属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-工会的力量 The power in the unio
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-烹饪学徒 生活与烹饪的独特关系
属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-比较中美家长对孩子教育方式差异
1 | ||1:“他踏在......”是《共和国战歌》里的一段,后接着“搁愤怒葡萄的地方”。||2:因此,弗兰克·巴达克的史书的标题有意应和了约翰·斯登贝克那部讲述俄克拉荷马失地佃农被迫横穿美国到加州谋生的无产阶级经典小说。 | ||1: “He is trampling out the vintage” is part of a line from “The Battle Hymn of the Republic”. It continues “where the grapes of wrath are stored”. ||2: Thus the title of Frank Bardacke’s history deliberately echoes John Steinbeck’s novel, a proletarian classic which tells the story of tenant farmers driven off their fields in Oklahoma and forced to cross the country to seek work in California. | |
2 | ||1:1944年他和葛布列·艾尔瑞杰斯坦一起被委托为一首新的国歌作词,以取代当时作为国歌的“国际歌”。||2:这首国际工人运动的激昂战歌—自由斗士们对压迫发出雷鸣般的怒吼,饥寒交迫的人们起来结束伪善的时代――被认为不再适合当时苏联的需要。 | ||1: In 1944 he was commissioned, along with Gabriel El-Registan, a Soviet Armenian poet, to write the words for a new national anthem to replace the “Internationale”. ||2: The rousing hymn of the international workers’ movement—freedom thundering against oppression, starvelings rising to end the age of cant—was felt not to fit the needs of the contemporary Soviet Union. | |
3 | ||1:Pollen致力于扭转这样的趋势,他的书写的就是为什么人们应该自己烹饪。||2:他坚信,烹饪联系了人类和其他被食用的生物。||3:不赞成这一观点就意味着不认为健康美味的食物从菜单上取消会带来深远的影响。||4:通常,工业生产的食物会选用高糖高盐高脂肪而非高品质的食材,这就导致肥胖人数增加。 | ||1:Mr Pollan is keen for this trend to be reversed and his book is a hymn to why people should be enticed back into the kitchen.||2:Cooking, he believes, creates bonds between humans and the web of living creatures that sustain and nourish them.||3:Turning away from this means that foods that are tasty and healthy (as bread once was) are being taken off the menu with far-reaching consequences.||4:Industrially produced food almost always trades in quality ingredients for higher amounts of sugar, salt and fat—with a corresponding rise in levels of obesity. | |
4 | ||1:大问题是美国应该走多远。||2:毋庸置疑,美国保护主义者想将半导体供应链转移至美国。||3:祝其好运。||4:芯片业是全球化的颂歌。||5:一家美国公司有16000家供应商,其中一半以上在国外。||6:而对于很多公司而言,中国是一个很大的市场。||7:高通三分之二的销售额来自中国。||8:试图将这个产业一分为二将会伤害美国的供应商和消费者。||9:这会是一种直截了当的敌对行为,将会使不公平竞争和真正的竞争界限模糊。 | ||1:The hard question is over the lengths to which America should go.||2:Protectionists in the White House would doubtless like to move the semiconductor supply chain to America.||3:Good luck with that.||4:The industry is a hymn to globalisation.||5:One American firm has 16,000 suppliers, over half of them abroad.||6:China is a huge market for many firms.||7:Qualcomm makes two-thirds of its sales there.||8:Trying to cleave the industry into two would hurt producers and consumers in America.||9:And it would be a bluntly antagonistic act, which would make no distinction between unfair and genuine competition. | |
5 | 蔡美儿(Amy Chua )撰写的新书《虎妈战歌》引发了一场关于在教育孩子上的文化差异的辩论。蔡女士是耶鲁大学法学院的一名教授,同时也是2个孩子的妈妈。她在美国中西部的一个中国移民家庭长大。 | A new book called "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" by Amy Chua has caused a debate about cultural differences in parenting. Ms. Chua is a professor at the Yale Law School in New Haven, Connecticut, and the mother of two daughters. She was raised in the American Midwest by immigrant Chinese parents. | |
6 | (会众合唱赞美诗结束了那场宗教仪式)。 | The hymn sungby the congregation concluded the religious ceremony | |
7 | 本报曾在本月早些时候第一时间发表了蔡美儿新书--《虎妈的凯歌》的节选。 | Chua excoriates in her book "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, " first excerpted in The Wall Street Journal earlier this month. | |
8 | 参议员和国会议员联手同唱两党齐心协力的美德赞歌,不管是共和党人,还是民主党人,概莫能外。 | Senators and congressmen, Republican and Democrat alike, join in the hymn to the virtues of bipartisan effort. | |
9 | 当牧师以祷告结束了他的悼词,一首赞美诗唱响了,抬棺人在棺材架边各就各位。 | When the minister had finished his eulogy with prayer a hymn was sung and the pall-bearers took their places beside the bier. | |
10 | 当艺术爱好者从这件作品中取出欧元时,就会发现自己置身于突然迸发的犹如赞美诗般的和弦之中。 | When art lovers withdraw euros from the work, they find themselves engulfed by booming hymn -like chords. | |
11 | 祷告之后,年轻的人们伴随着唱诗班用希腊语唱的基督教圣歌分发了橄榄枝。 | After the prayer, young men and women distributed olive branches while a choir sang a hymn in Greek. | |
12 | 的新书《虎妈战歌》 | The Battle Hymn of a Tiger Mother | |
13 | 福音书之一讲述他们唱着圣歌离开的场景。 | One of the Gospels says they sang a hymn and they went out. | |
14 | 根据调查结果,那些念叨着“口径一致、同声同气”的管理人员将会发现自己是在唱独角戏。 | Managers who spoke of "singing from the same hymn sheet" could find themselves singing solo, the survey said. | |
15 | 更糟糕的是,“敬拜”常被误用来形容某一种格调的音乐。 | Even worse, "worship" is often misused to refer to a particular style of music: "First we sang a hymn , then a praise and worship song. " | |
16 | 护理阿姨们唱了一首无限哀伤的救赎圣歌,我和维图尔弗都不由泪流满面。 | The caregivers sang a particularly mournful hymn about redemption that made both Vertulfo and me cry. | |
17 | 活动家,作家和诗人朱莉娅和她的成名作内战著名歌曲“共和国战歌”。 | An activist, writer and poet Julia shot to fame with her famous Civil War song, "Battle Hymn of the Republic" . | |
18 | 每一描述自然规律的公式都是一首对上帝的赞美诗。 | Every formula which expresses a law of nature is a hymn of praise to God. - Maria Mitchell. | |
19 | 孟相依,一个七岁小孩的母亲如是说。在很多方面孟女士像Amy《虎妈战歌》里面描述的中国父母一样。 | In many respects Mrs Meng resembles the Chinese parents described in Amy Chua’s book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. | |
20 | 面对中国虎妈蔡爱眉的那本《虎妈的战歌》,在过去一周里,反响是铺天盖地。 | and the tiger at Yale. Amy Chua’s "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" has brought widespread reaction this past week. | |
21 | 如果“虎妈高唱战歌”只是这些内容的话,它就不会成为一本畅销书。 | If this were the entirety of "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, " this book would not be destined for major best sellerdom. | |
22 | 诗人奥登在赞美诗中说得好:我们将聚集,主耶稣降临。 | The poet W. H. Auden, paraphrased in a hymn , put it so well: Gathered into what we are, Christ our Lord descended. | |
23 | 他们在逾越节筵席结束时吟唱着同一首赞美诗已有上千年之久。 | They sang the same hymn at the end of every Passover meal and they’ve done it for thousands of years. | |
24 | 我们是不是像AmyChua在她畅销回忆录《虎妈的战斗赞美诗》中写的那样,过于温和的养育子女呢? | Were we, as Amy Chua said in her best-selling memoir, "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, " raising children who were "soft" and "entitled? " | |
25 | 因此《虎妈高唱战歌》是一部作者不断苛求、哄骗、责骂和尖叫的“编年史”。 | So "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" chronicles its author’s constant demanding, wheedling, scolding and screaming. | |
26 | 在逾越节筵席结束时,他们唱起了赞美诗。 | At the end of a Passover meal, they sang a hymn . | |
27 | 在与“世界三大男高音”签订的协议中,有这样一个要求,他们必须演唱赞美诗《我心灵得安宁》(Itiswellwithmysoul)。 | Written into the contract with the "Three Tenors" was a requirement that they sing the hymn "It is well with my soul" . | |
28 | 赞美诗的最后一个音符消逝不闻后,未亡人冲到棺材边,扑到上面歇斯底里地呜咽。 | As the last notes of the hymn died away the widow ran to the coffin, cast herself upon it and sobbed hysterically. | |
29 | 战国末期“歌”的政治情结 | The Political Complex of "Hymn " in the Warring States Period | |
30 | 这里很静,从远处我能听到教授坟墓那边咏唱的圣歌。 | It was absolutely still, and from a distance I could hear the hymn being sung at the professor`s grave. |