属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-BS 5518-1977
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-另一个地球? 远离家乡的家
1 | 16排快速螺旋CT增强扫描联合D-二聚体检测诊断肺栓塞16例 | 16-Detector-Row Spiral CT Enhance Scanning Combining with D-Dimmer in Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis | |
2 | 20世纪30-40年代的实业界星五聚餐会 | The Friday Dimmer Parties of the Business Community in the 1930s and 1940s | |
3 | hβ2GPⅠ第一功能区基因单体和二串联体的克隆和表达 | Cloning and Expression of Monomer and Dimmer of hβ2GPⅠ First Domain Gene | |
4 | 氨基酸桥联手性双卟啉的二阶非线性光学性质研究 | Investigation on Second-order Nonlinear Optical Property of Amino Acid Bridged Chiral Porphyrin Dimmer | |
5 | 对苯乙烯二聚体衍生物的合成研究 | Study on Synthesis of Derivative of p-phenylenevinylene Dimmer | |
6 | 非离子型双体对比剂在冠状动脉介入治疗中应用的安全性观察 | Safety of Isosomolar Nonionic Dimmer during Percutaneous Coronary Intervention | |
7 | 固体电路器件(计算机、调光器开关、变带装置) | Solid state devices (computers, dimmer switches and variable speed drives) | |
8 | 可生物降解二聚酸酯类的合成及其摩擦磨损性能研究 | Synthesis of Biodegradable Dimmer Acid Esters and Study of Their Tribological Characteristics | |
9 | 设若象他这样神圣的人,就在众人眼前飞升,渐黯又渐明,最终消失在天国的光辉中,也不会被视为难以企及的奇迹。 | Nor would it have seemed a miracle too high to be wrought for one so holy, had he ascended before their eyes, waxing dimmer and brighter, and fading at last into the light of heaven! | |
10 | 钨丝灯用电子可调控制开关(减光器开关)规范 | Specification for electronic variable control switches (dimmer switches)for tungsten filament lighting | |
11 | 心血管介入手术后D-二聚体的变化及其意义 | The Clinic Value of the Di-dimmer Changing in Patients Who Had Been Carried out Cardiovascular Intervention | |
12 | 有机电发光苯乙烯二聚体及其衍生物的合成研究 | Study on the Synthesis of Derivative of Organic Electroluminescent p-Phenylenevinylene Dimmer | |
13 | ||1:然而,Kepler 22b 是目前发现的最有希望的外行星。||2:不像其他行星不在恒星的"适居带",Kepler 22b 在它的"适居带"舒适地运行。||3:美国国家航空与宇宙航行局的研究人员通过与地球表面温度15°C(至少现在是)比较,估算出它表面的温度大概是22°C。||4:它的母恒星与太阳相似,这又与其他两个候选外行星不同,其他两个候选外行星都环绕较冷的、较昏暗的恒星运行。||5:Gliese 581d的母恒星确实是一个红矮星---最小的星系。||6:那意味着’适居带"非常接近它以至于行星可能被潮汐力锁住,就像月亮对于地球一样。||7:如果是那样的话,Gliese 581d的一面将会是常年光亮的(并很热),而另一面将会是无尽的黑暗。 | ||1:Nevertheless, Kepler 22b is the most promising exoplanet yet found.||2:Unlike the others, which skirt the edges of their stars’ Goldilocks zones, Kepler 22b orbits comfortably within its own.||3:NASA’s researchers reckon its surface temperature is about 22°C, compared with 15°C (at least for now) on Earth.||4:Its parent star is similar to the sun, again unlike those of the other two candidates, both of which orbit cooler, dimmer stars.||5:Indeed Gliese 581d’s parent is a red dwarf-the tiniest stellar species.||6:That means its Goldilocks zone is so close to it that the planet may be tidally locked, as the moon is to the Earth.||7:If that were the case, one side of Gliese 581d would be permanently lit (and heated) while the other experienced unending darkness. | |
14 | ||1:这场衰退有可能限制公共财政支出。||2:2011-12财政年度的前7个月统计数据显示政府已经大致完成其借款目标——1220亿英镑。||3:自3月以来,获得失业金的人数每月都在上升。||4:血多经济学家认为独立的财政监督——预算责任部会对中期经济前景会有更低的预期。||5:经济会发挥到最大潜力而且大部分赤字是结构性的,这意味着更少的预算赤字会坏账赖账。 | ||1:Yet the likely recession will strain public finances.||2:Figures for the first seven months of the financial year suggest that the government is roughly on track to meet its borrowing target of £122 billion (around 8% of GDP) for 2011-12.||3:Yet the number of people claiming unemployment benefit has risen each month since March (see chart).||4:Many economists believe the Office for Budget Responsibility, the independent fiscal watchdog, will take a dimmer view of the economy’s medium-term prospects.||5:That would imply less of the budget deficit will be eroded as the economy expands to its full potential, and that more of it is therefore structural. | |
15 | 它的母恒星与太阳相似,这又与其他两个候选外行星不同,其他两个候选外行星都环绕较冷的、较昏暗的恒星运行。 | Its parent star is similar to the sun, again unlike those of the other two candidates, both of which orbit cooler, dimmer stars. | |
16 | 1,3-二甲基尿嘧啶二聚体的飞行时间质谱裂解规律研究 | Study on Fragmentation Regularity of 1, 3-Dimethyluracil Cyclobutane Dimmer by Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry | |
17 | PLC在精密无级减光器中的应用 | The Application of PLC in Precision Stepless Dimmer | |
18 | 本申请公开了一种通用调节器,每次激活该通用调节器时,其检测它所连接的负载类型。 | Disclosed is a universal dimmer which detects the type of load connected to each time the universal dimmer is activated. | |
19 | 餐厅主厅非常高,顶部装有286盏专门设计的灯具和调控开关。 | The dining room with its great height has been decorated with 286 purpose-designed lamps fitted with a dimmer switch. | |
20 | 车辆前照灯自动变光器的设计 | Design of Headlight Automatic Dimmer for Automobile | |
21 | 但是食品与药物管理局以及美国儿科学术研讨协会并不看好分享母乳这一现象。 | But the Food and Drug Administration and the American Academy of Pediatrics take a dimmer view of the breast-milk-sharing phenomenon. | |
22 | 第二层的彩虹通常位置在第一层的外面,看上去比原来那个灰暗和模糊。 | The second rainbow usually sits outside the first, and looks dimmer and more blurry than the original. | |
23 | 而红矮星Gliese581位于天秤星座,距离地球20光年,大约比太阳昏暗50倍。 | The star is located 20 light-years from Earth in the constellation Libra. Red dwarf stars are about 50 times dimmer than our sun. | |
24 | 基于DSP的三重智能调光柜测控系统的现场采集控制 | Field Sampling Control of Triplex Intelligent Dimmer Cubicle System Based on DSP | |
25 | 急性白血病患者病情与D-二聚体含量相关性的研究 | Study on correlation of disease status with D-dimmer level in acute leukemia patients | |
26 | 急性脑梗死患者血小板聚集、抗凝血酶和D二聚体的测定 | The Detection of Plasma of Platelet Aggregation Antithrombin and D-dimmer in Acute Cerebral Infarction Patient | |
27 | 检测血浆D-二聚体在肺栓塞诊断中的应用 | Application of serum D-dimmer detection in pulmonary embolism diagnosis | |
28 | 精密无级减光器的设计与实现 | Design and implementation of a precision stepless dimmer | |
29 | 精密无级减光器控制系统的上位机实现 | The Implementation of the Control System of Precision Stepless Dimmer on the Upper Stage Computer | |
30 | 聚(二聚酸-癸二酸)的合成和药物释放性能 | Preparations and Drug Delivery Properties of Poly (Dimmer Acid-sebacic Acid) Copolymers |