1.A friend, companion, or workmate (often used as a form of address)
‘come here, marrer, we need to talk’
‘He and his marrer were hewing when a large stone fell from the roof and injured Roberts’ back, he died an hour after being taken home.’
2.A long white-fleshed gourd with green skin, which is eaten as a vegetable.
‘The annual Giant Vegetable Competition is approaching, and the folk who grow carrots and pumpkins and marrows in their back yards are fearful of the voracious rabbits that threaten their produce.’
‘Behind him, seven-year-old Jordan stood in awe with his grandmother, admiring the enormous marrows.’
3.A soft fatty substance in the cavities of bones, in which blood cells are produced.
‘marrow donors’
‘a bone marrow transplant’
4.Something that forms a pair with something else; a counterpart or twin.
‘He is the very marrow of John Strathbourne as he was when we fought side by side.’
‘Mind you, he was a smart man, my father. None his marrow when it came to making an old mare look as young and lifey as a two-year-old, tarring its grey hairs.’
5.The essential part of something.
‘such men were the marrow of the organization’
‘Also, my account cannot be complete, but it will contain most of the essential marrow of our many conversations.’
6.The plant of the gourd family which produces marrows.
‘I wouldn’t mind if they had a little nibble now and then, but no, they’ve got to have the whole thing. 2 pumpkin plants, 3 lettuce seedlings and damage to my marrow plant.’
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