It used to be modish for women to have their hair cut short.
【医学】 【中医】
Rhoda’s willowy figure, modish straw hat, and fuchsia gloves and shoes surprised Janice
||1:Public interest in his work outstripped its acceptance by the academic meteorologists Mr Schneider was working with at the beginning of his career.||2:They found computer modelling of the climate suspicious enough in itself, and Mr Schneider’s insistence that it should lead to interdisciplinary interactions with biologists interested in ecosystems—and even social scientists interested in human responses—made things worse.||3:When he returned to his office after the AAAS talk, he found a New York Times article that quoted his Twain gag pinned up on a noticeboard with “Bullshit” stamped across it.||4:His subsequent appearances on “The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson” probably did little to improve his reputation with conservative colleagues.||5:Nor did his fairly rapid dismissal of his early belief that cooling caused by pollution might outstrip warming due to carbon dioxide.||6:In later years, when he and his colleagues had pushed climate change, and in particular greenhouse warming, on to the agenda, people keen to ensure a lack of action made much of his about-face over cooling, preferring to accuse him of modish inconsistency than to see him as someone who had worked to improve his models, and as a result had changed his mind.
1.Conforming to or following what is currently popular and fashionable.
‘it seems sad that such a scholar should feel compelled to use this _modish_ jargon’
‘Which leaves the visitor free to form opinions free of the critical and cultural pressure that comes with looking at consecrated classic or _modish_ modern art.’
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