属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自由交易 伟大开拓者
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-智能手机在尼日利亚 黑莓女孩
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-欧元危机 负债人的监狱
1 | 导弹防御系统对全球战略稳定产生消极影响,给国际和地区和平与安全带来新的不稳定因素,影响大国之间的信任,损害其他国家正当的安全利益。 | a missile defense system produce negative impact on global strategic stability, bring new unstable factors to international and regional peace and security, erode trust among big powers, or undermine legitimate security interests of other countries. | |
2 | 腐蚀剂是腐蚀和损坏所接触到的包括金属、纺织品和人体组织在内的材料的物质。 | Corrosives are substances that erode and deteriorate materials on contact, including metals, fabrics, and human tissue. | |
3 | 根据世界卫生组织今天发布的一份报告,不断增加的致病微生物抗药性水平正对近数十年的医学进步构成侵蚀的威胁。 | Increasing levels of drug resistance of pathogenic microorganisms are threatening to erode the medical advances of recent decades, according to a report released today by the World Health Organization (WHO). | |
4 | 海水经年累月冲刷着峭壁的表面。 | The sea have erode the cliff face over the years. | |
5 | 基于数学形态学腐蚀运算的人脸特征提取 | Face Feature Extraction Based on the Erode Algorithm of Mathematical Morphology | |
6 | 磨蚀,磨损因摩擦而破损或擦伤;侵蚀 | To wear down or rub away by friction;erode . | |
7 | 啮蚀,腐蚀啮蚀或磨损;腐蚀 | To gnaw or wear away;erode . | |
8 | 侵蚀通过磨损而侵蚀或被侵蚀 | To erode or be eroded by abrasion. | |
9 | 如果产品获得成功,那么销售增长,利润产生。但是,随着时间推移,类似产品或新产品会蚕食该产品的利润,直到它不再能带来利润并遭停产。 | if they prosper, sales increase and profits are made, however, over time competition from similar or new products erode the margins of the product until it ceases to be economic to continue with production. | |
10 | 他们已经看到了他们的股票价值下跌了不少。 | They had already seen the value of their stock erode considerably | |
11 | 同样,可口可乐瓶--世界上最著名的饮料瓶,并且也是一个现代包装的典型设计一是20世纪西方文明对其它文化有渗透和侵蚀力的象征。 | Similarly, the Coca-Cola bottle--the most famous bottle in the world and the classic piece of modern package design--now symbolises the power of 20th century Western civilisation to penetrate and erode other cultures | |
12 | 咬,啮用牙齿咬,啃,啮 | To bite,chew on,or erode with the teeth. | |
13 | 自行火炮抽气装置防烧蚀腐蚀的改进试验 | Improvement on Ablation and Erode of Mechanized Gun Evacuator | |
14 | 作为经济上先进但又脆弱的国家的公民,我们必须始终不懈地提高技术质量,否则我们的生活水平就会下降。 | As citizens of advanced but vulnerable economies, we must either relentlessly increase the quality of our skills or see our standard of living erode | |
15 | ||1:在美国,黑人数量占其总人口约十分之一,对黑人的歧视导致白人工人收入相对削减较小而黑人工人的工资却较大幅度下降。||2:在南非,黑人占比较高,歧视使整个经济体的收入更大幅度的下挫。||3:贝克尔指出,虽然那些来自更理性的公司的竞争可能逐步消除企业歧视,但仅仅依靠市场力量很难削弱根植于工人或消费者偏好中的歧视。||4:他探讨这一问题的书籍《歧视经济学》为后续研究奠定了基础。 | ||1:In America, where the black population was roughly one-tenth of the total, discrimination against blacks led to relatively small reductions in white incomes but far more substantial ones for black workers.||2:In South Africa, with a far higher proportion of blacks, discrimination brought much larger reductions in incomes across the economy.||3:Mr Becker pointed out that although competition from more rational firms might gradually eliminate corporate discrimination, market forces alone would rarely erode discrimination rooted in the tastes of workers or consumers.||4:His book on the subject, “The Economics of Discrimination”, became the foundation for subsequent research. | |
16 | 2008年的金融危机貌似削弱了美元在全球的统领地位。 | The 2008 financial crisis might have been expected to erode the dollar’s global prominence. | |
17 | 更有可能抢占RIM的市场份额的反而是华为、中兴和德卡诺这样的中国公司:这些厂商的手机和智能手机有两个SIM卡槽(这样用户能使用两个不同的网络,这对于一个信号不好的国家来说很实用),而且价格更便宜。 | it is Chinese firms such as Huawei, ZTE and Tecno which are more likely to erode RIM’s market share: they offer cheaper handsets and smartphones with two SIM cards (which allows customers to use two different networks—handy in a country where wireless service is unreliable). | |
18 | 由于坏账侵蚀其资本,银行越来越不愿意放贷。 | As bad debts erode their capital, banks become more reluctant to lend. | |
19 | 这样虽然有一些河水漫出堤坝,但造成的损失会远远小于由于土坝在水流侵蚀下而垮塌产生的后果。 | Some flooding from that overspill results—but not as much as if the spill were allowed to erode and destroy the levee itself. | |
20 | (能够配备摄像镜头来监视行动确保正当行为的)机器人会不会腐蚀这种宝贵的队伍凝聚力? | Would a robot--which can be equipped with cameras to monitor action and ensure proper behavior--erode this valuable squad cohesion? | |
21 | Ahmanson帝国后续的计划在Howard十岁时,因其母亲给父亲的一纸离婚书,开始衰退。 | The Emperor’s succession plans began to erode when Ahmanson turned ten and his beloved mother served his father with divorce papers. | |
22 | OPEC表示,政府政策及消费行为转变,可能导致燃料需求减少,特别是在运输等产业。 | OPEC said changes in government policy and behavior could erode demand for fuel, especially in sectors such as transportation. | |
23 | Ti合金在人工体液中的电化学腐蚀动力学参数 | Electrochemical Erode Dynamic Parameters of a New Type Dental Ti Alloy in Artificial Body Fluid | |
24 | 把社会项目放在竞争基金的肉搏战中,不免有损这些价值观。 | Put social projects in head-to-head competition for funding, and those values start to erode . | |
25 | 不管表现为以上的哪个方面,通货膨胀都是与物价稳定背道而驰的,随着时间的流逝它还会降低金钱的购买力。 | Either way, inflation is the opposite of stable prices, and over time can erode the purchasing power of your money. | |
26 | 不过,在冷战结束、中国开始崛起成为今天这样的大国之后,那种安排的效用就开始逐渐减弱。 | Yet the utility of those arrangements began to erode when the cold war ended and China began its rise to the powerhouse it is today. | |
27 | 不仅如此,更大的失败将进一步削弱你的自信,并使得你的身体状况更糟糕。 | Not only that, but more failure will further erode your confidence and increase the sad condition of your body. | |
28 | 不仅如此,这些毒素也让植物,城墙和古迹难以幸免。 | Likewise, the toxins can damage plants and erode walls and monuments. | |
29 | 从2015年开始的中国劳动人口老龄化进程将侵蚀其储蓄率,而这更像是一道分水岭。 | The ageing of China’s working population from mid-decade, which will erode its savings rate, will be more of a watershed. | |
30 | 但10年期美国国债3.5%的收益率,在抵御通胀侵蚀的切实风险方面效果甚微。 | But the yield of 3. 5 per cent on the 10-year bond does little to guard against the real risk that inflation will erode it. |