most of the time 查询结果如下:
Most of the time , you will use FTP to copy a file from a remote host to your computer, this process is called downloading. You can also transfer files from your computer to a remote host, This is called uploading.
属类:行业术语 -计算机 -网络
Most of the time single phase loads are the origin of these disturbances.
属类:工程技术 -电力英语
They go about together most of the time .
属类:综合句库 -典型例句
My wife and I eat in most of the time .
属类:学习英语 -成语例句
Most of the time , he preferred to wear sweaters, baggy trousers, and old shoes rather than business suits
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As geologist, we work in the field most of the time .
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Mr. Prentice acts like a hermit; he keeps to himself most of the time
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Moles stay underground most of the time .
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as geologists, we work in the field most of the time .
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Most of the time , especially when on public view, he exuded friendliness, expressed through an easy grin
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However, most of the time people from the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.
属类:学习英语 -教材英语 -高一课文
Most of the time we think we’re sick, it’s all in the mind.--Thomas Wolfe
属类:习语名句 -名人名言 -生活篇
Most of the time , life does not talk to you. It just sort of pushes you around. Each push is life saying, `Wake up. There’s something I want you to learn.’
属类:社会文化 -热点文章 -富爸爸穷爸爸
I repos’d my self here a week, to rest and regale my self after my long journey; during which, most of the time was taken up in the weighty affair of making a cage for my poll, who began now to be a mere domestick, and to be well acquainted with me.
属类:文学表达 -英语名著 -鲁宾逊漂流记
Most of the time there is warm clear day in summer.
属类:口语表达 -未分类
Most of the time his eyes were shut, but mine were open. I started really looking. And there appeared green acres of artichoke fields that glistened in the sun or disappeared when the fog rolled in.
属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文
Two extremes in my life that most of the time I find uncomfortable.I normally dread them and gripe about it all the way through.
属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文
Most of the time , I sold magazines. I had my regular route and regular customers.
属类:文学表达 -文学 -散文
People can join the dance or retreat freely, but most of the time , it is a two-person dance.
属类:社会文化 -舞蹈 -葵依
I have to do more work because I have trained by myself most of the time . I have to talk with the physical trainer and the coach.
属类:社会文化 -新闻文摘 -罗纳尔多访谈录
Say the right thing at the right time, and keep still most of the time
属类:习语名句 -谚语
Most of the time , at my mother and father-in-law’s house, we go home after eating dinner.
属类:综合句库 -一般表达 -五彩缤纷
Oxygen inhalation was continually used most of the time during this period of her hospitalization.
属类:化学及生命科学 -医学
He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the time .
属类:化学及生命科学 -医学
But most of the time the street was empty.
属类:综合句库 -英汉翻译
Bernadette was famished most of the time .
属类:综合句库 -英汉翻译
So many people were sick, and Dad was gone most of the time seeing patients. He was also building a new office and trying to earn enough to pay for an X-ray machine.
属类:社会文化 -英语文摘
The old man is confused most of the time but he does have lucid moments.
属类:英汉句库 -
Say the right thing at the right time,and keep still most of the time .
属类:习语名句 -英文谚语
Much of the time, which she might readily have applied to the better efforts of her art, she employed in making coarse garments for the poor.
属类:文学表达 -英语名著
Much of the time was wasted.
属类:综合句库 -
In a way that industries such as printing or steel cannot, we can operate at quarter-speed much of the time and still enjoy long-term prosperity.
属类:商务文书 -经济文书 -巴菲特致股东
It also has longer days, because it faces the sun more of the time.
属类:学习英语 -许国璋英语
Athlete’s foot:Form of ringworm that affects the feet. In the inflammatory type, the infection may lie inactive much of the time, with occasional acute episodes in which blisters develop, mostly between the toes.
属类:化学及生命科学 -医学
Much of the time was wasted.
属类:英汉句库 -
Most of the time of the defunct had been passed in helping himself
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ostensibly he was on a business trip, but he spent most of the time on the beach
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Most of the time , Tom was not very alert, but he did manage to look up and give a one-sided smile to each of his visitors
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Most of the time they snipe at each other, but these days they’re short of moving targets
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ultraviolet light can trigger skin cancer. But most of the time , the body’s largest organ simply shrugs off its effects
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Most of the time I keep such traitorous thoughts to myself
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School had started, and Tammy had brought home failing slips in several of her classes, and Mark was sullen much of the time, and Lori was quiet and subdued
属类:综合句库 -
Bed load particles move spasmodically, perhaps at long intervals, and are at rest on the stream bed most of the time
属类:综合句库 -
I stay most of the time at home so I rarely use the Mercedes
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Most of the time
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For much of the time he suffered from bad health.
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He stayed in his room most of the time nursing his cold.
属类:综合句库 -
英语成语:run (something) by (one) one more time
1. Once more; again. I read the instructions one more time, just in case there was anything I might have missed. You’re getting very good at playing that song, Samantha. one more time, please.
He went over the plan one more time, stressing the importance of getting the details exactly right.
2. A phrase used when something is being repeated.
One more time, everyone: this paper is due on Thursday, not Friday, as you were originally told.
3.To explain something to one or inform one about something one final time. OK, run the plan by me one more time so I know exactly what needs to be done.
I think that should be fine, but be sure to run it by me one more time on Monday.
独上高台望四海 手揽云月傍天飞, 落叶重重已十月 归鸟凄凄啼心扉。