major part 查询结果如下:
She played a major part in the success of the scheme.
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
Reducing inflation is central to(ie a major part of)the government’s economic policy.
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
“The 20th century has been a time of invigorating but chaotic experimentation and change. a major part of the theater remains a commercial enterprise. The ultimate expression of this entrepreneurial style is american ”“show business”“.”
属类:社会文化 -表演艺术 -戏剧
“according to their length, films are known as ”“shorts”“ or ’”“ features”“. The first feature length films appeared in 1912 and they generally made up the major part of a cinema show.”
属类:社会文化 -表演艺术 -电影
An investigation proved that the so-called dying rooms in the program “Secret Asia, the Dying Rooms” refer actually to a warehouse in the Huangshi City Social Welfare Home in Hubei Province and that the major part of the program is fabricated
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By far the major part of all “normal” bank advertising appears to be deployed against the unbranded prospect
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The major part of this waste water, consisted of wastes of relatively high BOD, alkalinity, suspended solids, and coloration
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nonverbal elements form a major part of any communication interchange
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In this test the motor power is indicated on a wattmeter but the major part is backed off electrically
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Mike Sweeney, SCNEA Gas and Power Director, said, ″ Shell′s business strategy in China is very much directed towards helping China develop clean energy solutions and gas is a major part of this.
属类:单位简介 -壳牌公司网站 -壳牌新闻
Pituitary gland (or hypophysis):Endocrine gland lying on the underside of the brain. It plays a major part in regulating the endocrine system.
属类:化学及生命科学 -医学 -生理与解剖
“Although credit cards are becoming a more acceptable part of the financial scene, they are still regarded with suspicion by many as being a major part of the ”live now, pay later syndrome“
属类:经济金融 -信用卡
The West has dominated Asia for the major part of the past two hundred years.
属类:社会文化 -新闻报道
Another major part of the folk dance is composed of dances related to food production and life.
属类:社会文化 -表演艺术 -民俗舞蹈
Being No. 1 has always been a major part of Norman’s career. He has occupied that spot in the world rankings longer than any player of his generation.
属类:体育娱乐 -体育 -高尔夫
Stoneworts contain calcium carbonate deposits so extensive that they may form the major part of lake bottoms.
属类:化学及生命科学 -生物 -藻类
The representation processingstorage, and transmission of such audio signals are a major part of the study of multimedia systems
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The gelatinous,rounded mass that is the major part of the body of most jellyfish.
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The major part of a vertebra,exclusive of the bases of the neural arch.
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He spent the major part of a year abroad.
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The major part of a vertebra, exclusive of the bases of the neural arch.
属类:综合句库 -未分类
if the defect or damage deprives the Employer of substantially the whole benefit of the Works or any major part of the Works, terminate the Contract as a whole, or in respect of such major part which cannot be put to the intended use.
属类:商务文书 -合同 -承包合同
The Advisory Committee on Safety, Hygiene and Health Protection at Work, which played a major part in its preparation, considers the document to be a true reflection of the consensus reached by the parties involved.
属类:口语表达 -
the major part
属类:英汉句库 -
The system of frontier health and quarantine, as the integral part of the preventive medicine and the exit-entry inspection and quarantine of our country, consists of four major parts
属类:行业术语 -检验检疫
Luqiao (In Chinese it means road and bridge), one of the major parts of Taizhou City, obtained its name from an Emperor of Song Dynasty (960-1279).
属类:单位简介 -城市介绍 -天台山传奇
The newly-published chronicle breaks down into eight major parts
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The classic form of this Daqu was divided into three major parts, and each part consisted of a certain number of sections.
属类:社会文化 -音乐 -唐大曲
These 3 major parts are linked with a U-shape decorative strip, which brings out the vigor of the car and serves as the delightful highlight of the energy of the HRV.
,三大部分由一气呵成的“U”形环车腰线串连,令整车充斥着浑然天成的锐进动感气质,成为HRV活 力激扬的点睛之笔。
属类:单位简介 -汽车公司网站 -别克
the Children’s Palace Improvement Project will be composed of two major parts, the project of the greened square and that of the comprehensive building, both to be newly constructed.
属类:社会文化 -电视新闻 -少年宫全面改造
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。