属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-辉瑞制药有限公司 自尝苦果
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-解密达芬奇密码 Deciphering the da
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-自食其药 制药巨头被迫解决行贿指控
1 | 皱眉头常常表示不赞许。 | A frown is often an intimation of disapproval. | |
2 | 皱眉头通常表示不赞许. | A frown is often an intimation of disapproval. | |
3 | 皱起眉头使某人感到沮丧 | Freeze sb. with a frown | |
4 | 珠儿依旧用她的食指指点着;眉间渐渐皱起;由于这姿态表情来自一个满脸稚气、甚至象婴儿般面孔的孩子,就给人印象尤深。 | Pearl still pointed with her forefinger; and a frown gathered on her brow; the more impressive from the childish, the almost baby-like aspect of the features that conveyed it. | |
5 | ||1:然而局部注射肉毒素还能带来好处。||2:它能抚平额头和其他部位的皱纹,这些皱纹恰恰是因为肌肉被过度刺激引起的。||3:它使得那些上了年纪的名流们毫无尴尬的出现在街头杂志的封面。||4:它更为严肃的用途是治疗各种生理紊乱,包括从头痛到肌肉痉挛。||5:然而,它仅仅能在那些表面具有SYT蛋白的细胞中起作用,这正是查普曼博士的切入点。 | ||1:Inject the toxin locally, though, and you can do some good.||2:It wipes away frown lines and other wrinkles, which are caused by overstimulated muscles, thus allowing ageing celebs to appear on the covers of gossip magazines without embarrassment.||3:More seriously, it is used to treat disorders ranging from headaches to muscle spasms.||4:It only works, however, in cells that have synaptotagmin on their surfaces.||5:Which is where Dr Chapman comes in. | |
6 | ||1:在美国,制药公司给医生"回扣"鼓励他们开处方时使用该公司生产的药物曾是很常见的事。||2:现在相关管理部门开始禁止这样不规范的销售技巧,因此一些制药公司也或多或少不再使用这种技巧。||3:8月7日,美国大型制药公司辉瑞就海外贿赂行为与美国司法部达成了和解。此事正好表明新兴市场的情况与美国的有所不同。 | ||1:IN AMERICA, it was once common for drug firms to offer doctors "perks" to encourage them to prescribe their pills.||2:Regulators now frown on such iffy sales techniques, and drug firms have more or less stopped using them.||3:But in emerging markets, it is a different story, as a settlement on August 7th between America’s Department of Justice and Pfizer, a big American drug firm, made clear. | |
7 | ||1:在这一时期,绘制在墙上的画作《最后的晚餐》已经遗失了,这幅作品损坏严重,只能用一张大照片和一幅近现代仿品代替(尽管这幅仿品远远比不上真作)。||2:达芬奇在一本笔记本里用倾斜的镜像书写描绘了晚餐中的客人。||3:他带着一个小说家对细节的兴趣。细致入微地观察谁耸了一下肩膀,谁的手怎么放,谁的脸上有怒容,或者谁皱了眉。 | ||1: The one picture missing from this period is “The Last Supper”, which is painted on a wall. This work, which is badly damaged, is represented here by a large photograph and a near-contemporary (though far inferior) copy. ||2: In pages from a notebook da Vinci’s slanted “mirror” writing describes the guests at a dinner. ||3: With a novelist’s interest in detail, he carefully observed the shrug of one man’s shoulders, the position of another’s hands, the scowl on one face and the frown on yet one more. | |
8 | 如今,监管者对于这种可疑的销售手段感到不满,因而制药公司不得不或多或少地停止使用这些销售伎俩。 | Regulators now frown on such iffy sales techniques, and drug firms have more or less stopped using them. | |
9 | 它能抚平额头和其他部位的皱纹,这些皱纹恰恰是因为肌肉被过度刺激引起的。 | It wipes away frown lines and other wrinkles, which are caused by overstimulated muscles, | |
10 | “你还得原谅我!”她一遍又一遍地重复着。“你别皱眉好吗?你肯原谅我吗?” | Wilt thou yet forgive me? " she repeated, over and over again. " Wilt thou not frown ? Wilt thou forgive? | |
11 | “哦”,他礼貌地微笑着,然后他的眉宇间闪过一丝忧虑。 | Oh; smiling politely, then a little frown came between his eyes. | |
12 | “皱眉,放松,皱眉,放松,”他一边指导,一边把针剂注射进她的眉毛之间,然后是她前额不易察觉的皱纹周围。 | ’Frown , relax, frown, relax, ’ he instructs, injecting between her eyebrows and then along the imperceptible furrows of her forehead. | |
13 | 半埋了那沧桑的面容,眉头深锁。 | Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown . | |
14 | 不过我们对此是否可以秉持乐观的态度,还取决于价格下降的性质。 | But whether they ought to greeted with a smile or frown depends on the nature of decline. | |
15 | 但即使你错失家庭的快乐基因而遗传了负面情绪的基因,也不等于你就注定会一辈子忧郁。 | But even if you inherited the family frown instead of joy genes, you’re not fated to a life of gloom. | |
16 | 但通常我们是不赞成八卦的。 | But in general, we frown on gossips. | |
17 | 对于中国互联网企业是创新者的说法,大多数西方互联网企业的高管会不以为然。 | Most Western internet executives frown at the notion that Chinese internet companies are innovators. | |
18 | 而且,尽管怀疑论者可能对此次合作不以为然,奥斯拉认为使绿色时尚成为主流的任何努力都有益无害。 | And while sceptics may frown at the collaboration, Orsola argues that anything that gets ethical fashion into the mainstream can only help. | |
19 | 拂晓时在草坪上,打呵欠的溺水者开始皱眉头。 | At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown . | |
20 | 更重要的是,他没有福田和安倍那样紧皱的双眉和下垂的赘肉。 | Above all, he lacks the morose frown and sagging chops of both Mr Fukuda and Mr Abe. | |
21 | 她那绿色的眼睛在她那长长的、红色的、蹙额的眼眉下闪烁着光芒。 | Her green eyes glared, under the frown of her long reddish eyebrows. | |
22 | 她只知道西施蹙额很美,但并不知道,她美的根本。 | She only knew Xi Shi’s frown looked beautiful but she did not know the reason for its beauty. | |
23 | 她皱眉头,纯粹是因为在集中精神而已。 | The frown was pure concentration, nothing more. | |
24 | 尽管Cook也会感到开心,但他默认的表情就是皱眉,他的幽默感也十分有限。 | Though he’s capable of mirth, Cook’s default facial expression is a frown , and his humor is of the dry variety. | |
25 | 理想主义者可能会皱眉,印尼最好的11年的民主能够有结果,完全是现任总统和他的副总统以及他的前任总统之间的竞争。 | Idealists might frown that the best 11 years of democracy could throw up is a contest between the incumbent, his deputy and his predecessor. | |
26 | 男孩看了看那裸露的白白的胳膊,即而将视线转向海湾,眼睛有一种不高兴的神情,接着又转向他的母亲。 | The boy watched that white, naked arm, and turned his eyes, which had a frown behind them, towards the bay and back again to his mother. | |
27 | 批评人士不满得出精神病学解释的研究,他们偏爱将其归咎于病毒的观点。 | Critics frown on the search for a psychiatric explanation, favouring the notion that a virus is to blame. | |
28 | 凭借一举一动,一言一语,一颦一笑之优势,尽现至善至美。 | Relies on the every action and every movement, a word language, superiority of the frown and smile, completely presently is flawless. | |
29 | 亲爱的!我的淘气鬼一切都好吧?告诉小南瓜她要总是愁眉苦脸的话她会长皱纹的。 | Mrs. Evans: Ducky! How’s my dashing boy? Tell pumpkin if she worries too much, she’ll get frown lines. | |
30 | 让我们面对这一个问题:如果你是他的女朋友亦或妻子,你在这样的情况下至少要皱一下眉头。 | Let’s face it, if you are his girlfriend or wife, you would at least frown at the concept. |