属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 38405-14-1988
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 4022-2-1981
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-DIN 4022-3-1982
属类:行业标准名称-国际标准-ASTM D 5903-1996
1 | GMS数值建模方法研究综述 | A Review of Approaches on Groundwater Modeling with GMS | |
2 | 并行模拟技术在苏锡常地区地下水流模型建立中的应用 | Use of Parallel Simulation Technique in Formulating Groundwater Flow Model in Suxichang Area | |
3 | 不同潜水埋深污水灌溉氮素运移试验研究 | Effect of Sewage Irrigation on Nitrogen of Soil and Groundwater in Different Groundwater Depth | |
4 | 成岩作用中的地下水碳酸体系与方解石溶解度 | Carbonic Acid System of Groundwater and the Solubility of Calcite during Diagenesis | |
5 | 城市周边地下水系统脆弱性评价-以栾城县为例 | The Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment of the District Around City-Taking Luancheng County as an Example | |
6 | 单个的石柱从不单独出现,而只作为一系列相互穿插的部分在岩石的横截面上呈现出之字裂痕。多数地质学家认为它们是次生的,也就是说,它们是因不同的化学过程(如透过固化岩石的裂缝地下水环流)而产生的。 | The individual columns never appear singly but occur as a succession of interpenetrations that in cross section make a zigzag suture across the face of the stone. Most geologists believe that they are of secondary origin; that is, they result from differential chemical solution as groundwater circulates along a parting in hardened rock. | |
7 | 德国对水.废水和污泥的统一检验法.阴离子(D组)饮用水中氰化物的测定.轻度污染的地下水和地面水 | German standard methods for the examination of water, waste water and sludge; anions (group D); determination of cyanides in drinking water, and in groundwater and surface water with low pollution levels (D 14) | |
8 | 地表水和地下水相互作用及集成模型研究 | Advances in the Interactions and Integrated Model between Surface Water and Groundwater | |
9 | 地基和地下水.土壤和岩石的名称和说明.岩石钻孔的地层目录 | Subsoil and groundwater ; Designation and description of soil types and rock; Stratigraphic representation for borings in rock | |
10 | 地基和地下水.土壤和岩石的名称和说明.用于钻探的地层目录.带有地下(疏松岩层)的岩芯取样 | Subsoil and groundwater ; Designation and description of soil types and rock; Borehole log for boring in soil (loose rock)by continuous extraction of cores | |
11 | 地球物理找水方法概述 | Sammarization of Geophysical Prospecting Techniques for Groundwater Prospecting | |
12 | 地下水非达西渗流的数值模拟研究 | Study on Numerical Simulation of Non-Darcy Seepage for Groundwater | |
13 | 地下水环境风险评价指标体系的探讨与应用 | Investigation on the Index System of Groundwater Environment Risk and Its Application | |
14 | 地下水矿化度与视电阻率关系模型的建立 | Establishment of Groundwater Mineralization and Apparent Resistivity Relationship Model | |
15 | 地下水流系统特征-以白垩系地下水盆地为例 | Characters of Groundwater Flow System-Taking Cretaceous Groundwater Basin as Example | |
16 | 地下水取样结果的制备和规划标准指南 | Standard Guide for Planning and Preparing for a Groundwater Sampling Event | |
17 | 地下水人工补给 | artificial recharge of groundwater | |
18 | 地下水溶质运移数值模拟弥散问题再探 | The Research Again on the Dispersion Problem of Numerical Simulation in Groundwater Solute Transport | |
19 | 地下水污染修复技术综合评价 | Comprehensive Evaluation of Groundwater Remediation Technologies | |
20 | 地下水易污染性评价的集对分析方法研究 | Research on Set Pair Analysis Approach for Evaluating Groundwater Vulnerability | |
21 | 地下水在引发边坡病害中的作用 | The Effect of the Groundwater on Slope Instability | |
22 | 地下水重新注入含水层。 | Groundwater recharges in aquifers | |
23 | 第二十六条 开采矿藏或者兴建地下工程,因疏干排水导致地下水水位下降、枯竭或者地面塌陷,对其他单位或者个人的生活和生产造成损失的,采矿单位或者 建设单位应当采取补救措施,赔偿损失。 | Article 26. Where mining or the construction of underground projects, because of water drainage, results in a lowering of the groundwater level, the depletion of groundwater or the subsidence of the ground and causes losses to the livelihood and production of units or individuals, the mining unit or the construction unit shall take remedial measures and compensate for the losses. | |
24 | 第二十五条 开采地下水必须在水资源调查评价的基础上,实行统一规划,加强监督管理。在地下水已经超采的地区,应当严格控制开采,并采取措施,保护地下水资源,防止地面沉降。 | Article 25. The drawing of groundwater must be carried out by a unified plan based on the findings of a survey and assessment of water resources, and the supervision and management of the drawing must be strengthened. In areas where too much groundwater has been drawn, a strict control shall be imposed on the drawing and effective measures taken to protect the groundwater resources and to prevent the subsidence of the ground. | |
25 | 第二条 本法所称水资源,是指地表水和地下水。在中华人民共和国领域内开发、利用、保护、管理水资源,防治水害,必须遵守本法。 | Article 2. The " water resources " referred to in this Law includes surface water and groundwater . This Law must be observed in the development, utilization, protection and management of water resources and in the prevention and control of water disasters within the territory of the PRC . | |
26 | 对城市中直接从地下取水的单位,征收水资源费;其他直接从地下或者江河、湖泊取水的,可以由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府决定征收水资源费。 | Any unit which directly draws groundwater in an urban area shall be charged a water resources fee. The collection of such fees from other units or individuals drawing water directly from subterranean streams, rivers or lakes shall be decided by the people’s governments of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government. | |
27 | 对于大多数处理场地来说,最严重的危害是,有毒化学药品将会渗透到地下水,并污染公共用水。 | For many sites the most serious risk is that toxic chemicals will enter groundwater and contaminate public drinking supplies | |
28 | 鄂尔多斯盆地白垩系含水层系统分析 | The Groundwater System Analysis of Cretaceous System of Ordos Basin | |
29 | 鄂尔多斯盆地地下水中氚的演化及其年龄 | The Age and Origin of Groundwater in the Ordos Basin | |
30 | 该理论认为,来自凝灰岩的地下水淋蚀铀。 | The concept holds that uranium is leached by groundwater from tuffeceous rocks |