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(1). The politics of Guantanamo
(2). The idea of providing a home to terror suspects sparks a revealing fuss in Kansas
(3). 1:IF AN “irresponsible” Barack Obama moves terrorists from Guantanamo Bay to a military prison in Kansas, he would be painting a target on every hospital and school in the area.
2:That is the view of the state’s senior senator, Pat Roberts.
3:“Not on my watch,” Mr Roberts assured supporters huddled in a rain-lashed shopping mall in Wichita on October 13th, to much applause and nodding of heads.
4:Mr Roberts, a 78-year-old Republican, promises to halt all Senate business, if need be, to stop the president from emptying the prison camp in Cuba and sending its remaining detainees to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, home to America’s only maximum-security military prison.
2:这是该州参议员帕特 罗伯特持有的观点。
(4). 1:Pedants might object that Leavenworth has not actually been asked to take any detainees—though the Kansas prison was one of several sites considered in 2009, after Mr Obama took office declaring that he would close Guantanamo in a matter of months.
2:No matter. A recent press report—denied, a bit half-heartedly, by the White House—suggested that officials are pondering how the president might use executive powers to close Guantanamo before his term ends, if Congress maintains its current ban on moving detainees to the mainland.
3:Americans have been put in a jumpy mood by grim global headlines, lending a “safety-first” edge to mid-term congressional elections on November 4th.
(5). 1:More to the point, Mr Roberts is facing a tough re-election fight, though Kansas is a solidly conservative prairie state.
2:After 34 years in Congress he finds himself in a tight spot, squeezed between local Tea Party purists (who think he has forgotten his Kansas roots) and old-school moderate Republicans (tempted by an independent candidate, Greg Orman, who says both parties have forgotten how to compromise).
2:34年的国会生涯让罗伯特夹在当地正宗茶党和老派稳健共和党之间左右为难,一边觉得罗伯特忘记了自己在堪萨斯的根,另一边受到独立候选人格雷格 奥曼(Greg Orman)影响,认为两党都忘记了该怎样妥协。
(6). All in all, Mr Roberts has every incentive to talk up fights with the White House. Asked to guess at the president’s motives, he frowns. Mr Obama thinks that closing Guantanamo “will make things better in the Muslim world”, he ventures. Perhaps, he goes on, the president thinks that Islamic State fighters will say: “Oh, that’s wonderful.”
(7). 1:Other Republicans, led by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, have accused the president of being “eager” to bring terrorists into the country, and have pressed Democrats to denounce him (Mr Orman, for his part, calls Mr Obama “absolutely wrong” to want Guantanamo detainees on American soil).
2:Critics are on firm political ground: since 2009 polls have shown two-thirds of Americans opposed to closing Guantanamo and moving detainees to the mainland.
1:以众议院发言人约翰 博纳为首的其他共和党人则纷纷指责,总统对把恐怖分子转移到美国的想法过于“热切”,并督促民主党也对其进行谴责,另一方面,奥曼指出,奥巴马要把关押在关塔那摩的犯人转移回美国国土的念头是“绝对错误”的。
(8). 1:Understandably, Republican leaders want the 2014 election to be a referendum on Mr Obama, and what they see as his weak, naive handling of a world on fire.
2:Ask Kansans why they do not want to receive any of the 149 remaining Guantanamo detainees, and echoes of that complaint come up.
3:“Sure, we have super-max prisons, they wouldn’t escape,” says a retired oil-worker in Wichita, Ken Jarvis.
4:But once in America they would be granted lawyers sympathetic to their cause, he predicts, adding darkly: “There’s probably Muslim attorneys.” Before long, he thinks, dangerous men would be free to walk the streets.
3:威奇塔退休石油工人肯恩 贾维斯表示:“当然,我们有安全级别最高的监狱,他们不会越狱。”
(9). 1:When Leavenworth last thought it might be receiving Guantanamo detainees, five years ago, 95% of locals were opposed, says the mayor, Mark Preisinger.
2:Not because Leavenworth, a sturdy city of red brick and grey stone beside the Missouri river, is prone to hysteria.
3:It has been a prison town since the 19th century.
4:Between the army, the federal government, the state of Kansas and a private corrections corporation, five large prisons brood in and around the city.
5:It is a military town, home to elite staff colleges for high-flying officers from America and abroad.
6:The city high school sends between 20 and 30 students a year into the armed forces.
7:Still, residents feel in “lockstep” that the place to keep the detainees is Guantanamo, says the mayor.
1:Leavenworth市长马克 潘辛格(Mark Preisinger)说,Leavenworth居民上一次考虑要不要接收关塔那摩监狱中的犯人还是五年前,当时,95%的居民都表示反对。
(10). That prison camp—built in an American naval base maintained by treaty on Cuba’s eastern tip—is called a legal limbo, scoffs a local Republican state senator, Steve Fitzgerald. Well, good. “Why shouldn’t they just rot?” he asks, calling many detainees unfit to enter the criminal-justice system and undeserving of the status of prisoners-of-war.
当地一名共和党参议员史蒂夫 菲茨杰拉德嘲笑说,关塔那摩位于美国的海军基地,而该基地又是按照针对古巴东端的条约下设立的,因此它是合法的。他问:“那他们怎么不干脆就烂在里面?”他认为,许多犯人都不符合进入....(please sign in for more)
(11). If we cannot be loved, let us be feared
爹不疼娘不爱,那起码让我们心生恐惧....(please sign in for more)
(12). 1:The evidence is mounting that Mr Obama misread his mandate.
2:In such conservative places as Leavenworth, people are not sure America is war-weary.
3:“The nation hasn’t been at war, it’s been the military,” says Eric Hollister, a retired lieutenant-colonel and veteran of Iraq who instructs cadets at the high school.
4:The past 13 years have hardly been like the second world war, he adds, when America dug Victory Gardens to supplement rations.
3:退役中校、伊拉克战争老兵、现在高中担任教导员的埃里克 ....(please sign in for more)
(13). 1:The country is certainly fed up with calls to fix the world: Democrats and Republicans alike say it is not America’s job to take the lead in solving international problems.
2:But far from thanking Mr Obama for delivering the cautious, diffident foreign policy that such polls would seem to demand, voters are turning on him.
3:The Guantanamo saga helps to explain this puzzle.
4:Americans do not want endless war. But right now, many put feeling safe above the pursuit of peace.
3:而关塔那....(please sign in for more)