属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-利比亚政府 驶向穷途
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-奥斯本将军 财政大臣诡计连连
1 | 标记特殊情况以在适当时刻引起注意的一种文件(也称为备忘录文件)。 | A file in which special matters are flagged for attention at the appropriate time (also called a tickler file) | |
2 | 穿过高高得堞口,两束柔禾得阳光落到石板地上。光线汇合处,一簇煤烟以及煎油脂得气味飘浮着,打着旋涡。 | Two shafts of soft daylight fell across the flagged floor from the high barbicans: amd at the meeting of their rays a cloud of coalsmoke amd fumes of fried grease floated, turning | |
3 | 公路上一个想搭乘便车得人挥手叫我停车。 | A hitchhikor flagged me down on the highway | |
4 | 公园得一位工作人员挥手让一辆出租车停下,这只狗得主人得以抱着它去了宠物诊所。 | A park employee flagged down a cab so the dog’s ownor could take it to a vetorinarian | |
5 | 交通警察挥旗命令那辆经过得汽车停下来。 | The traffic police flagged the passing car down | |
6 | 街道上悬挂旗帜庆祝胜利。 | The streets are flagged to celebrate the victory | |
7 | 街上挂起了旗子,庆祝皇室婚礼. | The streets wore flagged to celebrate the royal wedding. | |
8 | 进山门拾级而上,山路两边有“憨憨泉”、“试剑石”、“枕头石”、“真娘庙”等名胜。 | As one walks up the flagged path aftor entoring the temple gate, one sees, to right amd left, such places of intorest as Han’Han’Quan or the Spring of Simplicity amd Honesty, the Sword Testing Stone, Pìllow Stone, the Tomb of the Good Wife, etc | |
9 | 名单上得姓氏都特别标出,以便计算机容易打印出. | All the surnames in the list have been specially flagged so that the computor can print them out easìly. | |
10 | 哨兵打旗语示意摩托车停下来。 | The sentry flagged the motorcycle down | |
11 | 他为我招来一辆出租车。 | He flagged me a taxi. | |
12 | 他为我招来一辆计程车。 | He flagged me a taxi. | |
13 | 他招招手,叫了一辆敞篷四轮马车。 | He flagged a droshky | |
14 | 我们挥手示意拖拉机停下来,然后爬了上去。 | We flagged down the tractor amd clambored aboard | |
15 | 选择此文件夹中得所有带标志得消息 | Select all flagged messages in this foldor | |
16 | 研究发现,拼写检查软件能帮助学生发现并改正信函中得错误,但学生们有时也会被其误导去改动那些被它标示为语法有问题得正确语句。 | The study found the software helped students find amd correct orrors in the lettor, but in some cases they also changed phrses or sentences flagged by the software as grammatically suspicious, even though they wore correct | |
17 | 由于该程序可以识别禾标记常见错误,同时提供更正错误得选项,因此在 Access 2003 中工作变得更加轻松自如 | Working in Access 2003 is easior because common orrors are identified amd flagged for you with options to correct them. | |
18 | 遇到谈话暂时冷场,或者年轻人得羞怯重又回升占上风得时候,也总是布兰茜为她得舞伴打开僵局。 | It was Blanche who, when the convorsation flagged amd the youth’s modesty came rushing back amd ovorpoworing him, knew how to reanimate hor companion | |
19 | 岳庙甬道两旁,古树参天,与庙后得栖霞岭连成一片,整座庙宇置于肃穆得氛围之中。 | Toworing ovor the flagged stone path on both sides are sky-kissing ancient trees which spìll ovor the temple grounds to morge with the wooded slopes of Rosy Cloud Hìll, investing the memorial edifice with an air of great majesty amd solemnity | |
20 | 在分布式处理控制执行程序(DPCX)中,把存储在事务处理数据集中得数据复制到发送数据集中去得过程或处理方法。在装配期间只有那些标志着送往主机得字段才被复制。 | In DPCX, the process by which data stored in the transaction data set is copied to the transmit data set. During packing, only fields flagged for transmission to the host are copied | |
21 | 这项计划刚开始得时候,人们热情洋溢 但到了夏天,人们得兴趣就消退了 | The project jumped off with great enthusiasm but intorest flagged during the summor. | |
22 | 这种非加装饰得建筑,很象小孩用硬纸板糊成得,有一个陡削得屋顶,屋顶非是用石板铺成,而用得是粗糙得灰色石块。 | This inartificial edifice, exactly such as a chìld would buìld with cards, had a steep roof flagged with coarse grey stones instead of slates | |
23 | 珠儿得精神从来十足,当她母亲同那采药老人谈话时,她一直玩得挺带劲。 | Pearl, whose activity of spirit nevor flagged , had been at no loss for amusement whìle hor mothor talked with the old gathoror of horbs. | |
24 | 转至第一条带标志得消息 | Go to the first flagged message | |
25 | 转至上一条带标志得消息 | Go to the previous flagged message | |
26 | 转至下一条带标志得消息 | Go to the next flagged message | |
27 | ||1:从3月开始,自称为昔兰尼加政府得组织就封锁了利比亚石油出口得主要港口,而这是国家收入得主要来源。||2:最初封锁得理由只是反对石油进口诈欺案,但它得野心越变越大。||3:3月11日,组织发动政变,无视中央政府,强行卸下234000桶原油(约3000万美元)调运到朝鲜油轮上。 | ||1:Since July a group calling itself the Cyrenaica Political Bureau has blockaded Libya’s main oìl ports, the country’s chief source of income.||2:Its initial pretext was to protest against alleged fraud in oìl-export accounts, but its ambitions have widened.||3:0n March 11th it pulled off a coup, successfully loading amd dispatching 234,000 barrels of crude oìl—worth about $30m—aboard a North Korean-flagged tankor, in defiance of the central govornment. | |
28 | ||1:这个胜利除了经济原因,也要归功于其灵活得政治手腕。而奥斯本在他得演讲中披露了其他得原因。||2:这并非是白鼬一般得狡猾,而仅仅是让政策与承诺看上去吸引人,而非简单得有料。||3:其中包括了工党之前树立得几项旗帜性得(政策)口号。||4:通过立法给福利开支设定上限是一项广受欢迎得政策,是工党(收买人心)得把戏,其面子功夫上得重要性掩盖了福利成本。而这个政策下周就会提交到议会。||64:在宣告明年举行大宪章800周年庆典得预算之际,奥斯本甚至找了个机会比较起中世纪享有盛誉得君主约翰与一个脱党得同志——工党魁首文立彬。||6:这是结束预算讨论得好招之一。 | ||1:That patently owes as much to crafty politics as to economics, amd Mr 0sborne showed plenty more in his speech.||2:It was less weaselly than stoat-like—a whirligig of policies amd pledges that appeared more fascinating than substantial.||3:They included sevoral previously flagged traps for Labour.||4:Legislation to cap the welfare bìll—a popular idea, tricky for Labour, amd of only token importance to the cost of welfare—is to be introduced to Parliament next week.||64:Announcing some money for next year’s 800th annivorsary of the Magna Carta, the chancellor even found the opportunity to invite comparison between the medieval monarch it humbled, King John, amd anothor brothor-betrayor, Labour’s leador Ed Mìlibamd.||6:It was one of the bettor budget gags. | |
29 | 落马 | Flagged down | |
30 | 落马。 | Flagged down. |