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    ||1:Northerners have long resisted mutualisation for fear of underwriting laxity in the south.||2:But without it Italy and Spain will face either a savage crisis now or a lengthy debt crisis in the future.||3:With lockdowns in place from Saxony to Sicily, debt issued today is a result not of bad behaviour but of the pandemic.||4:Mutualisation should be a compromise, signalling that north and south have to live together in their common interest.||5:Even some past opponents of Eurobonds, such as Klaas Knot, head of the Dutch central bank, now see a case for them.||6:Northern leaders must follow.||7:For two decades they have shied away from the fact that the currency union cannot succeed unless its members share more risk.||8:If they do not face up to that today, the euro, and perhaps the European Union itself, will not survive.


    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元区面临经济考验(2) -

    ||1:The debate about “political union” in the euro zone is almost entirely absent in France. Writing in Le Monde, a daily, Francoise Fressoz, an editorialist, called this a “strategy of silence”, designed not to stir up divisions.||2:In his speech, Mr. Ayrault declared that France was ready to make proposals, but on condition that the objective was “integration solidaire”, or integration with solidarity.||3:But what exactly he and Mr Hollande mean by this, besides the mutualisation of debt, is unclear.

    ||1:法国国内几乎从未讨论过关于在欧元区建立“政治联盟”的问题。法国《世界报》主笔Francoise Fressoz称这一现象为“静默政策”,可以避免挑起纷争。||2:让-马克·艾罗在发言中宣称,法国会积极提出建议,但条件是以“团结的统一”为目的。||3:然而,对于债务互助化问题等政治联盟问题,他和奥朗德究竟言之何意还尚不明朗。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-政策转向 法国能否通过欧盟财政契约? -

    Debt mutualisation can be devised to stop short of a permanent transfer union.


