属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-东非骆驼 又快又有味儿
属类:时事政治-In the News 时事新闻-密西西比河洪水泛滥
1 | 土制筑垒;陶罐 | An earthen fortification;an earthen pot. | |
2 | 吐鲁番泥木俑 | earthen and wooden figurines in Turpan | |
3 | 瓦灯说道:“我要尽我所能地做去,我的主人。” | I shall do what I can, my Master, said the earthen lamp | |
4 | 瓦盆里面挂一层釉子。 | The earthen pot is glazed inside | |
5 | 我先做了些很大的陶器,但不太深;这些容器直径有两英尺,但深仅九英寸。 | I made some earthen vessels very broad, but not deep; that is to say, about two foot diameter, and not above nine inches deep | |
6 | 小屋的地板是泥地。 | The cabin has an earthen floor. | |
7 | 胸墙一种用泥土或石头筑起以掩护士兵免遭敌方火力的坝栏 | An earthen or stone embankment protecting soldiers from enemy fire. | |
8 | 一句话,我费了很大的力气去找陶土,找到后把土挖出来,调合好,运回家,再做成泥瓮。结果,我工作了差不多两个月的时间,才做成两只大瓦罐,样子非常难看,简直无法把它们叫作缸。 | And in a word, how after having labour’d hard to find the clay, to dig it, to temper it, to bring it home and work it; I could not make above two large earthen ugly things, I cannot call them jars, in about two months labour. | |
9 | 一种新型土遗址加固材料的制备及加固效果评价 | The Preparation of a New Consolidation Material for Earthen Archaeological Site and the Evaluation of Its Effectiveness | |
10 | 榆林明长城遗址保护加固室内试验研究 | Indoor Experimental Research on Consolidation of Earthen Sites by Silicone-Acrylate Emulsion | |
11 | 在这湖岸偏西一带,散布着威廉?享利的土筑壁垒和低矮的建筑。 | Directly on the shore of the lake, and nearer to its western than to its eastern margin, lay the extensive earthen ramparts and low buildings of William Henry | |
12 | 这次实验成功后,不用说,我不缺什么陶器用了。但我必须说,这些东西的形状,是很不像样的。 | After this experiment, I need not say that I wanted no sort of earthen ware for my use; but I must needs say, as to the shapes of them, they were very indifferent | |
13 | 这个陶制的大坛叫做圣坛,过去在庙里是用来盛装祭祀用的酒和油的。 | This earthen tub,called a pithos,and formerly been used for holding wine oroil for the sacrifices at the temple | |
14 | 这时黏土感到心满意足了,它暗暗地感激它的制造者,因为自己虽然只是一只普通泥土器皿,但里面装的却是一件无比珍贵的宝物。 | Then the clay was content, and silently thanked its maker, because, though an earthen vessel, it held so great a treasure. | |
15 | 中国名菜“佛跳墙”选料十分讲究。 | A famous Chinese dish, Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, (seafood and fowl cooked in earthen jar)is specially prepared from high-quality ingredients. | |
16 | 中亚和西亚首先制作地毯,作为泥土地面的覆盖物;它们也用作毯子、鞍盖、存储包、帐篷门和坟墓覆盖物。 | Carpets were first made in central and western Asia as coverings for earthen floors; they were also used for blankets, saddle covers, storage bags, tent doorways, and tomb covers. | |
17 | 卓立于泉州文化之奇葩-走进泉州土楼 | Wonderful Works Standing Out in Quanzhou Culture-Entering the Earthen Towers of Quanzhou | |
18 | 尽管拉舍达人是传统的游牧民族,但很多人已在如Abu Talha之类的村庄中定居下来,村庄里杂乱排布着泥墙房或色彩鲜艳的混凝土房。 | Although the Rashaida are traditionally nomadic, many have settled in villages like Abu Talha, a jumble of earthen -walled or brightly painted concrete houses. | |
19 | 上周,美国陆军工兵部队在密苏里州的土结构防洪堤炸开一个3公里宽的口子。他们这样做的目的是为了保护肯塔基州和伊利诺伊州的沿河城镇。但结果是5,2000公顷农田被淹。 | Last week, the Army Corps of Engineers exploded a three-kilometer-wide hole along an earthen levee in Missouri. They did that to protect river towns in two other states, Kentucky and Illinois. But fifty-two thousand hectares of farmland were flooded as a result. | |
20 | 这种装置的全称是"泥土坝便置保护装置",其英文首字母的缩略语REPEL也正好有"防御"的意思。 | In this case the acronym of choice is REPEL (Rapidly Emplaced Protection for Earthen Levees). | |
21 | 奥罗维尔坝是美国最大的土坝,20世纪50年代建在一个活动频繁的断层带上,1968年开始蓄水。 | The largest earthen dam in the U. S. , it was constructed on an active fault line in the 1950s and filled in 1968. | |
22 | 承启楼—一座具有同心圆结构,高四层的土楼,建于17世纪,位于福建永定县。 | Chengqi lou, a 17th-century tulou, or earthen building, in Yongding, China, consists of concentric rings rising four stories. | |
23 | 但是这一切并没有达到我的目的,因为我的目的是要做一个可以装流质,可以经得起火的泥锅。 | All this would not answer my end, which was to get an earthen pot to hold what was liquid and bear the fire. | |
24 | 到1703年年底,堡垒的土质墙建成,随后建成了石质墙。 | By the end of 1703 earthen walls of the fortress were built, then stone ones. | |
25 | 迪卢柏•阿姆巴尼成长于一个有着泥土地板的二居室的家里,这是靠近阿拉伯海的印度古吉拉特邦(音)一个地方。 | DHIRUBHAI AMBANI grew up in a two-room home with an earthen floor in the Indian state of Gujarat, close to the Arabian Sea. | |
26 | 福建土楼旅游资源特征与开发策略 | Characteristics of Tourism Resources of Fujian Hakka Earthen Dwellings and the Development Countermeasures | |
27 | 高速公路沥青混凝土路面面层施工的质量控制 | Highway asphalt coagulation earthen road pavement surface layer construction quality control | |
28 | 公路土质边坡冻融失稳稳定性分析 | Stability analysis of loss of stability caused by freeze and melt of earthen side slopes of highways | |
29 | 河蟹土池育苗阶段性养水给饵技术的探索 | Studies on a Technique of Intermittent Feeding in Artificial Breeding of Mitten Crab in Earthen Ponds | |
30 | 湖的西部有一条细流,在通过天然的泥质堤坝时被塑造形成。 | A thin trickle of water exits the lake on its western side, having carved through the natural earthen dam. |