属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-资不抵债 愈发艰难
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-川普当选总统 国际经济出现的乱象(下)
属类:自然科学-Technology Report 科技报道-印尼人使用智能手机上网
1 | MiniGUI-Threads与MiniGUI-Lite下多串口通信的设计与实现 | Multi-serial Port Communication Based on MiniGUI-Threads and MiniGUI-Lite | |
2 | 轻音乐,表面闪闪发光而实质绵软(琼斯妈妈) | lite music,shimmering on the surface and squishy soft at the core (Mother Jones) | |
3 | 轻音乐,表面闪闪发光而实质绵软(琼斯妈妈) | lite music,shimmering on the surface and squishy soft at the core(Mother Jones) | |
4 | 柔白每日隔离防晒露SPF15(隔离UVA,UVB,清新水质配方) | UV Expert SPF 15 Sunscreen, Daily UVA/UVB Protection Water-Lite Fluide | |
5 | 石板薄板之塑料复合射出成型技术的开发与研究 | The Study and Development of Ultra-Lite Stone Panels Bonding with Plastic Sheets by Injection Molding Technology | |
6 | 新一代设计师擘画数位愿景2002年"光宝创新奖"闪亮曝光! | 2002 Lite -On Award Shines with Brilliant Works of Young Design | |
7 | 野生动物保护区. | a reserve for the preservation of wild lite | |
8 | ||1:2000年之后破产率上升,其原因之一在于,申请债务重组变得更容易了。债务重组允许债务人在一段时间内将债务归还。||2:之后,2009年,英国政府为债务上限为1.5万英镑的人建立了债务减轻命令(DRO)—有时也称“快捷破产”。||3:近几年破产率上升,可能还有另一些原因,其中包括:买不起首套房的人越来越多,他们花钱挥霍无度;还有学生债务的增长, R3的安德鲁·塔特称学生债务使债务的意义变得正常化。 | ||1:One reason for the rise in insolvencies after 2000 was that it became easier to file for an Individual Voluntary Arrangement, which allows debtors to pay money back over a period of time.||2:Then, in 2009, the government created the Debt Relief Order—sometimes called “bankruptcy lite ”—for people with a maximum debt of 15,000.||3:Other possible explanations for the rise over the years include a spendthrift attitude among the growing number of people unable to get on the housing ladder and the growth of student loans, which have normalised the idea of debt, suggests Andrew Tate of R3. | |
9 | ||1:当国家病例很少时,跟踪每一个病例、追踪并隔离接触者是能做到的。||2:但是当疾病在社区传播时,这些举措就发挥不了多少作用了。||3:政府需要为疏远社交距离的时刻做准备,这可能包括取消公共活动、关闭学校、错峰工作等等。||4:鉴于这些不确定性,各国政府将不得不选择他们希望采取的严厉措施。||5:各国政府应以科学为指导。||6:国际旅行禁令看起来起决定性作用,但能提供的保护有限,因为人们想出行总有办法。||7:禁止出行还表明,人们认为问题是“他们”感染了“我们”,而不是限制了“我们”之间的感染。||8:同样地,如果这种疾病像在意大利和韩国那样广泛传播,类似武汉的隔离也不能提供足够的保护,而且成本高昂。 | ||1:When countries have few cases, they can follow each one, tracing contacts and isolating them.||2:But when the disease is spreading in the community, that becomes futile.||3:Governments need to prepare for the moment when they will switch to social distancing, which may include cancelling public events, closing schools, staggering work hours and so on.||4:Given the uncertainties, governments will have to choose how draconian they want to be.||5:They should be guided by science.||6:International travel bans look decisive, but they offer little protection because people find ways to move.||7:They also signal that the problem is “them” infecting “us”, rather than limiting infections among “us”.||8:Likewise, if the disease has spread widely, as in Italy and South Korea, “Wuhan-lite ” quarantines of whole towns offer scant protection at a high cost. | |
10 | 同时,即便他在开启贸易战上做出退让,他在选战期间养成的口无遮拦、罔顾事实的风格也可能在他总统任上造成严重的破坏。 | And even if he refrains from starting a trade war, the loose-tongued, fact-lite style he cultivated during the campaign could wreak serious damage when he is president. | |
11 | 这种手机被称为功能电话,或精简版智能手机。这是因为它很便宜,也不像iPhone这类高级手机一样能执行更多操作。 | It is known as a feature phone or smartphone lite . That is because it is cheaper and cannot perform as many actions as more advanced phones like the Apple iPhone. | |
12 | “低门槛(covenant-lite)”债券和贷款市场已经失灵。 | The market for "covenant-lite " bonds and loans has seized up. | |
13 | “机甲演员”有三个版本:精简版、标准版与豪华版。 | The RoboThespian comes in three variations, the Lite , Standard and Deluxe versions. | |
14 | OWLLite可以为那些主要需要一种分类层次和简单约束特性的用户提供很好的支持。 | OWL Lite supports those users primarily needing a classification hierarchy and simple constraint features. | |
15 | TastiD-Lite成立于1987年,是在纽约拥有60家商店的连锁店,创始人在二月份把它卖给了私人股本公司。 | And Tasti D-Lite , a New York chain of 60 stores launched in 1987, was sold by its founders to a private equity firm in February. | |
16 | XMPPLite机器人通过XMPP(一种即时通信协议)发送wave的更改提示。 | The XMPP Lite bot sends you notifications of a wave’s changes via XMPP (an instant messenger protocol). | |
17 | 比如在印度,农民可以和路透社市场简报(ReutersMarketLite)——一个在印度部分地区提供服务的基于短信的服务——签订合约。 | In India, for example, farmers can sign up for Reuters Market Lite , a text-based service that is available in parts of India. | |
18 | 但是信贷周期必将发生转折,一旦这天来到,缺乏条款保障的投资者可能欲哭无泪。 | But the credit cycle will turn eventually. When it does, investors, unprotected by covenants, may be left feeling wallet-lite . | |
19 | 费用:精简版(可存储200条信息)免费;完整版(无限制)4.99美元 | Cost: Free for the Lite version (stores up to 200 records); $4. | |
20 | 费用:精简版免费,完全版4.99美元 | Cost: free for the Lite version or $4. 99 | |
21 | 愤怒的小鸟精简版,内容有限制但免费,已经被下载超过11百万次。 | The more limited free version, Angry Birds lite has been downloaded 11 million times. | |
22 | 该软件的精简版是完全免费的。 | The lite version of the tool is completely free of cost. | |
23 | 改简化版网站提供了一个“更加快捷的Facebook”。 | The lite version offers users a "faster, simpler version of Facebook. " | |
24 | 关于人身保险利益若干问题研究 | Research on problems of lite insurance interests | |
25 | 尽管有瑕疵,但这样的“精简版重组”或是当前政治上唯一能被接受的路线。 | Despite its flaws, this "restructuring lite " path may be the only one that is politically acceptable for now. | |
26 | 晶型稳定剂对高硅贝利特硫铝酸盐水泥强度的影响 | Influence of Crystal Stabilization on the Strength of high B-lite Sulphate-aluminate Cement | |
27 | 考虑到诸多因素,这在关岛基本上是无法实行的,但我们还是设法少用汽车。 | It’s almost impossible to do on Guam, for many reasons, though we did manage to go car-lite while we were there. | |
28 | 另外,还添加了一个状态栏,用于显示用户使用Lite模式时的有用消息(见图5)。 | A status bar has also been added to display helpful messages when users work in Lite mode (see figure 5). | |
29 | 曼德尔森表示:“我尤其反对这样一种观点:即总体而言,其结果将是多哈谈判缩水(Dohalite)。” | "I emphatically reject the view that, overall, this outcome would be Doha lite , " Mr Mandelson said. | |
30 | 目前已有3座高楼项目在策划中,其中一座名为“小首尔”的高楼已经破土动工了。 | Three of these tower projects are currently planned for Seoul, with one, "Seoul Lite , " already under construction. |