属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-不是不讲理 Uncommonly unreasonab
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-酒醉以酒解 A Hair of The Dog
1 | [各脚]顶举型钻油台 | individual leg jack-up (or barge type)drilling rig | |
2 | 1)升降式塔(钻油台)2)导升装置 | jack-up rig (or jack-up) | |
3 | ALGOR FEAS软件在塔式起重机结构动态分析中的应用 | The Application of ALGOR FEAS Software on Jack up Tower Crane Structure Dynamic Analysis | |
4 | 把你的短裤拉上! | Jack up your shorts! | |
5 | 冰激动载荷下自升式平台桩腿结构的安全评估 | Safety Assessment on Leg of jack-up Platforms under ice-induced Dynamic Loads | |
6 | 大殿整体顶升技术 | The Integrally Jack-Up Technique for a Main Hall | |
7 | 底壳连脚式顶举驳船型钻油台 | legs joined by lower hull jack-up barge type drilling rig | |
8 | 顶举驳船型钻油台 | jack-up barge type drilling rig | |
9 | 工人经常用起重机架起汽车换轮胎。 | Workers often jack up a car to change a tyre. | |
10 | 加强服役人员的纪律性 | Jack up discipline among the servicemen | |
11 | 你不该提高价格。 | You mustn’t jack up prices. | |
12 | 你们所有的人都必须增强纪律性。 | All of you must jack up discipline | |
13 | 如果轮胎已经没气了,不要在汽车负载时给轮胎充气。在充气前,通常应该用千斤顶顶起汽车,使内胎能够均匀地沿着轮胎的每一处扩充起来。 | If a tire has been deflated, never inflate it while the car weight is on the tire. Always jack up the car before inflating the tire so that the tube can distribute itself around the tire evenly. | |
14 | 如果你买这所房子,就会增加开支。 | You’ll jack up the expenditure if you buy this house | |
15 | 沈垫型自升式平台拖航状态强度分析 | Strength Analysis of the Mat Supported Jack-Up Platform in Transit Condition | |
16 | 他们可能会抬高石油价格。 | Maybe they are going to jack up the price of oil. | |
17 | 我决定辞掉我的工作,因为我不喜欢它。 | I decided to jack up my job, because I don’t like it | |
18 | 我们应加强服役人员的纪律性。 | We should jack up discipline among the servicemen | |
19 | 用千斤顶把汽车抬起,把跑气的轮胎换掉。 | Jack up the car and change the wheel with the punctured tire | |
20 | 用千斤顶直把轮子顶得离开地面. | Jack up that wheel until it clear s the ground. | |
21 | 在准备换轮子之前,你得用千斤顶把车顶起来。 | You need to jack up the car before you try to remove the wheel. | |
22 | 自升式平台冰激动力响应分析 | Analysis of Ice-induced Dynamic Response of Jack-up Platform | |
23 | 自升式平台地基承载力、抗倾稳性及桩腿插深分析 | Analysis of Stability against Overturning and Foundation Bear Force for Jack-Up Rig | |
24 | 自升式平台深水化改造的新模式及其可行性分析 | Exploration of New Reconstruction Mode of Jack up Platform for Using at Deeper Water | |
25 | ||1:布罗德先生的文章开门见山,直击主题。文章正文共165页,12页的附录中列举了他的“事业亮点”,文章并不华丽,平淡地讲述了他的生活教训,但这些都只是他传达自我的冰山一角。||2:杰克·韦尔奇在他的《杰克·韦尔奇自传》(2001)中洋洋洒洒写了几百页,同样理查德·布兰森不遗余力事无巨细地讲述了他《轻松玩商业》的故事,但布罗德的书却简洁明了,正如他在日常生活中喜欢一切从简那样。||3:(正如他在“如何在满负荷工作中睡够8小时”这一章中说明的:“不论是聚会、博物馆还是会议,我在一个地方从不会停留3小时以上。”) | ||1: Mr Broad’s straight-to-the-point narrative—165 pages of text with a 12-page appendix of his “career highlights” and just the minimum colour necessary to illustrate the important lessons that life has taught him—is part of what he is trying to convey about himself. ||2: Where, say, Jack Welch spews out hundreds of pages in “Jack: Straight From the Gut” (2001) and Richard Branson spares no detail as he explains how he has spent his life trying to “Screw Business As Usual” (2011), Mr Broad has delivered a book that is as brief as he likes to keep everything else in life ||3: (“I never stay anywhere—parties, museums, meetings—longer than three hours,” he explains in a chapter entitled “How to Work 24/7 and Still Get 8 Hours of Sleep”). | |
26 | ||1:她决心组建一个能胜任各种高难度曲目并且音律和谐统一的乐团。||2:为此,她不仅要有技术上的辨别能力,还得性格足够强大并且乐于倾听。||3:报名乐手络绎不绝,而师出同一名师的学生通常会结伴报名。||4:南非多出杰出弦乐演奏家,而他们大都师从于现已82岁高龄的Jack de Wet(他也是Bennell的老师);法国横笛大师Sophie Cherrier则令年轻笛手们都争相奔往法国。||5:Richard Watkins--爱乐乐团前首席号角手--时任皇家音乐学院教授,在他的激发下,英国乐手独霸乐团的铜管乐部。||6:最终的选择才是真正称得上国际选才:仅大提琴部就有来自包括巴勒斯坦和南非在内的十个国家的乐手。 | ||1:She was determined to put together an ensemble that was capable of taking on a demanding repertoire and producing a unified sound.||2:For that, she needed not just technical ability, but a steeliness of character and a willingness to listen.||3:Players emerged in clusters, often grouped around an outstanding teacher.||4:South Africa produces excellent string players, many of them taught by 82-year-old Jack de Wet (who taught Ms Bennell), and Sophie Cherrier has made France the country to go to for young flautists.||5:Britain dominates the orchestra’s brass section, inspired by Richard Watkins, the Philharmonia’s former principal hornplayer, who is now a professor at the Royal Academy of Music.||6:The final selection was truly international: the cello section alone has players from ten countries, including Palestine and South Africa. | |
27 | ||1:借债增长停滞三年以后,在俄亥俄州的冷水的人民银行已经公告了一个变化。||2:两年前没有贷款资格的顾客现在获得了贷款资格。||3:两年前每周只需工作35小时的顾客现在每周可以工作45-50小时。||4:“这就是顾客来到银行的原因:他们拥有了更稳定的收入”第七分支银行的行长杰克?黑斯廷斯如是说。||5:由于银行贷款被购买收益仅仅1%-2%的国库债券所替代,所以黑斯廷斯先生热切渴望新的放贷。 | ||1: AFTER three years of stagnant loan growth, The Peoples Bank in Coldwater, Ohio, has noticed a change. ||2: Clients who two years ago would not have qualified for a loan now find that they can. ||3: One customer who was working for only 35 hours a week two years ago is now working 45 to 50 hours. ||4: “That was his reason for coming in: he had steadier income,” says Jack Hartings, president of the seven-branch bank. ||5: Since the bank’s main alternative to lending money is buying Treasury bonds that yield only 1%-2%, Mr Hartings is eager to make new loans. | |
28 | ||1:就在马云旗下的中国金融科技公司“蚂蚁集团”首次公开募股确定发行价后不久,马云情绪高涨。蚂蚁集团发行的股票价值近400亿美元,将成为全球有史以来规模最大的IPO。||2:10月24日在上海的一次峰会上,他指责监管机构过于关注防范金融风险。||3:他说,繁文缛节只会阻碍创新。||4:10天后,他的话再次令他困扰。||5:就在蚂蚁金服在香港和上海上市不到48小时前,中国监管机构迫使蚂蚁金服暂缓上市。 | ||1:Jack Ma was in a triumphant mood shortly after Ant Group, his Chinese fintech firm, priced its initial public offering—set to be the world’s biggest ever, with almost $40bn worth of shares sold.||2:Speaking at a summit in Shanghai on October 24th, he chided regulators for being too focused on preventing financial risks.||3:Red tape, he said, only held up innovation.||4:Ten days later his words came back to haunt him.||5:Less than 48 hours before its stock was to begin trading in Hong Kong and Shanghai, Ant was forced by Chinese regulators to halt the flotation. | |
29 | 书中讲述了三个人的故事:若伊、凯特和杰克——三个狂热的自行车车手,年轻有为,志同道合。故事里有高水准的自行车“极客”。正如题目所暗示的,克里夫甚至刻意让故事游离在奥运会——那终极的竞技场的边缘。但是,此书也绝对不是为了在炎夏给体育迷们提供一份短暂的消遣。 | This is the story of Zoe, Kate and Jack, three obsessive race cyclists who meet as young hopefuls. There is bike geekery and Lycra aplenty. As the title suggests, Mr Cleave even dares to set his story around the Olympics, the ultimate sporting circus. Yet this is no niche book for aficionados looking for a brief summer distraction. | |
30 | “上既是下”。真是一点用处都没有,为什么这些东西从来都不讲清楚? | Jack: "UP IS DOWN" . Well, that’s just maddeningly unhelpful. Why are these things never clear? |