属类:文学表达-童话-Maid Maleen
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-谁吃了恐龙 What Ate Dinosaurs?
1 | (使某物)翻转,倾覆 | (cause sth to)turn or fall over | |
2 | [美] 争夺; 竞争; 争先恐后; 你争我夺 | fall over each other | |
3 | [美] 争夺; 竞争; 争先恐后; 你争我夺 | fall over one another | |
4 | 别翘椅子,不然你就摔倒了! | Don’t tilt your chair or you’ll fall over ! | |
5 | 别太往前倾,这样你有可能要跌跤。 | Don’t bend too far forward, you might fall over | |
6 | 船的摇晃使他跌倒了. | The sway of the ship made him fall over . | |
7 | 从悬崖上掉下去 | To fall over the cliff | |
8 | 翻倒. | fall over | |
9 | 两条辫子垂在她的肩上。 | Two plaits fall over her shoulders. | |
10 | 人摔得最疼的一跤,是为自己吓唬自己所绊倒。 | The hardest tumble a man can make is to fall over his own bluff | |
11 | 如果它们正在运动时突然被地上的裂缝阻挡的话,移动工作台会摔倒 | Portable banks may fall over when being moved if they are stopped suddenly by an objector crack in the floor. | |
12 | 小心别跌在栏杆上。 | Be careful not to fall over the railing. | |
13 | 夜晚来临时,新郎领着新娘进了新房;可新娘的头上蒙着块纱巾,不让新郎发现这场骗局。 | When the night came, and the bride was to be led into the prince’s apartment, she let her veil fall over her face, that he might not observe the deception. | |
14 | 在她差点跌倒时,一股幽香让她停下脚步。 | When she just about fall over ,a waft of fragrance makes her stop. | |
15 | ||1:经济衰退还要多久?尽管不好的情况发生的可能性比较大,英国央行货币政策委员会公布的数据:产出量本季度和明年一季度会与之前持平。||2:英国的预测也放大了欧元区危机爆发的危机程度。||3:不是因为无法预测他,而是没有可行的方法来测算其影响。||4:对于欧元区的担心也加重了对于其自身经济的担忧。 | ||1:How far might the economy fall.||2:The central case of the Bank of England’s monetary-policy committee is that output will be broadly flat in the current quarter and in the first half of 2012, though it thinks a worse outcome is more likely than a better one.||3:Its forecast excludes the possibility of a big euro-zone blow-up, not because this is improbable but because there is “no meaningful way” to calculate its impact.||4:Fear that the euro zone will disintegrate will itself weigh on the economy. | |
16 | ||1:投资者此前给蚂蚁金服的预期市盈率为40倍,与大型全球支付公司相仿。||2:相比之下,多数中国银行的市盈率不到10倍。||3:此前,蚂蚁金服的市值有望突破3000亿美元,高于世界上任何一家银行。||4:现在,它很有可能离这个目标渐行渐远。||5:拥有蚂蚁三分之一股份的中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴,在暂缓上市的消息公布后股价下跌了8%。 | ||1:Investors had previously given Ant a forward price-to-earnings multiple of 40, in line with big global payments companies.||2:Most Chinese banks, in contrast, trade on multiples of less than ten.||3:Ant had been on track for a Market capitalisation north of $300bn, higher than any bank in the world.||4:Now it is likely to fall well short of that.||5:Shares in Alibaba, a Chinese e-commerce giant that owns a third of Ant, tumbled by 8% after the suspension of the listing was announced. | |
17 | ||1:新世纪之初,美国企业在应对经济衰退时反应迟钝,并为此付出了代价。||2:它们吸取了教训,更快地适应了2008年的经济大萧条,且劳动生产率也没有如往常随经济衰退而下降。||3:这不只是一次性实现的“棒球击球率”效应(即平均分因得分最低的选手被淘汰而提升)。||4:专家们认为这是一种依靠压榨产业工人在短时期内维持的经济增长模式。||5:然而恰恰相反,这种增长是靠全力提升劳动生产率实现的。 | ||1:American firms were slow to react to the downturn at the beginning of the century, and paid the price.||2:They learned their lesson.||3:When the economy slumped in 2008, they were much quicker to adjust.||4:There was little of the fall in labour productivity that normally accompanies a recession, and this was not just a one-off “batting average” effect (in which average productivity rises because the worst performers are fired).||5:Rather, it was a productivity boost that has continued in defiance of expert predictions that workers can only be squeezed so hard for a short while. | |
18 | ||1:一些多哈回合的怀疑人士称,自多哈回合开始以来,世界经济已经发展了。服务业的贸易变得重要得多,许多国家已经自行降低关税,这使谈判变得基本上无关紧要了。||2:但是报告的撰写者提供了一些令人信服的证据来推翻这种观点。||3:在谈判中已经提出来的意见将使新的贸易额每年增加3600亿美元。||4:它们将使所支付的关税大大减少。比如,进入美国的制造业商品所需的关税总额将减少近50%。 | ||1: Some Doha doubters argue that the world economy has moved on since the round began—trade in services has become far more important, and many countries have already cut tariffs on their own—making the talks largely irrelevant. ||2: But the authors provide some convincing evidence against this view. ||3: The proposals already on the table would add $360 billion in new trade each year. ||4: They would lead to a substantial reduction in the tariffs paid. For example, the total amount of tariffs paid on manufactured goods imported into America could fall by almost 50%. | |
19 | ||1:这样的巨鳄能在这样的生态系统中轻松担当顶级掠食者的角色。||2:但这并不能完全解释兽脚亚目食肉恐龙的缺位。||3:现代迁徙类食草动物成为众多食肉动物的牺牲品:大型猫科动物、狼、鬣狗,就拿这三样来说。||4:然而,比起在干燥陆地上进化的掠食者,恐龙公路所处的湿地环境(形成并使恐龙足迹得以保存的原因)也许更受鳄鱼目动物欢迎。||5:在那样一种环境下,即便是一头巨大的兽脚亚目食肉恐龙也会不时回头张望。||6:它们为何没有在恐龙公路上留下足迹呢?真正的原因或许是它们同样亡于其它掠食者。 | ||1:Such megacrocs, then, could easily have acted as top predators in this ecosystem.||2:But that does not completely explain the absence of theropod tracks.||3:Modern migrating herbivores fall victim to many sorts of carnivore: big cats, wolves and hyenas, to name but three.||4:The marshy conditions of the dinosaur freeway (the reason its footprints formed, and have survived) may, though, have favoured crocodilians over predators that had evolved on drier land.||5:In that sort of environment even a big theropod would constantly have been looking over its shoulder.||6:Perhaps the real reason why they did not plant their footprints on the dinosaur freeway is that they might have ended up as prey, as well. | |
20 | “到这儿来!”彼得又喊道。“你那样会摔下去的,爷爷可是叮嘱过我不能让你摔下山崖。” | "Come along here! " called Peter again. "You are not to fall over the rocks, your grandfather gave orders that you were not to do so. " | |
21 | 不是的,随时都有人摔倒,而且这并不是一个特别重大的事件。 | No. People fall over all the time and it is not a particularly big deal. | |
22 | 此外,我们或多或少知道,在过去的09年外国央行对美国国债的需求将下降。 | Moreover, we more or less know that foreign central bank demand for Treasuries will fall over the course of 2009. | |
23 | 但是不要让她从岩石上掉下来,都听明白了吗? | but take care she does not fall over any of the rocks, do you hear? | |
24 | 股票在接下来的几个星期里继续下跌,并且在1929年11月12日跌倒了底盘。 | Stocks continued to fall over subsequent weeks, finally bottoming out on November 13, 1929. | |
25 | 荷兰一间废弃的教堂。停用的管风琴上落满了鸽子的羽毛。 | An abandoned church in the Netherlands, where pigeon feathers fall over the now unused organ. | |
26 | 杰克在大雪中艰难地行走。然后他开始踉跄地摔起跟头来。 | Jack pushed on through the snow. Then he began to fall over his own feet. | |
27 | 尽管有一些网络谣言,但火鸡还至于因为胸脯太重,遇风就倒。 | Despite some Internet rumors, turkeys aren’t so breast-heavy that they fall over in a stiff wind. | |
28 | 近几十年来,人们对玛雅文化及其过去2000年的兴衰史有了新的认识。 | Recent decades have brought new understanding of the Maya culture and its rise and fall over 2, 000 years. | |
29 | 经过近期牛市之后,黄金价格在2天内出现30年内最大跌幅。 | The price of gold saw its biggest fall over two days for three decades, as investors beat a sharp retreat from the recent bull market. | |
30 | 每年的春天和秋天,超过300种鸟类迁徙路过迪拜。 | Every year, in spring and fall, over 300 bird species migrate through Dubai. |