1 | 静电辅助器:在照相凹版式印刷机上用静电辅助油墨转移的一项装置。它减少网点漏印,特别是光部的细点,从而提高品质。 | Electrostatic assist: A device using electrostatic force to assist ink transfer on gravure presses.It improves the quality of gravure printing by reducing dot skips or speckles especially inhighlight areas. | |
2 | 酒存放得越久越醇 | Wine improves with age | |
3 | 酒越陈越好。 | Wine improves with age. | |
4 | 壳牌GTL燃料是一种同质合成燃料,基本不含硫份和芳香烃,具有较高的十六烷值,从而可提高燃料的燃烧性能。 | Shell GTL Fuel is a homogenous synthetic fuel with virtually no sulphur and aromatics, and a high cetane level which improves fuel combustibility. | |
5 | 壳牌现已成为美国最大的燃料零售商,随着今后业务环境的改进,将处于良好的受益地位。 | Shell is now the largest fuel retailer in the US and is well placed to benefit as the business environment improves . | |
6 | 可实现与背板交互操作的增强电压、支持图像监视及命令排队(可改善NAS和RAID系统的多用户应用的性能)的规划支持技术。 | increased voltage to interoperate with backplanes, technology that facilitates visual monitoring and planned support for command queuing that improves performance in multi-user applications for NAS and RAID systems. | |
7 | 沥青、柏油乳胶或者稳定油在防水层中稳定土壤颗粒,这样,阻止了水的渗透,确保基层土的稳定性,从而提高其承重能力。 | Bitumen or tar emulsion or stabilizing oil surrounds collections of soil particles in a waterproof film. This prevents the soil from becoming soft, through the infiltration of water, and so improves its capacity to bear weight. | |
8 | 另一方面,又有力地推动了全球性的和国家地域性的产权交易规则及法律制度的建立及完善。 | On the other hand, it strongly improves the foundation and perfection of the national or international trade assets systems/regulations. | |
9 | 伦理与法律并无矛盾,它要改进法律。 | Ethics does not contradict the law, but improves it. | |
10 | 美酒陈年味更醇. | Fine wine improves with age. | |
11 | 棉花价格上涨。 | The price of cotton improves . | |
12 | 磨床可以提高工件的精度与表面的光洁度。 | The grinding machine raises the precision of the workpiece and improves its surface finish | |
13 | 年代越久远酒味越醇。 | The wine improves with age. | |
14 | 农药,农用化学品用来增加作物产量的化学品,如激素、杀菌剂、杀虫剂 | A chemical,such as a hormone,a fungicide,or an insecticide,that improves the production of crops. | |
15 | 偶氮甲酰胺是一种令人很感兴趣的面粉改良剂。它不仅仅改善了含有微弱面筋含量的面粉的面团特性,而且降低了面团混合过程中的能量输入。但其反应的细节还不甚清楚。 | Azodicarbonamide is of interest as a flour improver, since it improves not only the dough properties of weak gluten flour, but also lowers the energy input in dough mixing. Details of the reactions involved are unknown. | |
16 | 偶联剂的作用是设想能改善层压板中纤维表面与树脂基体的粘结。 | The coupling agent presumably improves the bond between the glass surface and the resin matrix in a laminate | |
17 | 去除令人讨厌的气味,改善驾驶员的工作环境。 | Removes unpleasant odours and improves the driver′s working environment | |
18 | 人民解放军适应现代战争特点,以提高高技术条件下防卫作战能力为主要目标,不断加强和改进军事训练。 | The PLA strives to adapt itself to the characteristics of modern warfare, takes enhancement of the capability of defensive operations under high-tech conditions as the main objective, and continuously strengthens and improves military training | |
19 | 认为吃胡萝卜可以改善视力的海外奇谈,多年前已祛除殆尽. | The myth that eating carrots improves your eyesight was exploded years ago. | |
20 | 日落后望远镜中显像的质量缓慢地改善,只是到子夜前一、二小时才再度变坏。 | After the sunset the quality of the image in the telescope improves slowly only to deteriorate again one to two hours before midnight | |
21 | 如果切削刀具的刃口和刀面耐磨,刀具就不易磨损。切削刀具的硬度越高,耐磨性就越好。 | A cutting tool is wear-resistant if it resists abrasion at the cutting edge and along the tool face. Wear resistance improves as cutting tool hardness increases. | |
22 | 赛车手知道这一特点意味着什么:它会优化操控,改善安全性并加强M5后轮驱动的动力。 | Sports car drivers know what this feature delivers: it optimizes handling, improves safety and enhances the thrust provided by the M5′s rear wheel drive. | |
23 | 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可. | The firm will go under unless business improves . | |
24 | 实行进口限制时,收支平衡状况无疑得到改善,但当进口包含生产出口产品原材料时,应明智地不要限制这类进口。 | When imports are restricted, the balance of payments position no doubt improves : but when imports consist of raw materials for the manufacture of export goods, it may be wise not to restrict such imports. | |
25 | 食物中加盐可以提味. | Adding salt to food improves the flavour. | |
26 | 使用这种方法还可以增进土壤团聚体的形成,促进微生物在土壤中的活动及水分的渗透和贮存。 | The method also improves soil-aggregate formation, microbial activity in the soil, and water infiltration and storage. | |
27 | 世界经济和资本市场的回升改善了国际经济环境,为中国经济改革提供了良好条件。 | The recovery of the world economy and capital markets improves the international environment for China’s economic restructuring | |
28 | 随着经济改革的深入发展,随着经济结构的改善以及市场的成熟,我们应减少指令性计划,增加指导性计划,以便让市场发挥更多的作用 | As the economic reform deepens, the economic structure improves and the market matures, we should reduce the items covered by mandatory plans and expand those covered by guidance plans, giving more reign to market forces | |
29 | 他不认为固定的法规和法律可以有效地改善一个社会,而认为我们应该改善我们在做某件事情时的精神状态,把思考的重点放在尊重上。 | He does not think that fixing regulations and laws adequately improves a society. Instead, we must improve the mentality in which an action is performed, focusing our minds on respect. | |
30 | 他利用空闲时间学习。 | He improves his leisure by studying |