属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-戳破房地产泡沫 选择正确的针
1 | 给轮胎放气. | deflate the tire | |
2 | 降低价格. | deflate prices | |
3 | 紧缩通货. | deflate currency | |
4 | 任何事都不能削弱他的自信心气焰 | Nothing could deflate his ego/pomposity,ie make him less self-assured or pompous. | |
5 | 削弱(某人的傲气、信心等);泄某人的气 | Reduce(sb’s pride, confidence,etc);deflate | |
6 | 政府决定紧缩通货. | The Government decided to deflate . | |
7 | 只有如此,才能使敌焰下降,民气大伸。 | For only thus can we deflate the enemy’s arrogance and raise the people’s morale | |
8 | ||1:央行不能通过利率来挤压房地产泡沫是因为除了资产价值以外,相关国家的经济持续保持病态。||2:瑞典曾试图通过提高利率来冷却市场但结果事与愿违:失业率停止下降并且整个国家走向了通货紧缩,迫使瑞典央行于2011年再次调低利率。||3:如果说有什么不同的话,币政策的调整似乎进一步的刺激了欧元区的房价,因为欧洲央行怀着不负责的想法单纯的认为购买债券可以进一步的降低借贷成本。 | ||1:Central bankers cannot use interest rates to deflate the housing bubbles since, asset values aside, the economies of the countries concerned remain so sickly.||2:Sweden’s attempt to cool the market with an increase in rates in 2010 backfired: unemployment stopped falling and the country headed towards deflation, forcing the Riksbank start reducing rates again in 2011.||3:If anything, monetary policy is likely to provide a further spur to house prices in the euro zone, since the ECB is toying with the idea of buying bonds in an effort to bring borrowing costs down yet further. | |
9 | 政府通常会以这三个理由之一作为实施价格管制的原因:为了再分配、稳定或或紧缩。 | Governments generally impose price controls for one of three reasons: to redistribute, stabilise or deflate . | |
10 | 3年内最严重的通货膨胀和持续不下的房地产泡沫又导致了那么高的生活费。 | Then there’s the soaring cost of living, underscored by the worst inflation in three years and a property bubble that refuses to deflate . | |
11 | RFC1950中定义的zlib格式,并与RFC1951中定义的deflate压缩机制相结合。 | The zlib format defined in RFC 1950 in combination with the deflate compression mechanism described in RFC 1951. | |
12 | 但是到月底等下个月的薪水的时候,它就会完全地缩小。 | Come the end when you a waiting for the next paycheck however, it will completely deflate . | |
13 | 当某一个泡沫开始出现裂痕,要将其完全消除往往需要数年的时间,在这一过程中,经济将遭受严重损害。 | And whenever one of those bubbles begins to leak, it typically needs years to deflate , causing enormous economic damage as it does. | |
14 | 当需求下滑推动能源和食品价格走低,美国经济已开始半个多世纪来的首度紧缩。 | The US economy has begun to deflate for the first time in more than half a century as a slump in demand pushes energy and food costs lower. | |
15 | 第四,产生大面积建筑用地,将平抑英国东南部过分上涨的房价。 | Fourth, the creation of large tracts of building land would deflate overblown south-east house prices. | |
16 | 电液控制快速关断阀在汽轮机抽汽管路上的应用 | Application of rapid cut-off valve with electro-hydraulic control in the deflate line of turbines | |
17 | 对此,美国《华尔街日报》评论称,中国房价多年来狂涨不止,房价泡沫开始泄气了。 | The Wall Street Journal said that China’s property bubble is starting to deflate after years of housing prices gone wild. | |
18 | 对于房地产行业,中国政府正在采取行动抑制泡沫。 | But in property, the government was taking action to deflate bubbles. | |
19 | 格林斯潘在书中透露,当初,他对上述两种泡沫确实非常担心,并且试图用加息的方式予以抑制。 | One revelation is the extent to which Mr Greenspan says he did worry about and try to deflate both bubbles with early rate rises. | |
20 | 汇丰(HSBC)驻香港股票分析师StevenSun表示:“中国的大战略是要逐步缩小泡沫,但不要扎破泡沫。” | Steven Sun, equity analyst at HSBC in Hong Kong, said: "The grand strategy is to gradually deflate the bubble but not to prick the bubble. " | |
21 | 基本问题是近几十年来产生的房屋价格泡沫已经破灭并在持续收缩中。 | The basic problem is that the housing price bubble that inflated over recent decades has popped and continues to deflate . | |
22 | 她的社交价值会继续降低,你的会持续升高---一个关于社交价值反方向的关系。 | Her social value will continue to deflate while yours will continue to rise - an inverse relationship of social value. | |
23 | 今年1月,津巴布韦印制了面值为有十一个‘0’的钞票,仅隔一个月就又令其货币贬值。 | In January, Zimbabwe printed a dollar note with a number containing 14 zeros, only to further deflate its currency a month later. | |
24 | 金融史表明,泡沫会创造产能,而一旦泡沫破裂,这些产能也不再被需要。 | Financial history shows that bubbles create capacity, which is no longer needed once they deflate . | |
25 | 考虑你的生活中哪些环境或处境让你感到有麻烦、似乎在打击你的自尊心。 | Think about what conditions or situations about your life you find troubling and that seem to deflate your self-esteem. | |
26 | 李晶还提到了中国当局采取的两项措施,她认为这些举措将有助于缓步平抑股价。 | Ms Ulrich also points to two measures taken by Chinese authorities that she believes will help gently deflate stock prices. | |
27 | 目前,中国人民银行正在努力抑制通胀并循序渐进地打压房地产市场泡沫。 | The Chinese central bank is now engaged in serious efforts to cool inflation and to gradually deflate the property market bubble. | |
28 | 那里有近30人看我们划着船,放掉皮筏的气,将其捆在背包上。 | Around 30 people watched us paddle in, deflate our rafts, and strap them back on our packs. | |
29 | 那样,作为加入欧元区的一个前提条件,一个有志于加盟的会员国将陷入一种被迫通缩的荒谬境地。 | So an aspiring member state would be in the absurd position of having to deflate as a precondition for euro entry. | |
30 | 其次,人们更大的担心在于,中国已出现了泡沫,目前正设法让那个泡沫缓缓缩小。 | The second, much greater fear is that China has created a bubble and is now trying to get that bubble to deflate gently. |