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    ||1: Even now, when mapmakers have access to tools such as satellite images, there is still no objective and universally accepted map, argues Mr Brotton. ||2: “The idea of the world may be common to all societies; but different societies have very distinct ideas of the world and how it should be represented.” ||3: The author reckons that Google Earth and other digital mapping applications are just as vulnerable as their predecessors to national priorities and cultural norms. ||4: These maps can be cluttered with links to commercial enterprises and are subject to censorship. ||5: At their most penetrating, they raise questions of privacy.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-制图史 世界景象 -

    ||1:But as Jerry Brotton explains in “A History of the World in Twelve Maps”, Ptolemy’s scientific influence tells only part of the story.||2:Mapmakers operate in environments of subjective knowledge.Their work is influenced by politics and patrons, regional assumptions and religious beliefs, all of which jostles with the science in determining what a map looks like and what it is used for.||3:Mapmakers may be geographers and cartographers, but they can also be artists and imperialists, storytellers and propagandists.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-制图史 世界景象 -

    ||1: Though he sets out to examine a mere 12 maps, Mr Brotton cannot help but give dozens more at least a passing mention. Ironically, this can be disorienting. ||2: Still, there is much to gain from this rich if overly detailed book. ||3: As the products of both art and science, maps are often fascinating interpretations of the perceived world. ||4: They are about data and spatial awareness, but also about money, empire and discovery.They tend to reveal more about the mapmakers than the lands they chronicle. ||5: Mr Brotton may fall short of providing the promised “history of the world”, but he offers plenty of good reasons to see old maps as windows to lost times.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-制图史 世界景象 -

    ||1:Time would change this view of the world in the eyes of British mapmakers .||2:By the 19th century maps often placed the British Isles at the core.||3:One such map in the book features a view of the globe with Britain and the North Atlantic in the centre to better portray the empire’s sea power; Australia and half of South America are left off.||4:Many of these maps, like those of the Spanish and Portuguese imperialists of the 16th century, did more to illustrate dominance and ambition than to improve cartographical practice.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-制图史 世界景象 -

    Will mapmakers have the ability to set weather that can change the terrain and interrupt gameplay for players?



    Some 19 other states, aside from California, have established commissions, either as the main mapmakers or as advisers to the legislature.


