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(1). I think that the current Central Committee is experienced and that it has handled different kinds of problems properly and in an orderly way.
(2). Foreign newspapers and magazines say that I play a role in it.
(3). I offer some advice, but it is the other comrades who do most of the work and perform the hardest tasks.
(4). Take, for example, the ``Decision on Reform of the Economic Structure’’.
(5). When the decision was adopted by the Central Committee the day before yesterday, I made a few remarks.
(6). I said I thought it read like the draft of a textbook on political economy that integrated the fundamental tenets of Marxism with the practice of socialism in China.
(7). That was my assessment of it.
(8). Over the past two days there has been a good deal of reaction to this decision both at home and abroad.
(9). Everyone says it is of historic significance.
(10). It is really a very good document, but I didn’t write or revise a single word of it.
(11). That’s the truth.
(12). So don’t try to exaggerate my role.
(13). That would only raise doubts in people’s minds and lead them to believe that China’s policies will change once Deng is gone.
(14). That’s just what the world community is concerned about.
(15). We should make it clear to the rest of the world that nobody can alter the principles, policies and strategies we have worked out.
(16). Why? Because experience has shown that they are sound and effective.
(17). The people’s standard of living is rising, the country is thriving and China’s international prestige is growing.
(18). These are the most essential facts.
(19). If the current policies were changed, the country and the people would suffer.
(20). So the people, primarily the 800 million peasants, would never agree to their being changed.
(21). If the rural policies were changed, their living standards would immediately decline.
(22). There are still tens of millions of people in the countryside who do not yet have enough food and clothing, although things are much better than before.
(23). Now that most parts of the country have become better off, the state can spare more resources to help the few poor areas develop.
(24). The central authorities have drawn up a plan in this regard.
(25). The problem will not be too difficult to solve, because both the state and the prosperous areas can lend a helping hand.
(26). We know from our own experience that our generation will not change the policies, nor will the next generation or the next few after that.
(27). In my recent talks with foreign guests, I never failed to assure them that our current policies would not change, that they could rely on their continuity.
(28). Still, they were not completely convinced.
(29). This is a serious problem of which I am well aware.
(30). That’s why I have adopted a lighter work schedule.
(31). The advantages are first, that I can enjoy a longer life, and second, that some comrades who are younger can do more work and do it better than I, because they are full of energy.
(32). I hope I can gradually give up work altogether and maintain my good health.
(33). Then I shall have fulfilled my mission.
(34). But at the moment I still have to do some work.
(35). Last year I devoted myself to only one task, a crackdown on crime.
(36). This year I have worked on two projects, opening another 14 coastal cities and resolving the Hong Kong question through the ``one country, two systems’’ approach.
(37). Everything else has been done by other people.
(38). The policy of ``one country, two systems’’ has been adopted out of consideration for China’s realities.
(39). China is faced with the problems of Hong Kong and Taiwan.
(40). There are only two ways to solve them.
(41). One is through negotiation and the other is by force.
(42). To solve a problem by peaceful negotiation requires that the terms be acceptable to all parties.
(43). The solution to the Hong Kong question should be acceptable to China, Britain and the inhabitants of Hong Kong.
(44). What formula will they accept? A socialist transformation of Hong Kong would not be acceptable to all parties.
(45). Therefore, the formula of ``one country, two systems’’ was proposed.
(46). When Mrs. Thatcher came to hold talks with us two years ago, she insisted that according to international law a treaty once signed remains valid and that Britain would continue its administration of Hong Kong after 1997.
(47). I told her that sovereignty was not negotiable and that China would recover the whole of Hong Kong in 1997.
(48). As to the manner of the recovery, we decided to negotiate.
(49). I said the negotiations would take two years, less than that would not do.
(50). But, I said, the question must be solved in not more than two years.
(51). Then China would formally declare its decision to recover Hong Kong in 1997.
(52). It turned out that the negotiations did take two years.
(53). At the very beginning Mrs. Thatcher proposed that the talks should deal only with the question of jurisdiction over Hong Kong.
(54). I said there were three questions to be dealt with.
(55). The first was the question of sovereignty, that is, the two sides had to reach agreement on the return of Hong Kong to China.
(56). The second was how to administer the affairs of Hong Kong after we resumed the exercise of sovereignty in 1997, that is, what system was to be instituted there.
(57). The third was what arrangements to make for the 15-year period of transition, that is, how to create the conditions for China to resume the exercise of sovereignty.
(58). Mrs. Thatcher agreed to discuss these questions.
(59). Of the two years of talks, more than a year was spent on the issue of jurisdiction and sovereignty, but she made no concessions.
(60). I told her then that if anything unexpected happened in Hong Kong during the 15-year period of transition, if there were disturbances.
(61). If the Sino-British talks failed, China would reconsider the timing and manner of its recovery of Hong Kong.
(62). So at that time, China set the keynote for a settlement of the Hong Kong question.
(63). And indeed we have proceeded in accordance with this keynote ever since.
(64). Why were the negotiations on the Hong Kong question a success?
(65). Not because of any special feats on the part of our negotiators but chiefly because of the rapid progress our country has been making in recent years.
(66). It has been thriving and growing powerful and has proved trustworthy.
是个兴旺发达的国家,有力量的国家,而且是个值得信任的国家....(please sign in for more)
(67). We mean what we say and we keep our word.
我们是讲信用的,我们说话是算数的。....(please sign in for more)
(68). Since the fall of the Gang of Four, and especially in the six years since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, highly favourable changes have taken place in China.
粉碎“四人帮”以后,主要是党的十一届三中全会以后,五年多的时间确实发生了非常好的变化。....(please sign in for more)
(69). Its image has improved.
我们国家的形象变了....(please sign in for more)
(70). Our own people have seen this, and so have people in other countries.
国内的人民看清了这一点,国际上也看清了这一点。....(please sign in for more)
(71). We can be proud of that.
我们可以自豪....(please sign in for more)
(72). Of course, there is a difference between pride and conceit.
当然自豪同骄傲是两回事,骄傲不得....(please sign in for more)
(73). We should not be conceited or boastful, because we are still economically backward. But we have good prospects as a nation, as is demonstrated by the resolution of the Hong Kong question.
说大话也不行,毕竟我们还落后。但是,我们确实很有希望,从香港问题的解决就反映出来了。....(please sign in for more)
(74). Of course, that resolution was achieved also because we adopted the fundamentally correct policy or strategy of ``one country, two systems’’.
当然,香港问题能够解决好,还是由于“一国两制”的根本方针或者说战略搞对了....(please sign in for more)
(75). And it was the result of the combined efforts of the Chinese and British governments.
也是中英双方共同努力的结果。....(please sign in for more)
(76). The resolution of the Hong Kong question has a direct bearing on the Taiwan question.
香港问题的解决会直接影响到台湾问题。....(please sign in for more)
(77). It will take a long time to resolve the Taiwan question.
解决台湾问题要花时间....(please sign in for more)
(78). We should not be impatient for quick results.
太急了不行。....(please sign in for more)
(79). It is still our principle to negotiate with those in power in the Kuomintang.
现在我们的方针还是以国民党当政者为谈判的对手。....(please sign in for more)
(80). Some people in Taiwan have reacted to that principle by complaining that we don’t place any importance on the people of Taiwan.
这一点,台湾的人有一种反映,说我们不重视台湾人民。....(please sign in for more)
(81). In the draft of the speech delivered by the Premier at a National Day reception not long ago, the phrase ``the Taiwan authorities’’ was expanded to read ``the Taiwan authorities and people of all walks of life’’.
最近国务院总理在国庆招待会上的讲话中,在“台湾当局”后面加了一句“和各界人士”....(please sign in for more)
(82). It was I who made the change.
这是我加的。....(please sign in for more)
(83). This means that we should reach out to more people in handling the Taiwan question.
就是说,台湾问题接触面要宽....(please sign in for more)
(84). In addition to the Kuomintang authorities and Chiang Ching-kuo, we should contact as many sectors as possible.
除了以国民党当局、以蒋经国为对手外,要广泛开展工作面。....(please sign in for more)
(85). We have done a little of this, but we should go about it in a more systematic way.
我们过去做了一些,现在更要有计划地安排。....(please sign in for more)
(86). We are well aware that the United States policy is to hang onto Taiwan.
在台湾问题上,美国的政策就是把住不放,这个我们看准了。....(please sign in for more)
(87). Over the past two or three years we have repeatedly criticized the hegemonism of the United States, which regards Taiwan as its unsinkable aircraft carrier.
两三年来,我们一直批评美国的霸权主义,批评他把台湾当作他的一艘“永不沉没的航空母舰”。....(please sign in for more)
(88). There are some people in the U.S. who are in favour of the reunification of Taiwan with the mainland, but their view does not prevail.
美国也有一部分人赞成台湾和我们统一,但不占主导地位。....(please sign in for more)
(89). The Carter Administration committed itself to the withdrawal of American troops from Taiwan, but at the same time it adopted the Taiwan Relations Act, which constituted interference in China’s internal affairs.
卡特在位的时候,承诺从台湾撤军,同时又通过了一个《与台湾关系法》,这个《与台湾关系法》就是干涉中国内政。....(please sign in for more)
(90). We therefore need time to work on both the Taiwan authorities and the U.S. government.
所以,一个台湾方面的工作,一个美国方面的工作,都要花时间。....(please sign in for more)
(91). Both of them should be able to accept the ``one country, two systems’’ formula as a solution to the Taiwan question.
用“一国两制”的方式解决台湾问题,美国应该是能够接受的,台湾也应该是能够接受的。....(please sign in for more)
(92). Is it realistic of Chiang Ching-kuo to propose unifying China with the ``Three People’s Principles’’?
蒋经国提出用“三民主义”统一中国,这现实吗....(please sign in for more)
(93). His ``Three People’s Principles’’ were applied in China for 22 years, from 1927 to 1949.
你那个“三民主义”在中国搞了二十二年,一九二七年到一九四九年....(please sign in for more)
(94). What became of China then? When did the Chinese people stand up? In 1949.
中国搞成了什么样子?“中国人站起来了”,是什么时候站起来的?是一九四九年。....(please sign in for more)
(95). It was the Communist Party and socialism, not Chiang Kai-shek, that made it possible for the Chinese people to stand up.
使中国人站起来的,不是蒋介石,而是共产党,是社会主义。....(please sign in for more)
(96). Isn’t ``one country, two systems’’--a formula under which neither side will swallow up the other--a better solution?
“一国两制”的方式,你不吃掉我,我不吃掉你,这不很好吗....(please sign in for more)
(97). Recently a foreigner asked me whether we would adopt a policy for the settlement of the Taiwan question similar to our policy for the resolution of the Hong Kong question.
最近一个外国人问我,解决台湾问题的政策是不是同对香港的一样....(please sign in for more)
(98). I said that in the case of Taiwan our policy would be even more flexible.
我说更宽。....(please sign in for more)
(99). By more flexible I mean that in addition to the policies used to settle the Hong Kong question, we shall allow Taiwan to maintain its own armed forces.
所谓更宽,就是除了解决香港问题的这些政策可以用于台湾以外,还允许台湾保留自己的军队。....(please sign in for more)
(100). While we shall persevere in our efforts to solve the Taiwan question by peaceful means, we have never ruled out the possibility of using non-peaceful means.
我们坚持谋求用和平的方式解决台湾问题,但是始终没有放弃非和平方式的可能性....(please sign in for more)