属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-生命的终点 The end of the line
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-该死,还不贬值! Weaken, dammit!
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-芭比50年 风韵犹存
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-高管薪酬 好运垂青老板
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-咨询公司 战略举措
1 | 他因我笑他而向我蹙额。 | He frowned at me for laughing at him. | |
2 | 他皱起眉头不让反对者说话。 | He frowned down all his opponents | |
3 | 他皱皱眉头,耸了耸肩膀,表现出一副似乎不得不违背自己意愿的样子。 | He frowned and shrugged as if convinced against his own natural desire | |
4 | 他皱着眉头,眼睛里射出愤怒的光芒。 | He frowned and his eye flashed with anger. | |
5 | 我那时真是聪明过分,总觉他说话不大漂亮,非自己插嘴不可。但他终于讲定了价钱 | I was then such a smart aleck that I frowned upon the way father was haggling and was on the verge of chipping in a few words when the bargain was finally clinched | |
6 | 吴少奶奶觉得妹子的开玩笑太过火了,皱一下眉头,正想说她几句,忽然房门一响,吴荪甫满脸怒容,大踏步进来,劈头第一句就是 | Mrs. Wu frowned at her sister’s hilarity, which she thought excessive, and was just going to rebuke her when the door swung noisily open and Wu Sun-fu stormed unceremoniously into the room | |
7 | 吴少奶奶在张素素襟头抢一方白丝手帕揩去了老太爷嘴,也是苦着脸。 | Young Mrs. Wu pulled a white handkerchief from Chang Su-su’s lapel and wiped the old man’s lips with it. She cast a worried glance at her husband, who frowned | |
8 | 希腊正教会涉足从房地产、工业到银行业的多种行业,是一个颇有权势的机构,此前它就不赞成自杀行为,但并未公开宣布禁止。 | Previously the church, a powerful institution with business interests ranging from real estate to industry and banking, had frowned on suicides but there was not an outright ban | |
9 | 有些教会权力机关不许可赌博. | Gambling is frowned upon by some church authorities. | |
10 | 这一绝无仅有的例外说明,社会对她的罪孽始终是深恶痛绝的。 | The exception indicated the ever relentless vigour with which society frowned upon her sin. | |
11 | 中国大陆在1949年中华人民共和国成立之后,更把编制家谱视为封建社会的不良产物。 | Mainland China, since the establishment of the People’s Republic in 1949, has frowned upon the compilation of genealogy as a legacy of its feudal past. | |
12 | 主席让人难以觉察地皱了皱眉头。 | The president frowned imperceptibly. ’ | |
13 | 专家们对此计划表示不赞同。 | Experts frowned on the scheme | |
14 | ||1:巴里岛的火葬仪式是最为奢华隆重的。||2:他们要花费几个星期的时间搭建复杂精致的柴堆(通常搭成圣牛的形状),然后在热闹的公众仪式中火化躺在灵柩中的逝者。||3:哭泣是不允许的,因为人们相信这样可能会阻碍逝者的灵魂抵达天堂。||4:相反地,伊朗的什叶派穆斯林则会尽情表达自己的悲痛。||5:他们每年举行公众仪式纪念公元680年殉难的穆罕穆德的孙子——伊玛目?侯赛因,仪式中他们痛哭流涕。 | ||1:The Balinese have the most extravagant funeral rites.||2:They spend weeks creating elaborate pyres, often in the shape of a sacred bull, and burn their coffin-sheathed dead in joyous public ceremonies.||3:Crying is frowned upon, as they believe this may hinder the spirit from reaching heaven.||4:Conversely, the Shia Muslims in Iran embrace grief.||5:They hold an annual ceremony of public weeping and wailing to commemorate the martyrdom in 680AD of Imam Husayn, grandson of Muhammad. | |
15 | ||1:日本央行和财政部都未公开讨论过货币问题。||2:日本央行当然明白公开操纵汇率这种“以邻为壑”会招致他国不满。||3:尽管如此,鉴于日元购买力对公司和个人的经济决策的影响,央行还是重视日元汇率的。||4:就算汇率不影响日本国民(他们已经习惯了紧缩),也会影响外国投资者的通胀预期。而且从政治层面来看,它也是块烫手的山芋。||5:现在,那些位高权重的政客们正向央行施压,要求它采取更多的手段使日元贬值以此刺激国内经济。||6: 他们援引数据表明,日本央行的资产购买计划(asset-purchase programme)远不及其他主要国家央行。 ||7:而日本央行担心,某些政党提出的改革方案可能有损其独立性。 | ||1: Neither institution discusses the currency openly. ||2: The BoJ knows that overt currency manipulation is frowned upon as a “beggar-thy-neighbour” policy. ||3: But it nonetheless believes the yen’s value is important, because it has an impact on the economic decisions people and companies make. ||4: It may influence inflation expectations (of foreign investors, if not deflation-inured domestic ones); and it is a hot potato politically. ||5: Influential politicians are pressing the central bank to do more to stoke the economy by pushing down the yen. ||6: They brandish figures showing how the BoJ’s asset-purchase programme has undershot that of other big central banks (see chart). ||7: Some political parties are proposing reforms that the BoJ fears would curb its independence. | |
16 | 1959年3月9日,从诞生之日起就一边作为时尚宠儿被5岁儿童争夺而饱受争议,一边受到女权主义者的不满。 | FROWNED upon by feminists but fought over by five-year-olds, Barbie has been a victim of controversy as much as fashion ever since her birth, 50 years ago this month. | |
17 | 为提前退休的老板补足养老基金现在也行不通了。 | Topping up the pension fund for a boss who leaves earlier than expected is now frowned on too. | |
18 | 这桩联姻的风险大得多。相当一部分博斯的客户立马就会犹疑,因为普华永道审计他们,在很多国家替审计客户作战略咨询是明令禁止的,即使合法也是令人不悦的。 | A significant number of Booz’s clients would immediately be in doubt because PwC audits them—strategy consulting for audit clients is banned in many countries, and even where it is legal it is frowned upon. | |
19 | (虽然在其它北欧国家中,少数派政府很常见,但在芬兰还很罕见,仅是不得已而为之)。 | Minority governments, although common in other Nordic countries, are frowned on in Finland and would only be considered as a last resort. | |
20 | Taylor先生看着威廉姆,皱着眉头,“你的耳朵怎么啦?” | Mr. Taylor frowned at William. "Is something wrong with your ears? " | |
21 | 表达自我情感和随心所欲地享受生活也不再不被认同 | and expressing the entire range of human emotions and enjoying the pleasure of the senses were no longer frowned on | |
22 | 大师从不赞同那些看起来轰动的事情。 | The Master always frowned on anything that seemed sensational. | |
23 | 弹力衣和紧身牛仔服同样被禁止。 | Spandex and "extremely tight fitting" jeans or pants also are frowned upon. | |
24 | 当他走进拉马特的第一流旅馆时,他皱了皱眉。 | He frowned as he turned into Ramat’s leading hotel. | |
25 | 对电视台中出现的香港式的用语,如NBA、GDP这样只有英文的缩写,而没有相应的中文表达的词句,广电总局对此也大为不满。 | Hong Kong accents are also frowned on, as are the use of English acronyms which have no Chinese equivalent, such as NBA and GDP. | |
26 | 对于部长座车等毫无节制的开支亦皱眉表示不满,新政府似乎要打击贪污。 | Lavish spending on such things as ministerial cars is being frowned on. The new government seems to be tackling corruption. | |
27 | 鼓励婚姻和生育,反对私生子女以及妇女工作。 | It encouraged marriage and children, and frowned on illegitimacy and women at work. | |
28 | 汉斯莱皱起眉头:“这么说你们没有任何证据来证实这种荒谬的说法,对不对?” | Hensley frowned . "Then you don’t have any proof to back up these absurd assertions, do you? " | |
29 | 基恩医生皱了皱眉。 | Doctor Keene frowned . | |
30 | 柯瑟琳皱了皱眉,“可我是在萨凡纳被袭击的。” | Catherine frowned . "But I was attacked in Savannah. " |