1 | 将象牙嵌入木材中 | Inlay ivory into wood | |
2 | 科特迪瓦共和国. | the Republic of Ivory Coast (the Ivory Coast Republic) | |
3 | 刻在墙壁、甲骨和长毛象的牙齿上的点、线和符号,长久以来使得史学家迷惑不解。 | Historians have long been puzzled by dots,lines and symbols which have been engraved on walls,bones,and the ivory tusks of mammoths. | |
4 | 每个字像鞭子打了下,要鞭出她丈夫的胆气来,她还嫌不够狠,顺手抓起桌上一个象牙梳子尽力扔他。 | Each word struck like a lash meant to whip up her husband’s courage.Then as though feeling this weren’t enough, she grabbed an ivory comb from the table and hurled it at him with all her strength | |
5 | 那天晚上,他从卧室的凉台上凝望着城中的屋顶--那就象嵌上黑玉、象牙和黄金的蜂窝。 | That night, from the balcony of his bedroom, he gazed down on the roof of the town--as if inlaid with honeycomb of jet, ivory , and gold | |
6 | 你的颈项如象牙台。你的眼目像希实本,巴特拉并门旁的水池。你的鼻子仿佛朝大马色的利巴嫩塔。 | Your neck is as a tower of ivory ; your eyes like the waters in Heshbon, by the doorway of Bath-rabbim; your nose is as the tower on Lebanon looking over Damascus: | |
7 | 你的衣服,都有没药沉香肉桂的香气。象牙宫中有丝弦乐器的声音,使你欢喜。 | Your robes are full of the smell of all sorts of perfumes and spices; music from the king’s ivory houses has made you glad. | |
8 | 你们躺卧在象牙床上,舒身在榻上,吃群中的羊羔,棚里的牛犊。 | Who are resting on beds of ivory , stretched out on soft seats, feasting on lambs from the flock and young oxen from the cattle-house; | |
9 | 墙是乳白色的。 | The wall is ivory . | |
10 | 乳白色的皮肤(面庞). | an ivory skin (complexion) | |
11 | 虽然我的话全都很激烈,但却无法给那光润嫩白的脸颊上添加一点儿血色,也无法使那对痴呆呆的眼睛露出一丝一毫的神态。 | All my hot words could not bring one tinge of color to those ivory cheeks or one gleam of emotion to those abstracted eyes. | |
12 | 孙小姐长圆脸,旧象牙色的颧颊上微有雀斑,两眼分得太开,使他常常带着惊异的表情 | She had a long face "with slightly freckled checks, which resembled the color of aged ivory .Her eyes were too wide set, giving her a perpetual look of astonishment | |
13 | 他带着很重的马赛口音开口说道,露出满口白得如象牙一样的牙齿笑着。 | said he, with a broad marseillaise accent, and a grin that displayed his ivory -white teeth | |
14 | 他的两手好像金管,镶嵌水苍玉。他的身体如同雕刻的象牙,周围镶嵌蓝宝石。 | His hands are as rings of gold ornamented with beryl-stones; his body is as a smooth plate of ivory covered with sapphires. | |
15 | 他的指甲象白色的琴键一样。 | His nails resemble the ivory keys of the spinet | |
16 | 他瘦削的身躯裹在一件象牙色的阿富汗大衣中 | His lean body was engulfed in an ivory white afghan coat. | |
17 | 它是我哥从前住在德国多瑙河发源地附近的多德林根城时买的,我在餐桌上用的那把象牙柄的小刀也是在那地方同时买的。 | My brother bought it while he was in Germany, at Tottlingen, near the sources of the danube, as well as the little ivory -handled knife which I use at table | |
18 | 它是用象牙雕成的。 | It is carved from ivory | |
19 | 搪瓷废粉在钛奶黄瓷釉中的应用 | Use of Scrap Glaze for Titania Ivory Enamel Glaze | |
20 | 通过木嵌、象牙嵌、螺钿嵌及百宝嵌,镶嵌出不同的图案,如山水、花卉、草虫,或加上银、铜装饰物 | There may, however, also be wood, ivory and diamond inlays in the design of landscapes, flowers and birds or small bronze and silver ornamentation. | |
21 | 王用象牙制造一个宝座,用精金包裹。 | Then the king made a great ivory seat, plated with the best gold. | |
22 | 王用象牙制造一个大宝座,用精金包裹。 | Then the king made a great ivory seat, plated with the best gold. | |
23 | 文学的人学之路-由近代文学的发展看当代文学的出路 | Walking Out of the Ivory Tower-Finding the Way of Contemporary Literature from the Development of Modern Literature | |
24 | 我要拆毁过冬和过夏的房屋,象牙的房屋也必毁灭,高大的房屋都归无有。这是耶和华说的。 | and I will send destruction on the winter house with the summer house; the ivory houses will be falling down and the great houses will come to an end, says the Lord. | |
25 | 希利雅德则为伊丽莎白一世当了三十多年的细密肖像画师。17~18世纪在法国流行用瓷漆在金属上作画。意大利的卡列拉采用象牙板作为透明颜料的发光面(1700?),大大刺激了这一画法在18世纪后期的复兴。 | Nicholas Hilliard served as miniature painter to Elizabeth I for more than 30 years. In the 17th-18th centuries, painting in enamel on metal became popular in France. In Italy Rosalba Carriera introduced the use of ivory (c. 1700)as a luminous surface for transparent pigments, stimulating a great revival of the medium in the late 18th century. | |
26 | 细密画:小型、精描细绘的画,通常为肖像画,用水彩画在羊皮纸、扑克牌、铜版或象牙板上,能拿在手里或作为珠宝佩戴。 | miniature painting :Small, detailed painting, usually a portrait, executed in watercolour on vellum (parchment), prepared card, copper, or ivory that can be held in the hand or worn as a piece of jewelry. | |
27 | 镶金象牙. | ivory inlaid with gold | |
28 | 镶嵌装饰一种精致的龟壳、象牙和金属镶嵌物,常用来装饰家具 | An elaborate inlay of tortoiseshell,ivory ,and metal,used especially in decorating furniture. | |
29 | 镶在象牙里的金子. | gold inlaid into (in) ivory | |
30 | 响板:一对由象牙或硬木制成的有轻微凹形的板子组成的一种节奏乐器,通过一段连在拇指上并和其余手指结合的线绳握在手掌中。通常用作复数。 | castanet:a rhythm instrument consisting of a pair of slightly concave shells of ivory or hardwood, held in the palm of the hand by a connecting cord over the thumb and clapped together with the fingers. Often used in the plural. |