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    “The other solution is to mutualise the cost of rescue at the margin.”
    “But established red lines remain firmly drawn up, with Germany firmly refusing to mutualise government debt like European socialists had initially hoped.”

    ||1: To get properly on top of its debt problem, Europe needs to be bolder. ||2: A growing chorus argues that this must entail some form of joint liability for countries’ debts. ||3: A proposal from the German Council of Economic Experts for a European Debt Redemption Fund, which would mutualize all euro-zone members’ debts above 60% of GDP, with strict rules to pay them off over 25 years, is gaining traction in some quarters. ||4: Germany itself remains staunchly opposed to anything that smells of Eurobonds, and the current period of calm has only reinforced that resistance. ||5: Meanwhile, the clock ticks.

    ||1:要想恰当地处理好债务问题,欧洲还需要更加大刀阔斧。||2:越来越多的人认为欧洲国家需要为债务问题负连带责任。||3: 德国经济专家委员会提出的欧洲债务赎回基金的建议在部分地区得到了响应。该基金吸收了欧元区各国债务占GDP 60%以外的部分,制定严格的制度使他们在25年内还清。 ||4:德国本身坚决反对任何带有欧洲债券味道的东西,当前的风平浪静只是增强了这种抵抗。||5:与此同时,钟表指针滴滴答答地走着。

    属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-漏洞百出的防火墙 -
