属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-公司政治献金 拨云见日
1 | 他有时想用俏皮话使课堂活跃。 | He tries to lighten his lectures with an occasional witticism. | |
2 | 同样,他们会协助和鼓励一切其它可行的措施,来减轻爱好和平的人民在军备上的沉重负担。 | They will likewise aid and encourage all other practicable measures, which will lighten for peace-loving peoples the crushing burden of armaments. | |
3 | 投弃物当船遇难时为了减轻船重而抛至船外的货物或设备 | Cargo or equipment thrown overboard to lighten a ship in distress. | |
4 | 为了确保农民在增产之后增加收入,各级政府必须坚决采取措施,制止乱摊派,以切实减轻农民的负担 | In order to ensure that peasants increase their production and income, governments at all levels should adopt firm measures to stop arbitrary imposition of production quotas on them so as to truly lighten their burden | |
5 | 我得承认,在考虑这些问题时,并未想到火药会被雷电一下子炸毁的危险;因此雷电交加之际,忽然想到这个危险,着实使我惊恐万状。这件事我前面已叙述过了。 | I confess I had not entertain’d any notion of my ammunition being destroy’d at one blast, I mean my powder being blown up by lightning, and this made the thoughts of it so surprising to me when it lighten ’d and thunder’d, as I observ’d just now. | |
6 | 我接过汤姆的一些包裹,以减轻他的负载。 | I took some of the parcels from Tom to lighten his load | |
7 | 我们的自给经济愈发展,我们加在人民身上的赋税就可以愈减轻。 | The greater our self-supporting economic activities, the more we shall be able to lighten the people’s tax burdens | |
8 | 我要是把土豆拿出来,篮子就轻了。 | It will lighten the basket if I take out the potatoes. | |
9 | 现在是时候了,应当重新唤醒这个工业巨人,使政府能够重新量入为出和减轻我们的惩罚性的赋税重担了。 | It is time to reawaken this industrial giant, to get government back within its means and to lighten our punitive tax burden | |
10 | 杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。 | Where willows harmonize the wind And green hills lighten the cares of the world. | |
11 | 要素可微妙地使整体变轻、变活泼或改变的因素、影响力或制剂 | An element,influence,or agent that works subtly to lighten ,enliven,or modify a whole. | |
12 | 业已采取措施减轻医院医生的负担。 | Measures have been taken to lighten the load of the hospital doctors. | |
13 | 业已采取措施减轻医院医生的工作量。 | Measures have been taken to lighten the load of the hospital doctor. | |
14 | 再点几盏灯,这屋子就不会这么暗了。 | More lamps will lighten the gloomy room | |
15 | 再多一些灯会使昏暗的屋子变亮。 | More lamps will lighten the gloomy room | |
16 | 再述上海高层建筑减轻自重的问题 | Reconsideration of Thd Problem to Lighten the Own Weights of High-Rise Building in Shanghai | |
17 | 这间黑暗的房里甚至连一丝光都没有. | There was not even a chink of light to lighten the darkness of the room. | |
18 | 只有在提高经济效益的前提下保持快速的经济增长,我们才能缓解企业生产经营困难,减轻就业压力,促进经济结构调整… | Only by maintaining rapid economic growth on the basis of better performance, can we mitigate the operating problems plaguing our enterprises, lighten unemployment pressure, promote strategic restructuring of the economy… | |
19 | 中小学学生负担过重的成因及对策 | Young Students’ Overburden: Causes and Measures to Lighten It | |
20 | ||1:日本计划明年四月将消费税从5%提高至8%,到2015年进一步提高到10%。||2:由首相安倍晋三设计的安倍经济计划是一个三步走计划,意在重振日本经济,即将开始施行。增税会对安倍经济计划产生不良影响。||3:前两步是通过日本银行激进的货币宽松政策和强劲的财政刺激,去除消费者通货紧缩的思维定势,激励企业投资。||4:但是到目前为止,只有城市财富和大公司从中获利。另一方面,消费税的增加会立即使人们的财富减少。 | ||1: The plan is to lift the levy from 5% to 8% next April and to 10% in 2015. ||2: That would bite just as Abenomics, a popular three-part plan to reflate the economy, designed by Shinzo Abe, the prime minister, is taking off. ||3: The first two stages, a radical monetary loosening by the Bank of Japan (BoJ) and a generous fiscal stimulus, were aimed at jolting consumers out of their deflationary mindset and inspiring firms to invest. ||4: But so far it is mainly the urban wealthy and big firms that are benefiting. A consumption-tax increase, on the other hand, would immediately lighten all pockets. | |
21 | 公司政治献金拨云见日 | Corporate political donations Lighten our darkness | |
22 | 商业 公司政治献金 拨云见日 | Business Corporate political donations Lighten our darkness | |
23 | 照亮黑暗 | Lighten the darkness | |
24 | 照亮黑暗。 | Lighten the darkness. | |
25 | 1995年的凌辱少女事件激起了强烈的示威游行,也引起了各种减轻该岛重担的提议。 | In 1995 the rape of a teenage girl set off vigorous demonstrations and led to various proposals to lighten the island’s burden. | |
26 | NXP刚刚公布了财务重组,以减轻其近60亿美元的债务负担。 | NXP has just announced a financial restructuring to lighten its debt burden of nearly $6 billion. | |
27 | THL当时就开始和各银行股东商谈怎样减轻公司债务负担,再次把公司推上了出售的境地。 | THL began talking to the banks and bondholders about how to lighten Simmons’s debt load, and put the company up for sale. | |
28 | 报道说,在(伊拉克)这个毫无乐趣的城市,发短信成了当地年轻人用来调节生活的流行时尚。 | In a city bereft of entertainment, text messaging are all the rage for young Iraqis trying to lighten their lives. | |
29 | 暴风雨后天空开始放晴。 | The sky began to lighten after the storm. | |
30 | 本发明可以提高数据管理时的数据传输效率,减轻网络负载。 | The invention can improve the data transmission efficiency during data management and lighten network loads. |