

    名词复数:macrons 词频:低频词

    详解 英文释义 韦氏词典 英文百科 wiki词典 英文句库
    宏观粒子, 大粒子

    Macron : Short line over a vowel or syllable to indicate that the accent is long. See Accents.



    “The Rocardiens have clearly won the day,” notes another ex-member of Mr Rocard’s prime-ministerial cabinet. Mr Valls, who insists that the left must make peace with business, is now partly unpicking a rent-control law passed by his predecessor.|| Mr Macron has hinted at loosening rules governing the 35-hour working week;|| Mr Cazeneuve has urged common-sense immigration control, echoing Mr Rocard in 1989. As if all this were not suggestive enough, there is a further link: one of the former prime minister’s sons, Lo?c Rocard, now works in Mr Valls’s cabinet.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国政治 罗卡尔强势回归 -

    ||THE left wing of the French Socialist Party was still reeling this week after the shock eviction of Arnaud Montebourg, a populist industry minister, and his replacement by Emmanuel Macron , a former investment banker.|| Fran?ois Hollande, after all, was elected Socialist president in 2012 declaring that his main “adversary” was “the world of finance”. Yet on August 31st, in a defiant speech to party members in the port of La Rochelle, Manuel Valls, his prime minister, made no apology, reasserting the government’s more pro-business line.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国政治 罗卡尔强势回归 -

    Rocardiens have been installed in all corners. Mr Valls’s current political adviser, Yves Colmou, is one, having also served on Mr Rocard’s political staff. So did Sylvie Hubac, who now runs Mr Hollande’s staff at the Elysée Palace. Bernard Cazeneuve, Mr Valls’s interior minister, got his first job as an adviser of a member of Mr Rocard’s government.|| Mr Macron is a close friend of Mr Rocard and invited him to his wedding.||

    1:罗卡尔的死忠追随者们已经遍布各个角落。||||2:瓦尔斯先生的现任政治顾问Yves Colmou就是其中之一。并且这位顾问还曾为罗卡尔先生效过犬马之劳。现在为奥朗德先生搭理爱丽舍宫的Sylvie Hubac也是一样。||3:瓦尔斯的内政部长 Bernard Cazeneuve,初入政坛时的第一份工作就是罗卡尔先生的政府成员顾问。||4:Marcon先生是罗卡尔先生的密友,并且罗卡尔受邀参加过其的婚礼。||

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-法国政治 罗卡尔强势回归 -

    Emmanuel Macron , France’s economy minister, launched a movement called “En Marche!”(On the Move!), to bring liberal economic ideas into the Socialist Party. France is preparing for presidential elections in 2017 with a Socialist president, Fran?ois Hollande, who is the least popular president in French history.

    法国经济部长艾玛纽埃尔·马克龙(Emmanuel Macron)发起一项名为“无限动感”的运动,意在为社会党(Socialist Party)引入自由主义经济思想。现任总统社会党人弗朗索瓦·奥朗德(Fran?ois Hollande)民意支持创历史新低,法国正在为2017年的总统大选做准备。

    The French cabinet gave its approval to a package of liberalising measures known after the new economy minister as the loi Macron . But the law, which will have a hard time gaining parliamentary approval, has already been watered down by the government.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-本周政治要闻 -

    Comparison of macron and microdilution antifungal tests of yeast


