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属类: 双语小说 【分类】双语小说 阅读:[2413]
火车是一个封闭的世界。每个包厢都像一个小房间,有门有窗。不过火车行驶时,你不能出去。外面的世界很遥远,你可以不去想你的家庭、工作和朋友。在火车上,你和陌生人坐在一起。你对他们一无所知,但却要和他们在同一个小房间里,在他们旁边坐上几个小时,或许几天。你无法摆脱他们。 随着车轮滚滚向前,这些故事向我们展现了三个不同的人物。一个年轻漂亮的妻子——和她的新婚丈夫穿过英格兰的绿色山丘去度假。一个逍遥自在的年轻人——穿越南斯拉夫的山脉去找工作。一个明达事理的中年人——穿过芬兰的森林湖泊北上,期盼有个安静的旅程。
A train is a closed world. Each carriage is like a small room, with windows and doors, but you can’t get out when the train is moving. The world outside is far away, and you can forget your home, your work, your friends. On a train you sit with strangers. You don’t know anything about them, but you sit next to them for hours, or perhaps days, in the same small room. You can’t get away from them.
As the wheels of the train turn, these stories show us three different people. A beautiful young wife – going on holiday with her new husband, through the green hills of England. A carefree young man – travelling across the mountains of Yugoslavia, looking for work. A sensible middle-aged man – travelling north through the forests and lakes of Finland, hoping for a quiet journey.
Three different journeys, three different people – all locked in the closed world of the train... where anything can happen.
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