -11006
Unable to open a device that was sharing an interrupt request (IRQ)with other devices. At least one other device that uses that IRQ was already opened.
属类:IT行业 -windows出错代码 -1119
The media type cannot be removed from this library since at least one drive in the library reports it can support this media type.
属类:IT行业 -windows出错代码 -4338
Could not access a partition of the Active Directory located on a remote server. Make sure at least one server is running for the partition in question.
不能访问远程服务器上的Active Directory的分区。请确保至少有一个服务器在为该分区运行。
属类:IT行业 -windows出错代码 -8585
Whenever a Member has reached an agreement with any other country or countries on issues related to technical regulations, standards or conformity assessment procedures which may have a significant effect on trade, at least one Member party to the agreement shall notify other Members through the Secretariat of the products to be covered by the agreement and include a brief description of the agreement.
属类:法学专业 -WTO法规 -技术性贸易壁垒协定
At least one referee should be competent to comment on your academic potential.
属类:应用文体 -表单 -申请书
You’re a feisty little one, but you’ll soon learn some respect
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Formulations of fiber lubricants are in general multicomponent systems comprising at least one lubricant and one antistatic component
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Most of us have got at least one elderly relative--mother, father, great-aunt granny even, still alert and cheerful, with a snug warm home, plenty of helpful neighbours and ourselves to drop in now and then
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This story has at least one moral, if it teaches not better one and that is, that if a man turn sulky and drink by himself at Christmas time, he may make up his mind to be not a bit the better for it
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There will be at least one breathless moment when the bill for the dinner is presented
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Most of us have got at least one elderly relative-mother…great-aunt granny even, still alert and cheerful, with a snug warm home, plenty of helpful neighbours
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When a dispute is between a developing country Member and a developed country Member the panel shall, if the developing country Member so requests, include at least one panelist from a developing country Member
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Perhaps it is not for this reviewer to talk,since he produced a book on Johnson himself,but as the girl said,it was only a little one a wicked publisher seduced me,and I have promised never,never to do it again.
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A grammatical unit that is syntactically independent and has a subject that is expressed or,as in imperative sentences,understood and a predicate that contains at least one finite verb.
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Pertaining to that which is defined in one subdivision of a computer program and used in at least one other subdivision of that computer program.
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Of or relating to a subset of a given set when the set has at least one element not in the subset.
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The big fish eats the little one,the little one eats the shrimp,and the shrimp is forced to eat mud.
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It will take at least one month for the broken hone to hear up.
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Not so fast, little one, you will reach your school soon enough.
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Next, the little ones recited in concert their lesson.
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Every serious kitchen needs at least one peppermill
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The little ones played here, if not happily at lest with absorbed attention
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At least one third of the population . . . reveres every sort of holy man
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The great thieves punish the little ones .
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Great trees keep down the little ones .
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The child spends at least one yuan or so a day.
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At least one avian disease pathogen has been found
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Myth and reality did join hands in at least one arena
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the little one, hungry and pale, beheld that breast and cried and agonized
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Those who were able to describe, in detail, at least one of the 11 ads were 23% more likely to remain nonsmokers at follow-up
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People always examine and handle problems and express their views in the light of their own experience, and unavoidably they sometimes show a little one-sidedness
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And for at least one brief, shining moment, there was a little more peace on earth
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“Information indicated they might have experimented the toxic gas of ricin. Test targets included barnyard animals. It was also reported that at least one human being was exposed to the toxin,” the official said
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Living cells catabolize glucose so that at least one step, and better several
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The most thick-skinned of sale-goers can expect at least one adrenalin rush per auction
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With these controls, childless men were shown on average to be 4cm shorter than those who had fathered at least one child
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She could have entered into competition with the two other little ones , so far as the coquetry of her dress was concerned
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The directory cannot validate the proposed naming context (or partition)name because it does not hold a replica nor can it contact a replica of the naming context above the proposed naming context. Please ensure that the parent naming context is properly registered in DNS, and at least one replica of this naming context is reachable by the Domain Naming master.
属类:IT行业 -windows出错代码 -8586
1. Noun. (plural of little one) (A term of endearment toward children.)
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。